227 research outputs found

    Middle Eocene large coccolithaceans: Biostratigraphic implications and paleoclimatic clues

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    A combined light microscope-scanning electron microscope study of exceptionally well-preserved calcareous nannofossil assemblages from clay-rich middle Eocene sediments recovered at IODP Site U1410 (NW Atlantic Ocean) has enabled us to document a new evolutionary lineage within Coccolithus-like placoliths that have well-developed near-axial or diagonal cross-bars in their central-area. Based on our observations, we describe a new genus Pletolithus, a new species Pletolithus giganteus and four new combinations (Pletolithus opdykei, Pletolithus staurion, Pletolithus mutatus and Pletolithus gigas). The distinctive ultra-structures of the different morphotypes and the presence of transitional morphologies suggest that Pletolithus evolved from a morphological variant of Coccolithus. The evolution of this group of coccolithaceans is initially characterized by increasing size and the appearance of delicate axial cross-bars in the central-area. Size continues to increase in these coccoliths and the orientation of the cross-bars shifts to asymmetric and diagonal in later representatives. Morphometric measurements on P. gigas and the morphologically similar P. giganteus, provide evidence for the presence of two distinct populations allowing for an objective differentiation of these two species, which in turn provides unambiguous taxonomic definition for the important biostratigraphic marker species P. gigas. These data improve the reliability of middle Eocene biostratigraphy and show that this lineage appeared when a new equilibrium in the environmental conditions was reached and intriguingly it coincides with a remarkable change in the deep circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean

    Calcareous nannofossils across the Eocene-Oligocene transition: Preservation signals and biostratigraphic remarks from ODP Site 1209 (NW Pacific, Shatsky Rise) and IODP Hole U1411B (NW Atlantic Ocean, Newfoundland Ridge)

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    This work provides a detailed biostratigraphic correlation through the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT), based on an integrated stratigraphic approach and the study of calcareous nannofossils, between two disparate sites, one in the NW Atlantic (IODP Hole U1411B) and one in the NW Pacific (ODP Site 1209). The precise site-to-site correlation provided by these data allows for a comparison of carbonate preservation across the EOT including identification of the main post-depositional processes that impact the calcareous nannofossil ooze at Site 1209. The main aim of this work is to understand the extent to which the bulk δ18O and δ13C records and their sources (mainly calcareous nannofossils) are altered by diagenesis. Our detailed SEM study highlights some differences before, during and after the EOT, suggesting local diagenetic dynamics. At Site 1209, a distinctive change, both in nannofossil assemblage composition and preservation state, is observed from the pre-EOT phase to the Late Eocene Event (LEE), with a shift in the dominant process from dissolution to recrystallisation. Surprisingly, despite the overall poor preservation, only the interval between 141 and 142.4 (adj. rmcd) was compromised in term of isotopic values and assemblage diversity and abundance. This interval, recorded in the upper Eocene, was characterized by severe dissolution, concomitant with deposition of secondary calcite on solution-resistant forms. Diagenetic processes have strongly biased the δ18O isotopic signal, resulting in a positive oxygen isotope anomaly through the upper Eocene that is difficult to reconcile with other published trends. For the remaining time intervals, diagenesis seems not to have altered the bulk δ18O profile, which closely resembles that of other sites across the world, and is particularly consistent with other data from the Pacific Ocean. In summary, the impact of diagenesis on nannofossil preservation even if clearly visible both in SEM and optical microscope observations does not always cause a pervasive alteration of the primary isotopic signal and can instead provide important clues on local depositional dynamics

    Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central - western Tethys

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    We present trace metal geochemistry and stable isotope records for the middle Eocene Alano di Piave section, NE Italy, deposited during magnetochron C18n in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We identify a \sim 500 kyr long carbon isotope perturbation event we infer to be the middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) confirming the northern hemisphere expression and global occurrence of MECO. Interpreted peak climatic conditions are followed by the rapid deposition of two organic rich intervals (\le3\% TOC) and contemporaneous positive δ13\delta^{13}C excursions. These two intervals are associated with increases in the concentration of sulphur and redox-sensitive trace metals, and low concentrations of Mn, as well as coupled with the occurrence of pyrite. Together these changes imply low, possibly dysoxic, bottom water O2_{2} conditions promoting increased organic carbon burial. We hypothesize that this rapid burial of organic carbon lowered global {\it p}CO2_{2} following the peak warming and returned the climate system to the general Eocene cooling trend

