437 research outputs found

    Experimental validation of a subject-specific finite element model of lumbar spine segment using digital image correlation

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    Pathologies such as cancer metastasis and osteoporosis strongly affect the mechanical properties of the vertebral bone and increase the risk of fragility fractures. The prediction of the fracture risk with a patient-specific model, directly generated from the diagnostic images of the patient, could help the clinician in the choice of the correct therapy to follow. But before such models can be used to support any clinical decision, their credibility must be demonstrated through verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification. In this study we describe a procedure for the generation of such patient-specific finite element models and present a first validation of the kinematics of the spine segment. Quantitative computed tomography images of a cadaveric lumbar spine segment presenting vertebral metastatic lesions were used to generate the model. The applied boundary conditions replicated a specific experimental test where the spine segment was loaded in compression-flexion. Model predictions in terms of vertebral surface displacements were compared against the full-field experimental displacements measured with Digital Image Correlation. A good agreement was obtained from the local comparison between experimental data and simulation results (R2 > 0.9 and RMSE% <8%). In conclusion, this work demonstrates the possibility to apply the developed modelling pipeline to predict the displacement field of human spine segment under physiological loading conditions, which is a first fundamental step in the credibility assessment of these clinical decision-support technology

    Coherent vibrational modes promote the ultrafast internal conversion and intersystem crossing in thiobases

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    Thionated nucleobases are obtained by replacing oxygen with sulphur atoms in the canonical nucleobases. They absorb light efficiently in the near-ultraviolet, populating singlet states which undergo intersystem crossing to the triplet manifold on an ultrashort time scale with a high quantum yield. Nonetheless there are still important open questions about the primary mechanisms responsible for this ultrafast transition. Here we track both the electronic and the vibrational ultrafast excited-state dynamics towards the triplet state for solvated 4-thiothymidine (4TT) and 4-thiouracil (4TU) with sub-30 fs broadband transient absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet. A global and target analysis allows us to simultaneously resolve the contributions of the different electronically and vibrationally excited states to the whole data set. Our experimental results, combined with state-of-the-art quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations and Damped Oscillation Associated Spectra (DOAS) and target analysis, support that the relaxation to the triplet state is mediated by conical intersections promoted by vibrational coherences through the population of an intermediate singlet state. In addition, the analysis of the coherent vibrational dynamics reveals that, despite sharing the same relaxation mechanism and similar chemical structures, 4TT and 4TU exhibit rather different geometrical deformations, characterized by the conservation of planarity in 4TU and its partial rupture in 4TT

    Diprosopus: A Rare Case of Craniofacial Duplication and a Systematic Review of the Literature

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    In 1990, Gorlin et al. described four types of craniofacial duplications: (1) single mouth with duplication of the maxillary arch; (2) supernumerary mouth laterally placed with rudimentary segments; (3) single mouth with replication of the mandibular segments; and (4) true facial duplication, namely diprosopus. We describe a newborn born with wide-spaced eyes, a very broad nose, and two separate mouths. Workup revealed the absence of the corpus callosum and the presence of a brain midline lipoma, wide sutures, and a Chiari I malformation with cerebellar herniation. We conducted a systematic review of the literature and compared all the cases described as diprosopus. In 96% of these, the central nervous system is affected, with anencephaly being the most commonly associated abnormality. Other associated anomalies include cardiac malformations (86%), cleft palate (63%), diaphragmatic hernia (13%), and disorder of sex development (DSD) (13%). Although the facial features are those that first strike the eye, the almost obligate presence of cerebral malformations suggests a disruptive event in the cephalic pole of the forming embryo. No major monogenic contribution has been recognized today for this type of malformation

    A Unified Experimental/Theoretical Description of the Ultrafast Photophysics of Single and Double Thionated Uracils

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    Photoinduced processes in thiouracil derivatives have lately attracted considerable attention due to their suitability for innovative biological and pharmacological applications. Here, sub-20 fs broadband transient absorption spectroscopy in the near-UV are combined with CASPT2/MM decay path calculations to unravel the excited-state decay channels of water solvated 2-thio and 2,4-dithiouracil. These molecules feature linear absorption spectra with overlapping ππ* bands, leading to parallel decay routes which we systematically track for the first time. The results reveal that different processes lead to the triplet states population, both directly from the ππ* absorbing state and via the intermediate nπ* dark state. Moreover, the 2,4-dithiouracil decay pathways is shown to be strongly correlated either to those of 2- or 4-thiouracil, depending on the sulfur atom on which the electronic transition localizes

    Patterns of novel alleles and genotype/phenotype correlations resulting from the analysis of 108 previously undetected mutations in patients affected by neurofibromatosis type I

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    Neurofibromatosis type I, a genetic disorder due to mutations in the NF1 gene, is characterized by a high mutation rate (about 50% of the cases are de novo) but, with the exception of whole gene deletions associated with a more severe phenotype, no specific hotspots and few solid genotype/phenotype correlations. After retrospectively re-evaluating all NF1 gene variants found in the diagnostic activity, we studied 108 patients affected by neurofibromatosis type I who harbored mutations that had not been previously reported in the international databases, with the aim of analyzing their type and distribution along the gene and of correlating them with the phenotypic features of the affected patients. Out of the 108 previously unreported variants, 14 were inherited by one of the affected parents and 94 were de novo. Twenty-nine (26.9%) mutations were of uncertain significance, whereas 79 (73.2%) were predicted as pathogenic or probably pathogenic. No differential distribution in the exons or in the protein domains was observed and no statistically significant genotype/phenotype correlation was found, confirming previous evidences

    Clinical and molecular characterization of 40 patients with classic Ehlers--Danlos syndrome: identification of 18 COL5A1 and 2 COL5A2 novel mutations.

