90 research outputs found

    Finite-size scaling analysis of the critical behavior of a general epidemic process in 2D

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    AbstractWe investigate the critical behavior of a stochastic lattice model describing a General Epidemic Process. By means of a Monte Carlo procedure, we simulate the model on a regular square lattice and follow the spreading of an epidemic process with immunization. A finite size scaling analysis is employed to determine the critical point as well as some critical exponents. We show that the usual scaling analysis of the order parameter moment ratio does not provide an accurate estimate of the critical point. Precise estimates of the critical quantities are obtained from data of the order parameter variation rate and its fluctuations. Our numerical results corroborate that this model belongs to the dynamic isotropic percolation universality class. We also check the validity of the hyperscaling relation and present data collapse curves which reinforce the accuracy of the estimated critical parameters

    Study of Damage Propagation at the Interface Localization-Delocalization Transition of the Confined Ising Model

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    The propagation of damage in a confined magnetic Ising film, with short range competing magnetic fields (hh) acting at opposite walls, is studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Due to the presence of the fields, the film undergoes a wetting transition at a well defined critical temperature Tw(h)T_w(h). In fact, the competing fields causes the occurrence of an interface between magnetic domains of different orientation. For TTw(h)T T_w(h)) such interface is bounded (unbounded) to the walls, while right at Tw(h)T_w(h) the interface is essentially located at the center of the film. It is found that the spatio-temporal spreading of the damage becomes considerably enhanced by the presence of the interface, which act as a ''catalyst'' of the damage causing an enhancement of the total damaged area. The critical points for damage spreading are evaluated by extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit using a finite-size scaling approach. Furthermore, the wetting transition effectively shifts the location of the damage spreading critical points, as compared with the well known critical temperature of the order-disorder transition characteristic of the Ising model. Such a critical points are found to be placed within the non-wet phase.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures include

    Respiratory functional characteristics of human leptospirosis

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    Introdução: O comprometimento respiratório da leptospirose humana pode ser sua principal manifestação clínica e comumente está associado a maior morbimortalidade. Métodos: Objetivando descrever aspectos funcionais respiratórios nessa doença, foram analisados 21 pacientes com oximetrias de pulso e espirometrias em dois momentos: em avaliação inicial e após cerca de 28 dias. Resultados: Dois (9,5%) doentes tinham saturação periférica de oxigênio menor que 95%. Padrões espirométricos normais foram observados em 8 (38,1%) casos; distúrbios ventilatórios restritivos foram inferidos em 7 (33,3%), obstrutivos com capacidade vital forçada reduzida em 4 (19%), e inespecíficos em 2 (9,5%). Espirometrias anormais se associaram a pior escore APACHE II (p=0,02) e anormalidades na radiografia de tórax (p=0,05). Após resolução clínica, verificou-se ganho funcional significativo (p<0,05) no grupo de pacientes com espirometria alterada. Conclusões: Alterações espirométricas foram detectadas no curso da enfermidade e estiveram associadas a pior gravidade clínica e maior freqüência de anormalidades radiológicas torácicas. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: Introduction: Respiratory impairment may be the main clinical manifestation of human leptospirosis. Methods: With the aim of describing the respiratory functional characteristics of this disease, 21 patients were evaluated using pulse oximetry and spirometry at two times: an initial evaluation and after around 28 days. Results: Two (9.5%) patients presented peripheral oxygen saturation of less than 95%. Normal spirometric patterns were observed in eight (38.1%); cases restrictive ventilatory disorders were inferred in seven (33.3%), obstructive disorders with reduced forced vital capacity in four (19%), and nonspecific disorders in two (9.5%). Abnormal spirometry findings were associated with worse APACHE II scores (p = 0.02) and abnormalities on chest x-ray (p = 0.05). After clinical resolution, significant functional gain was observed (p < 0.05) in the group of patients with abnormal spirometry findings. Conclusions: It was concluded that respiratory functional abnormalities were detected during the course of the disease and were associated with greater clinical severity and higher frequency of chest radiographic abnormalities