    Extracting a Detailed Magnetostratigraphy From Weakly Magnetized, Oligocene to Early Miocene Sediment Drifts Recovered at IODP Site U1406 (Newfoundland Margin, Northwest Atlantic Ocean)

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    Fine‐grained magnetic particles in deep‐sea sediments often statistically align with the ambient magnetic field during (and shortly after) deposition and can therefore record geomagnetic reversals. Correlation of these reversals to a geomagnetic polarity time scale is an important geochronological tool that facilitates precise stratigraphic correlation and dating of geological records globally. Sediments often carry a remanence strong enough for confident identification of polarity reversals, but in some cases a low signal‐to‐noise ratio prevents the construction of a reliable and robust magnetostratigraphy. Here we implement a data‐filtering protocol, which can be integrated with the UPmag software package, to automatically reduce the maximum angular deviation and statistically mask noisy data and outliers deemed unsuitable for magnetostratigraphic interpretation. This protocol thus extracts a clearer signal from weakly magnetized sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 342 Site U1406 (Newfoundland margin, northwest Atlantic Ocean). The resulting magnetostratigraphy, in combination with shipboard and shore‐based biostratigraphy, provides an age model for the study interval from IODP Site U1406 between Chrons C6Ar and C9n (∼21–27 Ma). We identify rarely observed geomagnetic directional changes within Chrons C6Br, C7r, and C7Ar, and perhaps within Subchron C8n.1n. Our magnetostratigraphy dates three intervals of unusual stratigraphic behavior within the sediment drifts at IODP Site U1406 on the Newfoundland margin. These lithostratigraphic changes are broadly concurrent with the coldest climatic phases of the middle Oligocene to early Miocene and we hypothesize that they reflect changes in bottom water circulation

    Mode and tempo of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in an expanded section from the Venetian pre-Alps.

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    The central part of the Piave River valley in the Venetian pre-Alps of NE Italy exposes an expanded and continuous marine sediment succession that encompasses the Paleocene series and the Paleocene to Eocene transition. The Paleocene through lowermost Eocenemsuccession is >100 m thick and was depositednat middle to lower bathyal depths in a hemipelagic, near-continental setting in the central western Tethys. In the Forada section, the Paleocene succession of limestone-marl couplets is sharply interrupted by an ~3.30- m-thick unit of clays and marls (clay marl unit). The very base of this unit represents the biostratigraphic Paleocene-Eocene boundary, and the entire unit coincides with the main carbon isotope excursion of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum event. Concentrations of hematite and biogenic carbonate, δ13C measurements, and abundance of radiolarians, all oscillate in a cyclical fashion and are interpreted to represent precession cycles. The main excursion interval spans fi ve complete cycles, that is, 105 ± 10 k.y. The overlying carbon isotope recovery interval, which is composed of six distinct limestone-marl couplets, is interpreted to represent six precessional cycles with a duration of 126 ± 12 k.y. The entire carbon isotope excursion interval in Forada has a total duration of ~231 ± 22 k.y., which is 5%–10% longer than previous estimates derived from open ocean sites (210–220 k.y.). Geochemical proxies for redox conditions indicate oxygenated conditions before, during, and after the carbon isotope excursion event. The Forada section exhibits a nonstepped sharp decrease in δ13C (−2.35‰) at the base of the clay marl unit. The hemipelagic, near-continental depositional setting of Forada and the sharply elevated sedimentation rates throughout the clay marl unit argue for continuous rather than interrupted deposition and show that the initial nonstepped carbon isotope shift was not caused by a hiatus. A single sample at the base of the unit lacks biogenic carbonate. Preservation of carbonate thereafter improves progressively up-section in the clay marl unit, which is consistent with a prodigiously abrupt and rapid acidifi cation of the oceans followed by a slower, successive deepening of the carbonate compensation depth. Increased sedimentation rates through the clay marl unit (approximately the main interval of the carbon isotope excursion) are consistent with an intensifi ed hydrological cycle driven by supergreenhouse conditions and enhanced weathering and transport of terrigenous material to this near-continental, hemipelagic environment in the central western Tethys. The sharp transition in lithology from the clay marl unit to the overlying limestonemarl couplets in the recovery interval and the coincident shift toward heavier δ13C values suggest that the silicate pump and continental weathering, the cause of the enhanced terrigenous fl ux to Forada, stopped abruptly. This implies that the source of the light CO2 ceased to be added to the ocean-atmosphere system at the top of the clay marl unit

    Paleoenvironmental Changes at ODP Site 702 (South Atlantic): Anatomy of the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum

