869 research outputs found

    The Stress of Lung Aging:Endoplasmic Reticulum and Senescence Tete-a-Tete

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    Beyond the structural changes, features including the dysregulation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response and increased senescence characterize the lung aging. ER stress response and senescence have been reported to be induced by factors like cigarette smoke. Therefore, deciphering the mechanisms underlying ER and senescent pathways interaction has become a challenge. In this review we highlight the known and unknown regarding ER stress response and senescence and their cross talk in aged lung

    Dyskinesia Impairment Scale scores in Dutch pre-school children after neonatal therapeutic hypothermia

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    BACKGROUND: Neonatal therapeutic hypothermia (TH) can ameliorate or prevent the development of dyskinetic cerebral palsy (CP) after hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE). The Dyskinesia Impairment Scale (DIS) was recently launched to quantify dyskinetic (dystonic and choreatic) motor features in patients with CP. In TH treated children, who are at risk of developing dyskinetic CP, we aimed to determine DIS-scores at pre-school age. METHOD: In 21 Dutch pre-school children (3-6 years of age) who had received TH according to the Dutch-Flemish treatment protocol, we determined DIS-scores. We associated DIS-scores with 1. age-matched control values (Kuiper et al., 2018) [1], and 2. previously reported DIS-score range in dyskinetic CP (Monbaliu E et al., 2015). RESULTS: The motor phenotype was determined as: normal (n = 18/21), mildly impaired (reduced coordination (n = 2/21)) and abnormal (dyskinetic CP; n = 1/21). In absence of CP (n = 20/21), DIS-scores were lower (more favorable) than in dyskinetic CP, without any overlapping group scores (mean difference: 71 points; p < .05). However, the obtained DIS-scores were still higher than previously reported in healthy age-matched controls (mean difference: 14 points; p < .05). There was an association between DIS-scores and retrospective neonatal MRI (basal ganglia and thalamus injury on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)) and (a)EEG parameters (p < .05). CONCLUSION: In the vast majority (95%) of Dutch TH-HIE treated pre-school children, the phenotypic motor outcome was favorable. However, DIS-scores were moderately increased compared with healthy age-matched controls. Future studies may elucidate the significance of moderately increased DIS-scores should to further extent

    COPD-derived fibroblasts secrete higher levels of senescence-associated secretory phenotype proteins.

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    COPD-derived fibroblasts have increased cellular senescence. Senescent cell accumulation can induce tissue dysfunction by their senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). We aimed to determine the SASP of senescent fibroblasts and COPD-derived lung fibroblasts, including severe, early-onset (SEO)-COPD. SASP protein secretion was measured after paraquat-induced senescence in lung fibroblasts using Olink Proteomics and compared between (SEO-)COPD-derived and control-derived fibroblasts. We identified 124 SASP proteins of senescent lung fibroblasts, of which 42 were secreted at higher levels by COPD-derived fibroblasts and 35 by SEO-COPD-derived fibroblasts compared with controls. Interestingly, the (SEO-)COPD-associated SASP included proteins involved in chronic inflammation, which may contribute to (SEO-)COPD pathogenesis

    Про підготовку навчального посібника з краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України

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    У статті обґрунтовується необхідність підготовки навчального посібника з національного краєзнавства для вищих навчальних закладів України, висвітлено стан його підготовки, концепція та окремі, найбільш важливі і дискусійні аспекти змісту майбутнього посібника.В статье обосновывается необходимость подготовки учебного пособия по национальному краеведению для высших учебных заведений Украины, показана степень его подготовки, концепция и отдельные, наиболее важные и дискуссионные аспекты будущего учебника.In the article the necessity of preparation of the tutorial of local history for higher educational establishments in Ukraine is settled down, the state of its preparation, conception and particular, most essential and debatable aspects of the content of the manual are covered

    A Potent Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase Inhibitor to Study the Function of TRAP in Alveolar Macrophages.

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    The enzyme tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP, two isoforms 5a and 5b) is highly expressed in alveolar macrophages, but its function there is unclear and potent selective inhibitors of TRAP are required to assess functional aspects of the protein. We found higher TRAP activity/expression in lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma compared to controls and more TRAP activity in lungs of mice with experimental COPD or asthma. Stimuli related to asthma and/or COPD were tested for their capacity to induce TRAP. Receptor activator of NF-κb ligand (RANKL) and Xanthine/Xanthine Oxidase induced TRAP mRNA expression in mouse macrophages, but only RANKL also induced TRAP activity in mouse lung slices. Several Au(III) coordination compounds were tested for their ability to inhibit TRAP activity and [Au(4,4'-dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridine)Cl2][PF6] (AubipyOMe) was found to be the most potent inhibitor of TRAP5a and 5b activity reported to date (IC50 1.3 and 1.8 μM respectively). AubipyOMe also inhibited TRAP activity in murine macrophage and human lung tissue extracts. In a functional assay with physiological TRAP substrate osteopontin, AubipyOMe inhibited mouse macrophage migration over osteopontin-coated membranes. In conclusion, higher TRAP expression/activity are associated with COPD and asthma and TRAP is involved in regulating macrophage migration

    BET proteins are associated with the induction of small airway fibrosis in COPD.

