46,495 research outputs found

    Experimental demonstration of an efficient quantum phase-covariant cloning and its possible applications to simulating eavesdropping in quantum cryptography

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    We describe a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment which implements an efficient one-to-two qubit phase-covariant cloning machine(QPCCM). In the experiment we have achieved remarkably high fidelities of cloning, 0.848 and 0.844 respectively for the original and the blank qubit. This experimental value is close to the optimal theoretical value of 0.854. We have also demonstrated how to use our phase-covariant cloning machine for quantum simulations of bit by bit eavesdropping in the four-state quantum key distribution protocol.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Comment on "Self-Purification in Semiconductor Nanocrystals"

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    In a recent Letter [PRL 96, 226802 (2006)], Dalpian and Chelikowsky claimed that formation energies of Mn impurities in CdSe nanocrystals increase as the size of the nanocrystal decreases, and argued that this size dependence leads to "self-purification" of small nanocrystals. They presented density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations showing a strong size dependence for Mn impurity formation energies, and proposed a general explanation. In this Comment we show that several different DFT codes, pseudopotentials, and exchange-correlation functionals give a markedly different result: We find no such size dependence. More generally, we argue that formation energies are not relevant to substitutional doping in most colloidally grown nanocrystals.Comment: 1 page, 1 figur

    On the Approximability and Hardness of the Minimum Connected Dominating Set with Routing Cost Constraint

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    In the problem of minimum connected dominating set with routing cost constraint, we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), and the goal is to find the smallest connected dominating set DD of GG such that, for any two non-adjacent vertices uu and vv in GG, the number of internal nodes on the shortest path between uu and vv in the subgraph of GG induced by D{u,v}D \cup \{u,v\} is at most α\alpha times that in GG. For general graphs, the only known previous approximability result is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm (n=Vn=|V|) for α=1\alpha = 1 by Ding et al. For any constant α>1\alpha > 1, we give an O(n11α(logn)1α)O(n^{1-\frac{1}{\alpha}}(\log n)^{\frac{1}{\alpha}})-approximation algorithm. When α5\alpha \geq 5, we give an O(nlogn)O(\sqrt{n}\log n)-approximation algorithm. Finally, we prove that, when α=2\alpha =2, unless NPDTIME(npolylogn)NP \subseteq DTIME(n^{poly\log n}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the problem admits no polynomial-time 2log1ϵn2^{\log^{1-\epsilon}n}-approximation algorithm, improving upon the Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) bound by Du et al. (albeit under a stronger hardness assumption)

    Carrier Sense Random Packet CDMA Protocol in Dual-Channel Networks

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    Code resource wastage is caused by the reason that many hopping frequency (FH) sequences are unused, which occurs under the condition that the number of the actual subnets needed for the tactical network is far smaller than the networking capacity of code division net¬working. Dual-channel network (DCN), consisting of one single control channel and multiple data channels, can solve the code resource wastage effectively. To improve the anti-jamming capability of the control channel of DCN, code division multiple access (CDMA) technology was introduced, and a carrier sense random packet (CSRP) CDMA protocol based on random packet CDMA (RP-CDMA) was proposed. In CSRP-CDMA, we provide a carrier sensing random packet mechanism and a packet-segment acknowledgement policy. Furthermore, an analytical model was developed to evaluate the performance of CSRP-CDMA networks. In this model, the impacts of multi-access interference from both inter-clusters and intra-clusters were analyzed, and the mathematical expressions of packet transmission success probability, normalized network throughput and signal interference to noise ratio, were also derived. Analytical and simulation results demonstrate that the normalized network throughput of CSRP-CDMA outperforms traditional RP-CDMA by 10%, which can guarantee the resource utilization efficiency of the control channel in DCNs

    Experimental Quantum Cloning with Prior Partial Information

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    When prior partial information about a state to be cloned is available, it can be cloned with a fidelity higher than that of universal quantum cloning. We experimentally verify this intriguing relationship between the cloning fidelity and the prior information by reporting the first experimental optimal quantum state-dependent cloning, using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. Our experiments may further have important implications into many quantum information processing protocols.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    MAP: Microblogging Assisted Profiling of TV Shows

