2,588 research outputs found

    The Virtual Black Hole in 2d Quantum Gravity and its Relevance for the S-matrix

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    As shown recently 2d quantum gravity theories -- including spherically reduced Einstein-gravity -- after an exact path integral of its geometric part can be treated perturbatively in the loops of (scalar) matter. Obviously the classical mechanism of black hole formation should be contained in the tree approximation of the theory. This is shown to be the case for the scattering of two scalars through an intermediate state which by its effective black hole mass is identified as a "virtual black hole". We discuss the lowest order tree vertex for minimally and non-minimally coupled scalars and find a non-trivial finite S-matrix for gravitational s-wave scattering in the latter case.Comment: 4 pages, Talk given at the Fifth Workshop on "Quantum Field Theory under the Influence of External Conditions" in Leipzig, Sept. 200

    Absolute conservation law for black holes

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    In all 2d theories of gravity a conservation law connects the (space-time dependent) mass aspect function at all times and all radii with an integral of the matter fields. It depends on an arbitrary constant which may be interpreted as determining the initial value together with the initial values for the matter field. We discuss this for spherically reduced Einstein-gravity in a diagonal metric and in a Bondi-Sachs metric using the first order formulation of spherically reduced gravity, which allows easy and direct fixations of any type of gauge. The relation of our conserved quantity to the ADM and Bondi mass is investigated. Further possible applications (ideal fluid, black holes in higher dimensions or AdS spacetimes etc.) are straightforward generalizations.Comment: LaTex, 17 pages, final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Information transfer in signaling pathways : a study using coupled simulated and experimental data

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    Background: The topology of signaling cascades has been studied in quite some detail. However, how information is processed exactly is still relatively unknown. Since quite diverse information has to be transported by one and the same signaling cascade (e.g. in case of different agonists), it is clear that the underlying mechanism is more complex than a simple binary switch which relies on the mere presence or absence of a particular species. Therefore, finding means to analyze the information transferred will help in deciphering how information is processed exactly in the cell. Using the information-theoretic measure transfer entropy, we studied the properties of information transfer in an example case, namely calcium signaling under different cellular conditions. Transfer entropy is an asymmetric and dynamic measure of the dependence of two (nonlinear) stochastic processes. We used calcium signaling since it is a well-studied example of complex cellular signaling. It has been suggested that specific information is encoded in the amplitude, frequency and waveform of the oscillatory Ca2+-signal. Results: We set up a computational framework to study information transfer, e.g. for calcium signaling at different levels of activation and different particle numbers in the system. We stochastically coupled simulated and experimentally measured calcium signals to simulated target proteins and used kernel density methods to estimate the transfer entropy from these bivariate time series. We found that, most of the time, the transfer entropy increases with increasing particle numbers. In systems with only few particles, faithful information transfer is hampered by random fluctuations. The transfer entropy also seems to be slightly correlated to the complexity (spiking, bursting or irregular oscillations) of the signal. Finally, we discuss a number of peculiarities of our approach in detail. Conclusion: This study presents the first application of transfer entropy to biochemical signaling pathways. We could quantify the information transferred from simulated/experimentally measured calcium signals to a target enzyme under different cellular conditions. Our approach, comprising stochastic coupling and using the information-theoretic measure transfer entropy, could also be a valuable tool for the analysis of other signaling pathways

    Information transfer in signaling pathways : a study using coupled simulated and experimental data

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    Background: The topology of signaling cascades has been studied in quite some detail. However, how information is processed exactly is still relatively unknown. Since quite diverse information has to be transported by one and the same signaling cascade (e.g. in case of different agonists), it is clear that the underlying mechanism is more complex than a simple binary switch which relies on the mere presence or absence of a particular species. Therefore, finding means to analyze the information transferred will help in deciphering how information is processed exactly in the cell. Using the information-theoretic measure transfer entropy, we studied the properties of information transfer in an example case, namely calcium signaling under different cellular conditions. Transfer entropy is an asymmetric and dynamic measure of the dependence of two (nonlinear) stochastic processes. We used calcium signaling since it is a well-studied example of complex cellular signaling. It has been suggested that specific information is encoded in the amplitude, frequency and waveform of the oscillatory Ca2+-signal. Results: We set up a computational framework to study information transfer, e.g. for calcium signaling at different levels of activation and different particle numbers in the system. We stochastically coupled simulated and experimentally measured calcium signals to simulated target proteins and used kernel density methods to estimate the transfer entropy from these bivariate time series. We found that, most of the time, the transfer entropy increases with increasing particle numbers. In systems with only few particles, faithful information transfer is hampered by random fluctuations. The transfer entropy also seems to be slightly correlated to the complexity (spiking, bursting or irregular oscillations) of the signal. Finally, we discuss a number of peculiarities of our approach in detail. Conclusion: This study presents the first application of transfer entropy to biochemical signaling pathways. We could quantify the information transferred from simulated/experimentally measured calcium signals to a target enzyme under different cellular conditions. Our approach, comprising stochastic coupling and using the information-theoretic measure transfer entropy, could also be a valuable tool for the analysis of other signaling pathways

    GdRh2_2Si2_2: An exemplary tetragonal system for antiferromagnetic order with weak in-plane anisotropy