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    The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) was an unusual global warming event that interrupted the long-term Eocene cooling trend ca. 40 Ma. Here we present new high-resolution bulk and benthic isotope records from South Atlantic ODP Site 702 to characterize the MECO at a high latitude setting. The MECO event, including early and peak warming as well as recovery to background levels, had an estimated ~300 Kyr duration (~40.51 to ~40.21 Ma). Cross-plots (delta O-18 vs. delta C-13) suggest that the mechanisms driving coupled changes in O and C isotope values across the MECO were weaker or absent before the event. The paleoecological response has been evaluated by quantitative analysis of calcareous nannofossils and benthic foraminifera assemblages. We document a shift in the biogeographical distribution of warm and temperate calcareous nannoplankton taxa, which migrated toward higher latitudes due to increased temperatures during the MECO. Conversely, changes in the organic matter flux to the seafloor appear to have controlled benthic foraminifera dynamics at Site 702. Benthic phytodetritus exploiting taxa increased in abundance coinciding with a positive delta C-13 excursion, ~150 Kyr before the start of the delta O-18 negative excursion that marks the start of MECO warming. Our data suggest that paleoecological disturbance in the deep sea predates MECO delta O-18 excursion and that it was driven by changes in the type and/or amount of organic matter reaching the seafloor rather than by increased temperature

    Women in geosciences within the Italian University system in the last 20 years

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    Abstract. This work aims at providing an updated scenario on the underrepresentation of women in the Italian university system in the area of geosciences in the last two decades. The retrieved official data on permanent full and associate professors in the 19-years considered highlight some positive trends: an increase in the number of female full professors from 9.0 % to 18.5 % and in female associate professors from 23.6 % to 28.9 %. However, although the number of female full professors almost doubled in this period, such increase still represents an excessively slow trend. Slightly better is the trend related to associate professors. The picture portrayed for non-permanent researchers, called RTD-b, as introduced by the Italian Law no. 240/2010 (essentially tenure-track associate professor position), instead raises strong concerns for the future seen that the female percentage is just 26 %, thus exhibiting a significant gender imbalance. This is even more significant if we consider that the student population in geosciences shows a gender imbalance of about 37 %, no gender gap at PhD level and a relatively high Glass Ceiling Index (GCI) during the career progression of women. An analysis of the geographical distribution of female researchers in geosciences has evidenced that, although the percentages of women are comparable, the GCI calculated in Southern Italy has been alarmingly high in the last 2–3 years and is divergent from the decrease observed in Northern and Central Italy. The work also analyses the gender balance over different areas of geosciences, showing that in Paleontology and Paleoecology the gap is inverted with more female than male professors, both at full and associate professor level, whereas the gap is almost closed in Mineralogy for associate professors, far though from being balanced for full professors. All remaining geological disciplines suffer a gender imbalance. Further analysis carried out in this work unveils that the number of female full professor is low (<10 %) both at national and regional level in the 2000–2009 decade, consistent with a GCI higher than 2.5–3. From 2010 to 2013, likely in response to the Italian Law no. 240 of 2010, an important progressive increase, associated with a decrease of GCI, is visible. However, from 2014 to 2019 the percentage remains constant (∼20 %) with the exception of Southern Italy, which displays a return to lower values (<15 %). Finally, an international comparison with countries like Germany and the USA definitively indicates that the Italian university system is more equal in terms of gender balance. Even if some significant and positive steps have been carried out in the Italian university system, still much effort is required to fight a general and crucial problem which is the gender balance issue. Results could be achieved promoting work-life balance policies that better reconcile family and work, stimulating a reorganization of the work system still currently set on the male model but, and more importantly, changing the prevailing patriarchal mentality. The Italian university system has already a great example to follow: the zero-pay gap. This is possibly the only system worldwide where male and female professors earn the same identical salary, compared to the salary gap of between 15 % and 30 % of countries richer than Italy, and must be the target to reach, in the near future, for gender balance

    The early to middle Eocene transition: an integrated calcareous nannofossil and stable isotope record from the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (IODP Site U1410)