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    Classic Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (cEDS) is a rare autosomal dominant connective tissue disorder that is primarily characterized by skin hyperextensibility, abnormal wound healing/atrophic scars, and joint hypermobility. A recent study demonstrated that more than 90% of patients who satisfy all of these major criteria harbor a type V collagen (COLLV) defect. This cohort included 40 patients with cEDS who were clinically diagnosed according to the Villefranche nosology. The flowchart that was adopted for mutation detection consisted of sequencing the COL5A1 gene and, if no mutation was detected, COL5A2 analysis. In the negative patients the presence of large genomic rearrangements in COL5A1 was investigated using MLPA, and positive results were confirmed via SNP-array analysis. We report the clinical and molecular characterization of 40 patients from 28 families, consisting of 14 pediatric patients and 26 adults. A family history of cEDS was present in 9 patients. The majority of the patients fulfilled all the major diagnostic criteria for cEDS; atrophic scars were absent in 2 females, skin hyperextensibility was not detected in a male and joint hypermobility was negative in 8 patients (20% of the entire cohort). Wide inter- and intra-familial phenotypic heterogeneity was observed. We identified causal mutations with a detection rate of approximately 93%. In 25/28 probands, COL5A1 or COL5A2 mutations were detected. Twenty-one mutations were in the COL5A1 gene, 18 of which were novel (2 recurrent). Of these, 16 mutations led to nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) and to COLLV haploinsufficiency and 5 mutations were structural. Two novel COL5A2 splice mutations were detected in patients with the most severe phenotypes. The known p. (Arg312Cys) mutation in the COL1A1 gene was identified in one patient with vascular-like cEDS. Our findings highlight that the three major criteria for cEDS are useful and sufficient for cEDS clinical diagnosis in the large majority of the patients. The borderline patients for whom these criteria fail can be diagnosed when minor signs of connective tissue diseases and family history are present and when genetic testing reveals a defect in COLLV. Our data also confirm that COL5A1 and COL5A2 are the major, if not the only, genes involved in cEDS

    Severe peripheral joint laxity is a distinctive clinical feature of spondylodysplastic-ehlers-danlos syndrome (Eds)-b4galt7 and spondylodysplastic-eds-b3galt6

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    Variations in genes encoding for the enzymes responsible for synthesizing the linker region of proteoglycans may result in recessive conditions known as “linkeropathies”. The two phenotypes related to mutations in genes B4GALT7 and B3GALT6 (encoding for galactosyltransferase I and II respectively) are similar, characterized by short stature, hypotonia, joint hypermobility, skeletal features and a suggestive face with prominent forehead, thin soft tissue and prominent eyes. The most outstanding feature of these disorders is the combination of severe connective tissue involvement, often manifesting in newborns and infants, and skeletal dysplasia that becomes apparent during childhood. Here, we intend to more accurately define some of the clinical features of B4GALT7 and B3GALT6-related conditions and underline the extreme hypermobility of distal joints and the soft, doughy skin on the hands and feet as features that may be useful as the first clues for a correct diagnosis

    Multiple sulfatase deficiency with neonatal manifestation.

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    Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency (MSD; OMIM 272200) is a rare autosomal recessive inborn error of metabolism caused by mutations in the sulfatase modifying factor 1 gene, encoding the formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE), and resulting in tissue accumulation of sulfatides, sulphated glycosaminoglycans, sphingolipids and steroid sulfates. Less than 50 cases have been published so far. We report a new case of MSD presenting in the newborn period with hypotonia, apnoea, cyanosis and rolling eyes, hepato-splenomegaly and deafness. This patient was compound heterozygous for two so far undescribed SUMF1 mutations (c.191C &gt; A; p.S64X and c.818A &gt; G; p.D273G)

    Electron and ion spectroscopy of azobenzene in the valence and core shells

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    Azobenzene is a prototype and a building block of a class of molecules of extreme technological interest as molecular photo-switches. We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of its response to irradiation with light across the UV to x-ray spectrum. The study of valence and inner shell photo-ionization and excitation processes combined with measurement of valence photoelectron-photoion coincidence and mass spectra across the core thresholds provides a detailed insight into the site- and state-selected photo-induced processes. Photo-ionization and excitation measurements are interpreted via the multi-configurational restricted active space self-consistent field method corrected by second order perturbation theory. Using static modeling, we demonstrate that the carbon and nitrogen K edges of azobenzene are suitable candidates for exploring its photoinduced dynamics thanks to the transient signals appearing in background-free regions of the NEXAFS and XPS