27,359 research outputs found

    Transposon and deletion mutagenesis of genes involved in perchlorate reduction in Azospira suillum PS.

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    UnlabelledAlthough much work on the biochemistry of the key enzymes of bacterial perchlorate reduction, chlorite dismutase, and perchlorate reductase has been published, understanding of the molecular mechanisms of this metabolism has been somewhat hampered by the lack of a clear model system amenable to genetic manipulation. Using transposon mutagenesis and clean deletions, genes important for perchlorate reduction in Azospira suillum PS have been identified both inside and outside the previously described perchlorate reduction genomic island (PRI). Transposon mutagenesis identified 18 insertions in 11 genes that completely abrogate growth via reduction of perchlorate but have no phenotype during denitrification. Of the mutants deficient in perchlorate reduction, 14 had insertions that were mapped to eight different genes within the PRI, highlighting its importance in this metabolism. To further explore the role of these genes, we also developed systems for constructing unmarked deletions and for complementing these deletions. Using these tools, every core gene in the PRI was systematically deleted; 8 of the 17 genes conserved in the PRI are essential for perchlorate respiration, including 3 genes that comprise a unique histidine kinase system. Interestingly, the other 9 genes in the PRI are not essential for perchlorate reduction and may thus have unknown functions during this metabolism. We present a model detailing our current understanding of perchlorate reduction that incorporates new concepts about this metabolism.ImportanceAlthough perchlorate is generated naturally in the environment, groundwater contamination is largely a result of industrial activity. Bacteria capable of respiring perchlorate and remediating contaminated water have been isolated, but relatively little is known about the biochemistry and genetics of this process. Here we used two complementary approaches to identify genes involved in perchlorate reduction. Most of these genes are located on a genomic island, which is potentially capable of moving between organisms. Some of the genes identified are known to be directly involved in the metabolism of perchlorate, but other new genes likely regulate the metabolism in response to environmental signals. This work has uncovered new questions about the regulation, energetics, and evolution of perchlorate reduction but also presents the tools to address them

    First-Order Reorientation of the Flux-Line Lattice in CaAlSi

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    The flux line lattice in CaAlSi has been studied by small angle neutron scattering. A well defined hexagonal flux line lattice is seen just above Hc1 in an applied field of only 54 Oe. A 30 degree reorientation of this vortex lattice has been observed in a very low field of 200 Oe. This reorientation transition appears to be of first-order and could be explained by non-local effects. The magnetic field dependence of the form factor is well described by a single penetration depth of 1496(1) angstroms and a single coherence length of 307(1) angstroms at 2 K. At 1.5 K the penetration depth anisotropy is 2.7(1) with the field applied perpendicular to the c axis and agrees with the coherence length anisotropy determined from critical field measurements.Comment: 5 pages including 6 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    On the Connection Between Momentum Cutoff and Operator Cutoff Regularizations

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    Operator cutoff regularization based on the original Schwinger's proper-time formalism is examined. By constructing a regulating smearing function for the proper-time integration, we show how this regularization scheme simulates the usual momentum cutoff prescription yet preserves gauge symmetry even in the presence of the cutoff scales. Similarity between the operator cutoff regularization and the method of higher (covariant) derivatives is also observed. The invariant nature of the operator cutoff regularization makes it a promising tool for exploring the renormalization group flow of gauge theories in the spirit of Wilson-Kadanoff blocking transformation.Comment: 28 pages in plain TeX, no figures. revised and expande

    A Case for Redundant Arrays of Hybrid Disks (RAHD)

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    Hybrid Hard Disk Drive was originally concepted by Samsung, which incorporates a Flash memory in a magnetic disk. The combined ultra-high-density benefits of magnetic storage and the low-power and fast read access of NAND technology inspires us to construct Redundant Arrays of Hybrid Disks (RAHD) to offer a possible alternative to today’s Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAIDs) and/or Massive Arrays of Idle Disks (MAIDs). We first design an internal management system (including Energy-Efficient Control) for hybrid disks. Three traces collected from real systems as well as a synthetic trace are then used to evaluate the RAHD arrays. The trace-driven experimental results show: in the high speed mode, a RAHD outplays the purely-magnetic-disk-based RAIDs by a factor of 2.4–4; in the energy-efficient mode, a RAHD4/5 can save up to 89% of energy at little performance degradationPeer reviewe

    QCDOC: A 10-teraflops scale computer for lattice QCD

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    The architecture of a new class of computers, optimized for lattice QCD calculations, is described. An individual node is based on a single integrated circuit containing a PowerPC 32-bit integer processor with a 1 Gflops 64-bit IEEE floating point unit, 4 Mbyte of memory, 8 Gbit/sec nearest-neighbor communications and additional control and diagnostic circuitry. The machine's name, QCDOC, derives from ``QCD On a Chip''.Comment: Lattice 2000 (machines) 8 pages, 4 figure

    ¿El tamaño y la orientación del grupo intruso afecta a la distancia de iniciación al vuelo en aves?

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    Wildlife managers use flight initiation distance (FID), the distance animals flee an approaching predator, to determine set back distances to minimize human impacts on wildlife. FID is typically estimated by a single person; this study examined the effects of intruder number and orientation on FID. Three different group size treatments (solitary person, two people side–by–side, two people one–behind–the–other) were applied to Pied Currawongs (Strepera graculina) and to Crimson Rosellas (Platycerus elegans). Rosellas flushed at significantly greater distances when approached by two people compared to a single person. This effect was not seen in currawongs. Intruder orientation did not influence the FID of either species. Results suggest that intruder number should be better integrated into estimates of set back distance to manage human visitation around sensitive species.Los gestores de la fauna utilizan la distancia de iniciación al vuelo (FID), la distancia a la que los animales huyen cuando se les acerca un depredador, para determinar las distancias de respuesta a fin de minimizar el impacto humano en la fauna. La FID es estimada típicamente por una sola persona; este estudio examinó los efectos del número y de la orientación del intruso en la FID. Se aplicaron tres tratamientos distintos de tamaño del grupo (persona solitaria, dos personas una al lado de la otra, dos personas una detras de la otra) a currawongs cálidos (Strepera graculina) y a pericos elegantes (Platycerus elegans). Los pericos elegantes huían a distancias perceptiblemente mayores cuando se le acercaban dos personas que cuando se le acercaba una sola. Este efecto no fue observado en los currawongs pálidos. La orientación del intruso no influenció en la FID de ninguna especie. Los resultados sugieren que el número de intrusos debería ser considerado en las estimaciones de las distancias de respuesta, para poder gestionar las visitas de personas cerca de especies sensibles