235 research outputs found

    A note on supersymmetric D-brane dynamics

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    We study the spin dependence of D-brane dynamics in the Green-Schwarz formalism of boundary states. In particular we show how to interpret insertion of supercharges on the boundary state as sources of non-universal spin effects in D-brane potentials. In this way we find for a generic (D)p-brane, potentials going like v4−n/r7−p+nv^{4-n}/r^{7-p+n} corresponding to interactions between the different components of the D-brane supermultiplet. From the eleven dimensional point of view, these potentials arise from the exchange of field strengths corresponding to the graviton and the three form, coupled non-minimally to the branes. We show how an annulus computation truncated to its massless contribution is enough to reproduce these next-to-leading effects, meaning in particular that the one-loop (M)atrix theory effective action should encode all the spin dependence of low-energy supergravity interactions.Comment: LaTex file, 12 pages, no figures, some corrections in last section and references added; version to appear in Physics Letters

    Oblique Corrections from Higgsless Models in Warped Space

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    We calculate the tree-level oblique corrections to electroweak precision observables generated in higgless models of electroweak symmetry breaking with a 5D SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_{B-L} gauge group on a warped background. In the absence of brane induced kinetic terms (and equal left and right gauge couplings) we find the S parameter to be ~1.15, while T,U~0, as in technicolor theories. Planck brane induced kinetic terms and unequal left-right couplings can lower S, however for sufficiently low values of S tree-level unitarity will be lost. A kinetic term localized on the TeV brane for SU(2)_D will generically increase S, however an induced kinetic term for U(1)_{B-L} on the TeV brane will lower S. With an appropriate choice of the value of this induced kinetic term S~0 can be achieved. In this case the mass of the lowest Z' mode will be lowered to about ~300 GeV.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures include

    Orbifold resolutions with general profile

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    A very general class of resolved versions of the C/Z_N, T^2/Z_N and S^1/Z_2 orbifolds is considered and the free theory of 6D chiral fermions studied on it. As the orbifold limit is taken, localized 4D chiral massless fermions are seen to arise at the fixed points. Their number, location and chirality is found to be independent on the detailed profile of the resolving space and to agree with the result of hep-th/0409229, in which a particular resolution was employed. As a consistency check of the resolution procedure, the massive equation is numerically studied. In particular, for S^1/Z_2, the "resolved" mass--spectrum and wave functions in the internal space are seen to correctly reproduce the usual orbifold ones, as the orbifold limit is taken.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected, references adde

    Anomalies in field theories with extra dimensions

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    We give an overview of the issue of anomalies in field theories with extra dimensions. We start by reviewing in a pedagogical way the computation of the standard perturbative gauge and gravitational anomalies on non-compact spaces, using Fujikawa's approach and functional integral methods, and discuss the available mechanisms for their cancellation. We then generalize these analyses to the case of orbifold field theories with compact internal dimensions, emphasizing the new aspects related to the presence of orbifold singularities and discrete Wilson lines, and the new cancellation mechanisms that are becoming available. We conclude with a very brief discussion on global and parity anomalies.Comment: Review article written for Int.J.Mod.Phys. A, 63 pages; v2: mistake in subsection 4.3 corrected, some comments and references added, a few misprints fixe

    Brane to brane gravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking

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    We extend the results of Mirabelli and Peskin to supergravity. We study the compactification on S-1/Z(2) of Zucker's off-shell formulation of 5D supergravity and its coupling to matter at the fixed points. We clarify some issues related to the off-shell description of supersymmetry breaking a la Scherk-Schwarz (here employed only as a tool), discussing how to deal with singular gravitino wave functions. We then consider 'visible' and 'hidden' chiral superfields localized at the two different fixed points and communicating only through 5D supergravity. We compute the one-loop corrections that mix the two sectors and the radion superfield. Locality in 5D ensures the calculability of these effects, which transmit supersymmetry breaking from the hidden to the visible sector. In the minimal set-up visible-sector scalars get a universal squared mass m(0)(2) < 0. In general (e.g., in the presence of a sizeable gravitational kinetic term localized on the hidden brane) the radion-mediated contribution to m(0)(2) can be positive and dominant. Although we did not build a complete satisfactory model, brane-to-brane effects can cure the tachyonic sleptons predicted by anomaly mediation by adding a positive m(0)(2), which is universal up to subleading flavour-breaking corrections. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Locally stable non-supersymmetric Minkowski vacua in supergravity

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    We perform a general study about the existence of non-supersymmetric minima with vanishing cosmological constant in supergravity models involving only chiral superfields. We study the conditions under which the matrix of second derivatives of the scalar potential is positive definite. We show that there exist very simple and strong necessary conditions for stability that constrain the Kahler curvature and the ratios of the supersymmetry-breaking auxiliary fields defining the Goldstino direction. We then derive more explicitly the implications of these constraints in the case where the Kahler potential for the supersymmetry-breaking fields is separable into a sum of terms for each of the fields. We also discuss the implications of our general results on the dynamics of moduli fields arising in string compactifications and on the relative sizes of their auxiliary fields, which are relevant for the soft terms of matter fields. We finally comment on how the idea of uplifting a supersymmetric AdS vacuum fits into our general study

    Electric and magnetic interaction of dyonic D-branes and odd spin structure

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    We present a general description of electromagnetic RR interactions between pairs of magnetically dual D-branes, focusing on the interaction of a magnetically charged brane with an electrically charged one. In the boundary state formalism, it turns out that while the electric-electric and/or magnetic-magnetic interaction corresponds to the usual RR even spin structure, the magnetic-electric interaction is described by the RR odd spin structure. As representative of the generic case of a dual pair of p and 6-p-branes, we discuss in detail the case of the self-dual 3-brane wrapped on a T-6/Z(3), which looks like an extremal dyonic black hole in four dimensions. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V

    Interaction of D-branes on orbifolds and massless particle emission

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    We discuss various D-brane configurations in 4-dimensional orbifold compactifications of type II superstring theory which are point-like 0-branes from the 4-dimensional space-time point of view. We analyze their interactions and compute the amplitude for the emission of a massless NSNS boson from them, in the case where the branes have a non vanishing relative velocity. In the large distance limit, our computation agrees with the expected field theory results

    Chiral Compactification on a Square

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    We study quantum field theory in six dimensions with two of them compactified on a square. A simple boundary condition is the identification of two pairs of adjacent sides of the square such that the values of a field at two identified points differ by an arbitrary phase. This allows a chiral fermion content for the four-dimensional theory obtained after integrating over the square. We find that nontrivial solutions for the field equations exist only when the phase is a multiple of \pi/2, so that this compactification turns out to be equivalent to a T^2/Z_4 orbifold associated with toroidal boundary conditions that are either periodic or anti-periodic. The equality of the Lagrangian densities at the identified points in conjunction with six-dimensional Lorentz invariance leads to an exact Z_8\times Z_2 symmetry, where the Z_2 parity ensures the stability of the lightest Kaluza-Klein particle.Comment: 28 pages, latex. References added. Clarifying remarks included in section 2. Minor corrections made in section

    Aspects of D-brane dynamics on orbifolds

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    We discuss D-brane dynamics in orbifold compactifications of type II superstring theory. We compute the interaction potential between two D-branes moving with constant velocities and give a field theory interpretation of it in the large distance limit
