58,434 research outputs found

    Spin dynamics in a superconductor / ferromagnet proximity system

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    The ferromagnetic resonance of thin sputtered Ni80Fe20 films grown on Nb is measured. By varying the temperature and thickness of the Nb the role of the superconductivity on the whole ferromagnetic layer in these heterostructures is explored. The change in the spin transport properties below the superconducting transition of the Nb is found to manifest itself in the Ni80Fe20 layer by a sharpening in the resonance of the ferromagnet, or a decrease in the effective Gilbert damping co-efficient. This dynamic proximity effect is in contrast to low frequency studies in these systems, where the effect of the superconductor is confined to a small region in the ferromagnet. We interpret this in terms of the spin pumping model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be submitted for publicatio

    Sudden Critical Current Drops Induced in S/F Structures

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    In the search for new physical properties of S/F structures, we have found that the superconductor critical current can be controlled by the domain state of the neighboring ferromagnet. The superconductor is a thin wire of thickness d_{s} ~ 2 xi_{S}. Nb/Co and Nb/Py (Permalloy Ni_{80}Fe_{20}) bilayer structures were grown with a significant magnetic anisotropy. Critical current measurements of Nb/Co structures with ferromagnet thickness d_{F} > 30nm show sudden drops in two very defined steps when the measurements are made along the hard axes direction (i.e. current track parallel to hard anisotropy axes direction). These drops disappear when they are made along the easy axis direction or when the ferromagnet thickness is below 30nm. The drops are accompanied by vortex flux flow. In addition magnetorestistance measurements close to Tc show a sharp increase near saturation fields of the ferromagnet. Similar results are reproduced in Nb/Py bilayer structure with the ferromagnet thickness d_{F} ~ 50nm along the easy anisotropy axes. These results are explained as being due to spontaneous vortex formation and flow induced by Bloch domain walls of the ferromagnet underneath. We argue these Bloch domain walls produce a 2D vortex-antivortex lattice structure.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    A Review of Mathematical Models for the Formation of\ud Vascular Networks

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    Mainly two mechanisms are involved in the formation of blood vasculature: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The former consists of the formation of a capillary-like network from either a dispersed or a monolayered population of endothelial cells, reproducible also in vitro by specific experimental assays. The latter consists of the sprouting of new vessels from an existing capillary or post-capillary venule. Similar phenomena are also involved in the formation of the lymphatic system through a process generally called lymphangiogenesis.\ud \ud A number of mathematical approaches have analysed these phenomena. This paper reviews the different modelling procedures, with a special emphasis on their ability to reproduce the biological system and to predict measured quantities which describe the overall processes. A comparison between the different methods is also made, highlighting their specific features

    Fermi surface and superconductivity in low-density high-mobility {\delta}-doped SrTiO3

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    The electronic structure of low-density n-type SrTiO3 delta-doped heterostructures is investigated by angular dependent Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations. In addition to a controllable crossover from a three- to two-dimensional Fermi surface, clear beating patterns for decreasing dopant layer thicknesses are found. These indicate the lifting of the degeneracy of the conduction band due to subband quantization in the two-dimensional limit. Analysis of the temperature-dependent oscillations shows that similar effective masses are found for all components, associated with the splitting of the light electron pocket. The dimensionality crossover in the superconducting state is found to be distinct from the normal state, resulting in a rich phase diagram as a function of dopant layer thickness.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Calibration of the CH and CN Variations Among Main Sequence Stars in M71 and in M13

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    An analysis of the CN and CH band strengths measured in a large sample of M71 and M13 main sequence stars by Cohen (1999a,b) is undertaken using synthetic spectra to quantify the underlying C and N abundances. In the case of M71 it is found that the observed CN and CH band strengths are best matched by the {\it{identical}} C/N/O abundances which fit the bright giants, implying: 1) little if any mixing is taking place during red giant branch ascent in M71, and 2) a substantial component of the C and N abundance inhomogeneities is in place before the main sequence turn-off. The unlikelihood of mixing while on the main sequence requires an explanation for the abundance variations which lies outside the present stars (primordial inhomogeneities or intra-cluster self enrichment). For M13 it is shown that the 3883\AA CN bands are too weak to be measured in the spectra for any reasonable set of expected compositions. A similar situation exists for CH as well. However, two of the more luminous program stars do appear to have C abundances considerably greater than those found among the bright giants thereby suggesting deep mixing has taken place on the M13 red giant branch.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication by A

    Current influences on traditional Chinese medicine education in the UK: the experience of a collaborative programme between Middlesex University and Beijing University of chinese medicine.