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    Online microblogging services that have been increasingly used by people to share and exchange information, have emerged as a promising way to profiling multimedia contents, in a sense to provide users a socialized abstraction and understanding of these contents. In this paper, we propose a microblogging profiling framework, to provide a social demonstration of TV shows. Challenges for this study lie in two folds: First, TV shows are generally offline, i.e., most of them are not originally from the Internet, and we need to create a connection between these TV shows with online microblogging services; Second, contents in a microblogging service are extremely noisy for video profiling, and we need to strategically retrieve the most related information for the TV show profiling.To address these challenges, we propose a MAP, a microblogging-assisted profiling framework, with contributions as follows: i) We propose a joint user and content retrieval scheme, which uses information about both actors and topics of a TV show to retrieve related microblogs; ii) We propose a social-aware profiling strategy, which profiles a video according to not only its content, but also the social relationship of its microblogging users and its propagation in the social network; iii) We present some interesting analysis, based on our framework to profile real-world TV shows

    Experimental Demonstration of Quantum State Multi-meter and One-qubit Fingerprinting in a Single Quantum Device

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    We experimentally demonstrate in NMR a quantum interferometric multi-meter for extracting certain properties of unknown quantum states without resource to quantum tomography. It can perform direct state determinations, eigenvalue/eigenvector estimations, purity tests of a quantum system, as well as the overlap of any two unknown quantum states. Using the same device, we also demonstrate one-qubit quantum fingerprinting

    Rotating system for four-dimensional transverse rms-emittance measurements

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    Knowledge of the transverse four-dimensional beam rms-parameters is essential for applications that involve lattice elements that couple the two transverse degrees of freedom (planes). Of special interest is the removal of inter-plane correlations to reduce the projected emittances. A dedicated ROtating System for Emittance measurements (ROSE) has been proposed, developed, and successfully commissioned to fully determine the four-dimensional beam matrix. This device has been used at the High Charge injector (HLI) at GSI using a beam line which is composed of a skew quadrupole triplet, a normal quadrupole doublet, and ROSE. Mathematical algorithms, measurements, and results for ion beams of 83Kr13+ at 1.4 MeV/u are reported in this paper.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Effective Mass of the Four Flux Composite Fermion at ν=1/4\nu = 1/4

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    We have measured the effective mass (mm^*) of the four flux composite fermion at Landau level filling factor ν=1/4\nu = 1/4 (4^4CF), using the activation energy gaps at the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) states ν\nu = 2/7, 3/11, and 4/15 and the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) oscillations around ν=1/4\nu = 1/4. We find that the energy gaps show a linear dependence on the effective magnetic field BeffB_{eff} (BBν=1/4\equiv B-B_{\nu=1/4}), and from this linear dependence we obtain m=1.0mem^* = 1.0 m_e and a disorder broadening Γ\Gamma \sim 1 K for a sample of density n=0.87×1011n = 0.87 \times 10^{11} /cm2^2. The mm^* deduced from the temperature dependence of the SdH effect shows large differences for ν>1/4\nu > 1/4 and ν<1/4\nu < 1/4. For ν>1/4\nu > 1/4, m1.0mem^* \sim 1.0 m_e. It scales as Bν\sqrt{B_{\nu}} with the mass derived from the data around ν=1/2\nu =1/2 and shows an increase in mm^* as ν1/4\nu \to 1/4, resembling the findings around ν=1/2\nu =1/2. For ν<1/4\nu < 1/4, mm^* increases rapidly with increasing BeffB_{eff} and can be described by m/me=3.3+5.7×Beffm^*/m_e = -3.3 + 5.7 \times B_{eff}. This anomalous dependence on BeffB_{eff} is precursory to the formation of the insulating phase at still lower filling.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure