564 research outputs found

    Siren songs or path to salvation? Interpreting the visions of web technology at a UK regional newspaper in crisis, 2006-11

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    A 5-year case study of an established regional newspaper in Britain investigates journalists about their perceptions of convergence in digital technologies. This research is the first ethnographic longitudinal case study of a UK regional newspaper. Although conforming to some trends observed in the wider field of scholarship, the analysis adds to skepticism about any linear or directional views of innovation and adoption: the Northern Echo newspaper journalists were observed to have revised their opinions of optimum Web practices, and sometimes radically reversed policies. Technology is seen in the period as a fluid, amorphous entity. Central corporate authority appeared to diminish in the period as part of a wider reduction in formalism. Questioning functionalist notions of the market, the study suggests cause and effect models of change are often subverted by contradictory perceptions of particular actions. Meanwhile, during technological evolution, the ‘professional imagination’ can be understood as strongly reflecting the parent print culture and its routines, despite pioneering a new convergence partnership with an independent television company

    Investigating knowledge management factors affecting Chinese ICT firms performance: An integrated KM framework

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in the Journal of Information Systems Management, 28(1), 19 - 29, 2011, copyright Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://www.tandfonline.com/10.1080/10580530.2011.536107.This article sets out to investigate the critical factors of Knowledge Management (KM) which are considered to have an impact on the performance of Chinese information and communication technology (ICT) firms. This study confirms that the cultural environment of an enterprise is central to its success in the context of China. It shows that a collaborated, trusted, and learning environment within ICT firms will have a positive impact on their KM performance

    Project Last Mile and the development of the Girl Champ brand in eSwatini: Engaging the private sector to promote uptake of health services among adolescent girls and young women

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    In eSwatini and across sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are at significantly higher risk of HIV infection and poorer sexual and reproductive health (SRH) than their male counterparts. AGYW demonstrate low demand for SRH services, further contributing to poor outcomes. Strategic marketing approaches, including those used by multinational corporations, have potential to support demand creation for SRH services among AGYW, but there is limited empirical evidence on the direct application of privatesector strategic marketing approaches in this context. Therefore, we examined how Project Last Mile worked with eSwatini’s Ministry of Heath to translate strategic marketing approaches from the Coca-Cola system to attract AGYW to SRH services. We present qualitative market research using the ZMET® methodology with 12 young Swazi women (ages 15–24), which informed development of a highly branded communication strategy consistent with other successful gain-framing approaches. Qualitative in-depth interviews with 19 stakeholders revealed receptivity to the market research findings, and highlighted local ownership over the strategic marketing process and brand. These results can inform similar efforts to translate strategic marketing to support demand generation in pursuit of public health goals to reduce HIV risk and improve SRH

    A Fibreoptic Endoscopic Study of Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania: a Retrospective Review of 240 Cases.

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    Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding is recognized as a common and potentially life-threatening abdominal emergency that needs a prompt assessment and aggressive emergency treatment. A retrospective study was undertaken at Bugando Medical Centre in northwestern Tanzania between March 2010 and September 2011 to describe our own experiences with fibreoptic upper GI endoscopy in the management of patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding in our setting and compare our results with those from other centers in the world. A total of 240 patients representing 18.7% of all patients (i.e. 1292) who had fibreoptic upper GI endoscopy during the study period were studied. Males outnumbered female by a ratio of 2.1:1. Their median age was 37 years and most of patients (60.0%) were aged 40 years and below. The vast majority of the patients (80.4%) presented with haematemesis alone followed by malaena alone in 9.2% of cases. The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol and smoking prior to the onset of bleeding was recorded in 7.9%, 51.7% and 38.3% of cases respectively. Previous history of peptic ulcer disease was reported in 22(9.2%) patients. Nine (3.8%) patients were HIV positive. The source of bleeding was accurately identified in 97.7% of patients. Diagnostic accuracy was greater within the first 24 h of the bleeding onset, and in the presence of haematemesis. Oesophageal varices were the most frequent cause of upper GI bleeding (51.3%) followed by peptic ulcers in 25.0% of cases. The majority of patients (60.8%) were treated conservatively. Endoscopic and surgical treatments were performed in 30.8% and 5.8% of cases respectively. 140 (58.3%) patients received blood transfusion. The median length of hospitalization was 8 days and it was significantly longer in patients who underwent surgical treatment and those with higher Rockall scores (P < 0.001). Rebleeding was reported in 3.3% of the patients. The overall mortality rate of 11.7% was significantly higher in patients with variceal bleeding, shock, hepatic decompensation, HIV infection, comorbidities, malignancy, age > 60 years and in patients with higher Rockall scores and those who underwent surgery (P < 0.001). Oesophageal varices are the commonest cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in our environment and it is associated with high morbidity and mortality. The diagnostic accuracy of fibreoptic endoscopy was related to the time interval between the onset of bleeding and endoscopy. Therefore, it is recommended that early endoscopy should be performed within 24 h of the onset of bleeding