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    A long and successful collaboration has existed between Middlesex University and Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in the delivery of high quality education and practitioner training in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the UK. A joint degree programme was validated by the two Universities in 1997 offering integrated training at undergraduate level in both Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture & Moxibustion. This programme was the first of its kind to be offered in Europe by a public sector higher education institute. Students on the programme undertake academic study at Middlesex University and gain clinical experience on placement in hospitals affiliated to Beijing University of Chinese Medicine in addition to practitioner training in the UK at the Asante Academy of Chinese Medicine. There have been several drivers for the relatively recent move towards degree status for TCM, along with other Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) professions in the UK. Concern over patient safety and the rising popularity of CAM led to an inquiry being held by a House of Lords select committee. Their report, published in 2000, made several recommendations, including that the acupuncture and herbal medicine professions seek statutory status. Following this recommendation, the UK Department of Health launched a public consultation in March 2004, seeking views on proposals for statutory professional self-regulation of these professions. In developing its proposals, the Department of Health considered and built on the recommendations of two independent regulatory working groups for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. The views expressed in the consultation will help frame the provisions to be included in an order to be laid before the UK Parliament prior to becoming law. The matters which concern a regulatory body include education, registration, continuing professional development and disciplinary and ethical matters. A pre-requisite for regulation is the establishment of a core curriculum and minimum standards for competent practice as well as an expert mechanism to assess educational qualifications. This paper considers the impact of the move towards statutory self-regulation on the development of TCM education in the UK and the implications of future regulatory frameworks for educational institutions

    Time-resolved noise of adiabatic quantum pumps

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    We investigate quantum-statistical correlation properties of a periodically driven mesoscopic scatterer on a time-scale shorter than the period of a drive. In this limit the intrinsic quantum fluctuations in the system of fermions are the main source of a noise. Nevertheless the effect of a slow periodic drive is clearly visible in a two-time current-current correlation function as a specific periodic in time modulation. In the limit of a strong drive such a modulation can change the sign of a current correlation function.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    The Language of Bias: A Linguistic Approach to Understanding Intergroup Relations

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    [Excerpt] This chapter explores the role of language in the relationship between diversity and team performance. Specifically, we consider how a linguistic approach to social categorization may be used to study the social psychological mechanisms that underlie diversity effects. Using the results of a study examining the effects of gender, ethnicity and tenure on language abstraction, we consider the potential implications for team processes and effectiveness. In addition, we propose a revised team input-process-output model that highlights the potential effects of language on team processes. We conclude by suggesting directions for future research linking diversity, linguistic categorization and team effectiveness

    Diagnosing nutrient limitations to lentil and chickpea in acid soils of Bangladesh

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    Lentil and chickpea are dietary staple crops in Bangladesh but their local production has been markedly declining in recent decades, mainly due to competition with irrigated cereals. However, in northern Bangladesh, an additional problem to their cultivation is acid surface soil conditions, potentially causing deficiencies of molybdenum (Mo) and boron (B), and toxicities of aluminium (Al), manganese (Mn) or hydrogen ion (H+). In an attempt to rehabilitate lentil and chickpea in northern Bangladesh on-farm trials were conducted to determine the response of these crops to Mo, B, and lime and Rhizobium inoculation. Despite earlier reports of widespread B deficiency in the region a response to B was only found in chickpea. Responses to Mo and Rhizobium, applied through seed priming, were found. There were responses to lime even after B, Mo, and Rhizobium had been applied, suggesting Al toxicity. Recommendations for fertilizer requirement, to fit into an overall integrated crop management package for lentil and chickpea, were modified accordingly

    Thermal entanglement of spins in a nonuniform magnetic field

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    We study the effect of inhomogeneities in the magnetic field on the thermal entanglement of a two spin system. We show that in the ferromagnetic case a very small inhomogeneity is capable to produce large values of thermal entanglement. This shows that the absence of entanglement in the ferromagnetic Heisenberg system is highly unstable against inhomogeneoity of magnetic fields which is inevitably present in any solid state realization of qubits.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, latex, Accepted for publication in Physical Review