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    The anisotropy of magnetic properties commonly is introduced in textbooks using the case of an antiferromagnetic system with Ising type anisotropy. This model presents huge anisotropic magnetization and a pronounced metamagnetic transition and is well-known and well-documented both, in experiments and theory. In contrast, the case of an antiferromagnetic XX-YY system with weak in-plane anisotropy is only poorly documented. We studied the anisotropic magnetization of the compound GdRh2_2Si2_2 and found that it is a perfect model system for such a weak-anisotropy setting because the Gd3+^{3+} ions in GdRh2_2Si2_2 have a pure spin moment of S=7/2 which orders in a simple AFM structure with Q=(001){\bf Q} = (001). We observed experimentally in M(B)M(B) a continuous spin-flop transition and domain effects for field applied along the [100][100]- and the [110][110]-direction, respectively. We applied a mean field model for the free energy to describe our data and combine it with an Ising chain model to account for domain effects. Our calculations reproduce the experimental data very well. In addition, we performed magnetic X-ray scattering and X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements, which confirm the AFM propagation vector to be Q=(001){\bf Q} = (001) and indicate the absence of polarization on the rhodium atoms

    Similar temperature scale for valence changes in Kondo lattices with different Kondo temperatures

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    The Kondo model predicts that both the valence at low temperatures and its temperature dependence scale with the characteristic energy T_K of the Kondo interaction. Here, we study the evolution of the 4f occupancy with temperature in a series of Yb Kondo lattices using resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy. In agreement with simple theoretical models, we observe a scaling between the valence at low temperature and T_K obtained from thermodynamic measurements. In contrast, the temperature scale T_v at which the valence increases with temperature is almost the same in all investigated materials while the Kondo temperatures differ by almost four orders of magnitude. This observation is in remarkable contradiction to both naive expectation and precise theoretical predictions of the Kondo model, asking for further theoretical work in order to explain our findings. Our data exclude the presence of a quantum critical valence transition in YbRh2Si2

    Transition from stochastic to deterministic behavior in calcium oscillations

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    Simulation and modeling is becoming more and more important when studying complex biochemical systems. Most often, ordinary differential equations are employed for this purpose. However, these are only applicable when the numbers of participating molecules in the biochemical systems are large enough to be treated as concentrations. For smaller systems, stochastic simulations on discrete particle basis are more accurate. Unfortunately, there are no general rules for determining which method should be employed for exactly which problem to get the most realistic result. Therefore, we study the transition from stochastic to deterministic behavior in a widely studied system, namely the signal transduction via calcium, especially calcium oscillations. We observe that the transition occurs within a range of particle numbers, which roughly corresponds to the number of receptors and channels in the cell, and depends heavily on the attractive properties of the phase space of the respective systems dynamics. We conclude that the attractive properties of a system, expressed, e.g., by the divergence of the system, are a good measure for determining which simulation algorithm is appropriate in terms of speed and realism

    Paramagnon dispersion in ÎČ\beta-FeSe observed by Fe LL-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering

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    We report an Fe LL-edge resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) study of the unusual superconductor ÎČ\beta-FeSe. The high energy resolution of this RIXS experiment (≈ \approx\,55 \,meV FWHM) made it possible to resolve low-energy excitations of the Fe 3d3d manifold. These include a broad peak which shows dispersive trends between 100-200 \,meV along the (π,0)(\pi,0) and (π,π)(\pi,\pi) directions of the one-Fe square reciprocal lattice, and which can be attributed to paramagnon excitations. The multi-band valence state of FeSe is among the most metallic in which such excitations have been discerned by soft x-ray RIXS

    Universal conservation law and modified Noether symmetry in 2d models of gravity with matter

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    It is well-known that all 2d models of gravity---including theories with nonvanishing torsion and dilaton theories---can be solved exactly, if matter interactions are absent. An absolutely (in space and time) conserved quantity determines the global classification of all (classical) solutions. For the special case of spherically reduced Einstein gravity it coincides with the mass in the Schwarzschild solution. The corresponding Noether symmetry has been derived previously by P. Widerin and one of the authors (W.K.) for a specific 2d model with nonvanishing torsion. In the present paper this is generalized to all covariant 2d theories, including interactions with matter. The related Noether-like symmetry differs from the usual one. The parameters for the symmetry transformation of the geometric part and those of the matterfields are distinct. The total conservation law (a zero-form current) results from a two stage argument which also involves a consistency condition expressed by the conservation of a one-form matter ``current''. The black hole is treated as a special case.Comment: 3

    High-resolution resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering as a probe of the crystal electrical field in lanthanides demonstrated for the case of CeRh2Si2

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    The magnetic properties of rare earth compounds are usually well captured by assuming a fully localized f shell and only considering the Hund's rule ground state multiplet split by a crystal electrical field (CEF). Currently, the standard technique for probing CEF excitations in lanthanides is inelastic neutron scattering. Here we show that with the recent leap in energy resolution, resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering has become a serious alternative for looking at CEF excitations with some distinct advantages compared to INS. As an example we study the CEF scheme in CeRh2Si2, a system that has been intensely studied for more than two decades now but for which no consensus has been reached yet as to its CEF scheme. We used two new features that have only become available very recently in RIXS, high energy resolution of about 30 meV as well as polarization analysis in the scattered beam, to find a unique CEF description for CeRh2Si2. The result agrees well with previous INS and magnetic susceptibility measurements. Due to its strong resonant character, RIXS is applicable to very small samples, presents very high cross sections for all lanthanides, and further benefits from the very weak coupling to phonon excitation. The rapid progress in energy resolution of RIXS spectrometers is making this technique increasingly attractive for the investigation of the CEF scheme in lanthanides