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    The early to middle Eocene is marked by prominent changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages coinciding both with long‐term climate changes and modification of the North Atlantic deep‐ocean circulation. In order to assess the impact of Eocene climate change on surface‐water environmental conditions of the Northwest Atlantic, we developed calcareous nannoplankton assemblage data and bulk stable isotope records (δ18O and δ13C) across an early to middle Eocene interval (~52–43 Ma) at IODP Site U1410 (Southeast Newfoundland Ridge, ~41°N). At this site, early Eocene sediments are pelagic nannofossil chalk, whereas middle Eocene deposits occur as clay‐rich drift sediments reflecting the progressive influence of northern‐sourced deep currents. Between the end of Early Eocene Climatic Optimum and the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary, calcareous nannofossils switched from an assemblage mainly composed of warm‐water and oligotrophic taxa (Zygrhablithus, Discoaster, Sphenolithus, Coccolithus) to one dominated by the more temperate and eutrophic reticulofenestrids. The most prominent period of accelerated assemblage change occurred during a ~2 Myr phase of relatively high bulk δ18O values possibly related to the post‐EECO cooling. Although the dominance of reticulofenestrids persisted unvaried throughout the middle Eocene interval, early Lutetian (~47.4 to 47 Ma) stable isotope records indicate a reversal in the paleoenvironmetal trends suggesting a potential restoration of warmer conditions. Importantly, our data indicate that the ~2 Myr‐interval immediately following the EECO was crucial in establishing the modern calcareous nannofossil assemblage structure and also reveal that the establishment of Reticulofenestra‐dominated assemblage occurred prior to the onset of persistent deep‐current system in the Northwest Atlantic

    Calcareous Nannofossils and Paleoclimatic Evolution Across the Eocene-Oligocene Transition at IODP Site U1509, Tasman Sea, Southwest Pacific Ocean

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    The Eocene‐Oligocene transition (EOT; ∼34 Ma) was one of the most prominent global cooling events of the Cenozoic, coincident with the emergence of continental‐scale ice‐sheets on Antarctica. Calcareous nannoplankton experienced significant assemblage turnover at a time of long‐term surface ocean cooling and trophic conditions, suggesting cause‐effect relationships between Antarctic glaciation, broader climate changes, and the response of phytoplankton communities. To better evaluate the timing and nature of these relationships, we generated calcareous nannofossil and geochemical data sets (δ18O, δ13C and %CaCO3) over a ∼5 Myr stratigraphic interval recovered across the EOT from IODP Site U1509 in the Tasman Sea, South Pacific Ocean. Based on trends observed in the calcareous nannofossil assemblages, there was an overall decline of warm‐oligotrophic communities, with a shift toward taxa better adapted to cooler more eutrophic conditions. Assemblage changes indicate four distinct phases caused by temperature decrease and variations in paleocurrents: late Eocene warm‐oligotrophic phase, precursor diversity‐decrease phase, early Oligocene cold‐eutrophic phase, and a steady‐state cosmopolitan phase. The most prominent shift in the assemblages occurred during the ∼550 kyr‐long precursor diversity‐decrease phase, which has relatively high bulk δ18O and %CaCO3 values, and predates the phase of maximum glacial expansion (Earliest Oligocene Glacial Maximum–EOGM)

    Late Paleocene to Early Eocene Magneto-Biostratigraphy from the Cicogna section (Belluno Basin, NE Italy): A record of continental weathering

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    During the Late Paleocene-Early Eocene (\u30360 Ma to 50 Ma), Earth's climate experienced a warming trend that culminated at the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum (EECO). The EECO was characterized by warm conditions at even extreme high latitudes, subdued latitudinal temperature gradients, and virtually nonexistent polar ice sheets. The early Paleogene long-term climate was punctuated by several short-lived hyperthermal events, the most prominent of which is the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Here we present paleomagnetic and calcareous nannofossil data from the Tethyan marine Cicogna section (Belluno Basin, NE Italy). The paleomagnetic results, integrated with calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, indicate that the Cicogna section extends from Chron C25r to Chron C23r spanning the NP7/NP8-NP12 nannofossil Zones with a relatively constant sediment accumulation rate of \u30318 m/My. Rock-magnetic data show sediment enrichment in hematite-maghemite respect to magnetite generally across the PETM and from \u30354 Ma up to the section top. We observed a correlation between rock-magnetic properties and global climate as revealed by a standard benthic oxygen isotope record from the literature. Our interpretation is that the warm and humid conditions typical of the PETM and the EECO enhanced continental weathering with the consequent production, transport, and sedimentation of more oxidized iron oxide phases (e.g. hematite-maghemite) relative to less oxidized phases (e.g., magnetite). Our temporal coupling between oxidation state of sedimentary magnetic phases and global climate therefore demonstrates the existence in the Paleocene-Eocene of the silicate weathering negative feedback mechanism for the long-term stabilization of the Earth's surfaces temperature as proposed by various authors