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    RationaleIn COPD, small airway fibrosis occurs due to increased extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition in and around the airway smooth muscle (ASM) layer. Studies of immune cells and peripheral lung tissue have shown that epigenetic changes occur in COPD but it is unknown whether airway mesenchymal cells are reprogrammed.ObjectivesDetermine if COPD ASM cells have a unique epigenetic response to profibrotic cytokine transforming growth factor β1 (TGF-β1).MethodsPrimary human ASM cells from COPD and non-COPD smoking patients were stimulated with TGF-β1. Gene array analysis performed to identify differences in ECM expression. Airway accumulation of collagen 15α1 and tenascin-C proteins was assessed. Aforementioned ASM cells were stimulated with TGF-β1 ± epigenetic inhibitors with qPCR quantification of COL15A1 and TNC. Global histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity were assessed. chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-qPCR for histone H3 and H4 acetylation at COL15A1 and TNC promoters was carried out. Effects of bromoterminal and extraterminal domain (BET) inhibitor JQ1(+) on expression and acetylation of ECM target genes were assessed.Measurements and main resultsCOPD ASM show significantly higher COL15A1 and TNC expression in vitro and the same trend for higher levels of collagen 15α1 and tenascin-c deposited in COPD airways in vivo. Epigenetic screening indicated differential response to HDAC inhibition. ChIP-qPCR revealed histone H4 acetylation at COL15A1 and TNC promoters in COPD ASM only. ChIP-qPCR found JQ1(+) pretreatment significantly abrogated TGF-β1 induced histone H4 acetylation at COL15A1 and TNC.ConclusionsBET protein binding to acetylated histones is important in TGF-β1 induced expression of COL15A1 and TNC and maintenance of TGF-β1 induced histone H4 acetylation in cell progeny

    Substrate stiffness engineered to replicate disease conditions influence senescence and fibrotic responses in primary lung fibroblasts

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    In fibrosis remodelling of ECM leads to changes in composition and stiffness. Such changes can have a major impact on cell functions including proliferation, secretory profile and differentiation. Several studies have reported that fibrosis is characterised by increased senescence and accumulating evidence suggests that changes to the ECM including altered composition and increased stiffness may contribute to premature cellular senescence. This study investigated if increased stiffness could modulate markers of senescence and/or fibrosis in primary human lung fibroblasts. Using hydrogels representing stiffnesses that fall within healthy and fibrotic ranges, we cultured primary fibroblasts from non-diseased lung tissue on top of these hydrogels for up to 7 days before assessing senescence and fibrosis markers. Fibroblasts cultured on stiffer (±15 kPa) hydrogels showed higher Yes-associated protein-1 (YAP) nuclear translocation compared to soft hydrogels. When looking at senescence-associated proteins we also found higher secretion of receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-B ligand (RANKL) but no change in transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) or connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) expression and higher decorin protein deposition on stiffer matrices. With respect to genes associated with fibrosis, fibroblasts on stiffer hydrogels compared to soft had higher expression of smooth muscle alpha (α)-2 actin (ACTA2), collagen (COL) 1A1 and fibulin-1 (Fbln1) and higher Fbln1 protein deposition after 7 days. Our results show that exposure of lung fibroblasts to fibrotic stiffness activates genes and secreted factors that are part of fibrotic responses and part of the Senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). This overlap may contribute to the creation of a feedback loop whereby fibroblasts create a perpetuating cycle reinforcing progression of a fibrotic response

    Genetic regulation of gene expression of MIF family members in lung tissue.

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    Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a cytokine found to be associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, there is no consensus on how MIF levels differ in COPD compared to control conditions and there are no reports on MIF expression in lung tissue. Here we studied gene expression of members of the MIF family MIF, D-Dopachrome Tautomerase (DDT) and DDT-like (DDTL) in a lung tissue dataset with 1087 subjects and identified single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) regulating their gene expression. We found higher MIF and DDT expression in COPD patients compared to non-COPD subjects and found 71 SNPs significantly influencing gene expression of MIF and DDTL. Furthermore, the platform used to measure MIF (microarray or RNAseq) was found to influence the splice variants detected and subsequently the direction of the SNP effects on MIF expression. Among the SNPs found to regulate MIF expression, the major LD block identified was linked to rs5844572, a SNP previously found to be associated with lower diffusion capacity in COPD. This suggests that MIF may be contributing to the pathogenesis of COPD, as SNPs that influence MIF expression are also associated with symptoms of COPD. Our study shows that MIF levels are affected not only by disease but also by genetic diversity (i.e. SNPs). Since none of our significant eSNPs for MIF or DDTL have been described in GWAS for COPD or lung function, MIF expression in COPD patients is more likely a consequence of disease-related factors rather than a cause of the disease

    The Microbiome in Bronchial Biopsies from Smokers and Ex-Smokers with Stable COPD - A Metatranscriptomic Approach

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    Current knowledge about the respiratory microbiome is mainly based on 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing. Newer sequencing approaches, such as metatranscriptomics, offer the technical ability to measure the viable microbiome response to environmental conditions such as smoking as well as to explore its functional role by investigating host-microbiome interactions. However, knowledge about its feasibility in respiratory microbiome research, especially in lung biopsies, is still very limited. RNA sequencing was performed in bronchial biopsies from clinically stable smokers (n=5) and ex-smokers (n=6) with COPD not using (inhaled) steroids. The Trinity assembler was used to assemble non-human reads in order to allow unbiased taxonomical and microbial transcriptional analyses. Subsequently, host-microbiome interactions were analyzed based on associations with host transcriptomic data. Ultra-low levels of microbial mass (0.009%) were identified in the RNA-seq data. Overall, no differences were identified in microbiome diversity or transcriptional profiles of microbial communities or individual microbes between COPD smokers and ex-smokers in the initial test dataset as well as a larger replication dataset. We identified an upregulated host gene set, related to the simultaneous presence of Bradyrhizobium, Roseomonas, Brevibacterium.spp., which were related to PERK-mediated unfolded protein response (UPR) and expression of the microRNA-155-5p. Our results show that metatranscriptomic profiling in bronchial biopsy samples from stable COPD patients yields ultra-low levels of microbial mass. Further, this study illustrates the potential of using transcriptional profiling of the host and microbiome to gain more insight into their interaction in the airways