    Multidimensional Facets of Perceived Risk in Mobile Travel Booking

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    Despite the growing prevalence of smartphones in daily life and travel context, travellers still perceive an extent of risk associated with using their smartphone to book travel products. In order to alleviate or reduce perceived risk, it is important to better understand the dimensions of and the factors that contribute to perceived risk. This study analysed 411 responses from an online panel to examine perceived risk in mobile travel booking and identified the following facets: time risk, financial risk, performance risk, privacy/security risk, psychological risk, physical risk, and device risk. Several antecedents of perceived risk were identified. Perceived collection of personal information via smartphones contributes positively, while consumer innovativeness, trust, and visibility contribute negatively to perceived risk. Further, the predictive validity of perceived risk is confirmed as it significantly explains perceived usefulness, attitude, and behavioural intention in mobile travel booking. Implications to manage perceived risk and its antecedents are provided

    Measuring the value of placements to employers: A cost-benefit approach

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    This article explores the concept and measurement of placement value, underexplored in theory and practice to date. The article makes a theoretical contribution to the placement value discourse by examining and articulating the placement value concept. It also offers a practical contribution by exploring a piloted tool to evaluate employer placement value, developed as part of a project funded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England. It examines the immaturity of the placement value concept against contemporary value discourse, including service- and goods-dominant logic frameworks (exploring value-in-use and value-in-exchange) and calls for greater attention to be paid to placement value to support the sustainable provision of placements.N/

    SMEs' purchasing habits : A procurement maturity model for stakeholders

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    Although micro companies overpower the small and medium enterprise (SME) segment, generalizations are often with medium size companies, and therefore, there are many unknowns, especially when it comes to its buying behavior. Conformist studies and industry practices assume SMEs to be “normative” or “conservative” buyers; however, this hypothesis is untested. This article aims to scrutinize the reality, and proposes a unified model that rejects pre-containerization in buying behavior typologies, as well as selectiveness in terms of audience type, whether it is corporate, SME, or consumer. While replacing researchers’ perceptions with the audience’s, the model yields actual knowledge that can lead to audience’s beliefs in lieu of the opposite, which is used to mislead stakeholders. The study shows that SMEs also buy like individuals and spend in a similar way to consumers’, including not only “normative” and “conservative” but also “negligent” and “impulse” zones. From the research-implications perspective, future studies by behaviorists can explore why SMEs purchase in this way. Marketers may benefit from the finding that SMEs buy like individuals. In addition, SMEs may want to be conscious of their purchasing habits, and—utilizing the newly introduced “risk score” frontier—policymakers should assess the consequences of these habits at the macro level

    Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal: Primer Consenso Latinoamericano de la Pan American Crohn's and Colitis Organisation

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    La incidencia y la prevalencia de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) se han incrementado en los últimos a˜nos en varios países de Latinoamérica. Existe una necesidad de concientizar a gastroenterólogos y a la población en general para poder tener un diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos en la colitis ulcerosa crónica idiopática (CUCI) y enfermedad de Crohn (EC). Es importante que todos los médicos tengan un criterio homogéneo acerca del diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la EII en América Latina. La Pan American Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO) es un organismo con el propósito de incluir a todos los países del continente americano pero se enfoca de manera específica a los países latinos. Este Consenso está dividido en 2 partes para su publicación: 1) diagnóstico y tratamiento, y 2) situaciones especiales. Este es el primer Consenso latinoamericano cuyo objetivo es promover una perspectiva adaptadaa nuestros países latinos para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y la monitorización de pacientescon CUCI y EC.© 2016 Asociaci´on Mexicana de Gastroenterolog´ıa. Publicado por Masson Doyma M´exico S.A.Este es un art´ıculo Open Access bajo la licencia CC BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). ABSTRACT The incidence and prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has increased inrecent years in several Latin American countries. There is a need to raise awareness in gastro-enterologists and the population in general, so that early diagnosis and treatment of ulcerativecolitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD) can be carried out. It is important for all physicians tohave homogeneous criteria regarding the diagnosis and treatment of IBD in Latin America. ThePan American Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (PANCCO) is an organization that aims to includeall the countries of the Americas, but it specifically concentrates on Latin America. The presentConsensus was divided into two parts for publication: 1) Diagnosis and treatment and 2) Specialsituations.This is the first Latin American Consensus whose purpose is to promote a perspective adaptedto our Latin American countries for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of patients withUC and CD.© 2016 Asociaci´on Mexicana de Gastroenterolog´ıa. Published by Masson Doyma M´exico S.A. Thisis an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Moving from the margins: The role of narrative and metaphor in health literacy

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    Narrative and metaphor are now recognised to be central to thought, language and communication, and consequently have relevance to discourse and action in many areas including health and wellbeing. In this paper, narrative and metaphor are examined in relation to areas relevant to health literacy. The ways in which narrative and metaphor relate to dimensions of health literacy identified by Zarcadoolas et al. (Zarcadoolas C, Pleasant A, Greer D. Advancing health literacy – a framework for understanding and action. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 2006.); fundamental, scientific, cultural, and civic are analysed. The work aims to provide a rationale for greater incorporation of narrative and metaphor in discussions and activities related to health literacy