191 research outputs found
Objective: to provide a systematic review of the adverse reactions of sorafenib, sunitinib, and temsirolimus and to outline actions for their prevention and correction.Materials and methods. To provide a description of the main methods to decrease the toxicity of these drugs, the authors made a systemat- ic review of their adverse reactions, by using the publications available in the PubMed database, monographs on the medicines, and instruc- tions for their medical use. Results. The frequency of their adverse reactions varied from < 1 to 72%. Grades III—IV side effects are noted more rarely; their incidence is < 1 to 13% for sorafenib, < 1 to 16% for sunitinib, and 1 to 20% for temsirolimus. Sinitinib causes most grades III—IV adverse reactions and sofafenib does the least. However, close comparative studies of the safety of these kinase inhibitors are still lacking. Virtually all side effects can be effectively prevented and treated. Conclusion. The prevention, timely recognition, and treatment of the adverse reactions of these agents are of great importance, which allows avoidance of the unneeded dosage reduction that may result in worse therapeutic efficiency. Цель исследования — представить систематический обзор побочных эффектов сорафениба, сунитиниба и темсиролимуса, а также в общих чертах описать меры по их предупреждению и коррекции. Материалы и методы. Для того чтобы представить описание основных методов, направленных на снижение токсичности этих препаратов, нами проведен систематический обзор побочных эффектов на основе публикаций в базе данных PubMed, монографий по лекарственным препаратам и инструкций по их медицинскому применению.Результаты. Частота развития побочных эффектов варьирует от < 1 до 72%. Побочные эффекты III—IV степени отмечаются реже, частота их возникновения от < 1 до 13% для сорафениба, от < 1 до 16% — для сунитиниба и от 1 до 20% — для темсиролимуса. Сунитиниб вызывает наибольшее количество побочных эффектов III—IV степени, а сорафениб — наименьшее. Однако все еще отсутствуют тщательные сравнительные клинические исследования безопасности этих ингибиторов киназ. Практически все побочные эффекты можно эффективно предупреждать и лечить.Заключение. Большое значение имеют профилактика, своевременное распознавание и лечение побочных эффектов этих препаратов, что позволяет избежать ненужного снижения дозы, грозящего ослаблением эффективности лечения.
The importance of pelvic lymph node dissection in the elderly population: implications for interpreting the 2010 national comprehensive cancer network practice guidelines for bladder cancer treatment
Purpose: National Comprehensive Cancer Network practice guidelines indicate that pelvic lymph node dissection can be omitted at radical cystectomy in elderly patients. We examined the pelvic lymph node dissection rate in patients 80 years old or older and the impact of pelvic lymph node dissection on cancer specific and overall mortality in these patients.Materials and Methods: We examined the records of 11,183 patients treated with radical cystectomy in 17 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registries. We performed univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis to test the effect of pelvic lymph node dissection on cancer specific and overall mortality.Results: Overall pelvic lymph node dissection was omitted in 25% of patients, including 24.2% younger than 80 years and 30.8% 80 years old or older (p <0.001). The 5-year rate of freedom from cancer specific mortality for pelvic lymph node dissection vs no pelvic lymph node dissection was 62.5% vs 59.9% in patients younger than 80 years, and 50..
Measurement of patients' knowledge of their medication in community pharmacies in Portugal
El objetivo do artículo es determinar el conocimiento de los pacientes sobre sus medicamentos. Estudio observacional descriptivo transversal. El conocimiento se midió mediante un cuestionario válido y fiable (CPM-PT-PT), a los pacientes que acudieron a las farmacias comunitarias participantes en el estudio solicitando uno o varios medicamentos en el Área Metropolitana de Lisboa. Se determinó el conocimiento en sus cuatro dimensiones: objetivo terapéutico, proceso de uso, seguridad y conservación de los medicamentos que el paciente utiliza. Participaron 35 farmacias, obteniéndose 633 pacientes válidos. El 82.5% (IC95%: 79,3%-85,3%) no conocen el medicamento que utilizan. En todos los ítems, hubo un alto porcentaje de pacientes con conocimiento incorrecto, destacando especialmente las precauciones (44,7%). La dimensión que menos conocen los pacientes fue la "seguridad del medicamento" (1,9%). 8 de cada 10 pacientes de la población no conocen el medicamento que utilizan. La mayor carencia de información correcta corresponde a la "seguridad" del medicamento.The scope of this article is to determine patients' knowledge about the medication they take. For this purpose, a cross-sectional, observational and descriptive study was conducted. Knowledge was measured by a valid and reliable questionnaire (CPM-PT-PT), given to the patients attending community pharmacies participating in the study, who had prescriptions for one or more drugs in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. Knowledge was assessed in four dimensions: therapeutic objective, process of use, safety and maintenance of the medications that the patient takes. Thirty-five pharmacies participated, and 633 valid patients were obtained. Fully 82.5% (95% CI: 79.3% -85.3%) were uninformed about the nature of the drug they use. In all items, there was a high percentage of patients with incorrect knowledge, with emphasis on precautions (44.7%). The dimension that the patients were least aware of was "drug safety" (1.9%). Eight out of 10 patients in the population do not know what drug they use. The highest lack of correct information was with respect to the "safety" of the medication
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