392 research outputs found

    TIM, ray-tracing program for forbidden optics

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    TIM (The Interactive METATOY) is a ray-tracing program specifically tailored towards our research in METATOYs, which are optical components that appear to be able to create wave-optically forbidden light-ray fields. For this reason, TIM possesses features not found in other ray-tracing programs. TIM can either be used interactively or by modifying the openly available source code; in both cases, it can easily be run as an applet embedded in a web page. Here we describe the basic structure of TIM's source code and how to extend it, and we give examples of how we have used TIM in our own research.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figure

    Local light-ray rotation

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    We present a sheet structure that rotates the local ray direction through an arbitrary angle around the sheet normal. The sheet structure consists of two parallel Dove-prism sheets, each of which flips one component of the local direction of transmitted light rays. Together, the two sheets rotate transmitted light rays around the sheet normal. We show that the direction under which a point light source is seen is given by a Mobius transform. We illustrate some of the properties with movies calculated by ray-tracing software.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Design of a distributed hybrid electric propulsion system for a light aircraft based on genetic algorithm

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    Hybrid aircraft is a new attempt for next-generation aircraft, they are environmentally friendly and highly efficient. This paper proposes a new type of hybrid electric propulsion system for light aircraft, which integrated distributed propulsion concept and more electric aircraft concept together to improve aircraft performance. Based on the mission requirements and unique system configuration, all components, including engine, generator and motors are intelligently selected. The sizing problem can be divided into two parts. The power source part applied a non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm to choose components and simultaneously minimized total weight and fuel consumption. The rest of the system used a conventional genetic algorithm, which minimized weight and guaranteed that all selected motors can output enough power. In the end, by applying a simple deterministic energy management strategy, the new system achieved a 12% fuel consumption reduction

    Parameter Diagrams of the GRW and CSL Theories of Wave Function Collapse

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    It has been hypothesized that the time evolution of wave functions might include collapses, rather than being governed by the Schroedinger equation. The leading models of such an evolution, GRW and CSL, both have two parameters (or new constants of nature), the collapse width sigma and the collapse rate lambda. We draw a diagram of the sigma-lambda-plane showing the region that is empirically refuted and the region that is philosophically unsatisfactory.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX, 7 figure

    Holography, Pade Approximants and Deconstruction

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    We investigate the relation between holographic calculations in 5D and the Migdal approach to correlation functions in large N theories. The latter employs Pade approximation to extrapolate short distance correlation functions to large distances. We make the Migdal/5D relation more precise by quantifying the correspondence between Pade approximation and the background and boundary conditions in 5D. We also establish a connection between the Migdal approach and the models of deconstructed dimensions.Comment: 28 page

    NASA's Understanding of Risk in Apollo and Shuttle

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    Mathematical risk analysis was used in Apollo, but it gave unacceptably pessimistic resultsand was discontinued. Shuttle was designed without using risk analysis, under the assumptionthat good engineering would make it very safe. This approach led to an unnecessarily riskydesign, which directly led to the Shuttle tragedies. Although the Challenger disaster wasdirectly due to a mistaken launch decision, it might have been avoided by a safer design. Theultimate cause of the Shuttle tragedies was the Apollo era decision to abandon risk analysis

    Infinitely many conservation laws for the discrete KdV equation

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    In \cite{RH3} Rasin and Hydon suggested a way to construct an infinite number of conservation laws for the discrete KdV equation (dKdV), by repeated application of a certain symmetry to a known conservation law. It was not decided, however, whether the resulting conservation laws were distinct and nontrivial. In this paper we obtain the following results: (1) We give an alternative method to construct an infinite number of conservation laws using a discrete version of the Gardner transformation. (2) We give a direct proof that the Rasin-Hydon conservation laws are indeed distinct and nontrivial. (3) We consider a continuum limit in which the dKdV equation becomes a first-order eikonal equation. In this limit the two sets of conservation laws become the same, and are evidently distinct and nontrivial. This proves the nontriviality of the conservation laws constructed by the Gardner method, and gives an alternate proof of the nontriviality of the conservation laws constructed by the Rasin-Hydon method

    A new model for health care delivery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The health care delivery system in the United States is facing cost and quality pressures that will require fundamental changes to remain viable. The optimal structures of the relationships between the hospital, medical school, and physicians have not been determined but are likely to have a large impact on the future of healthcare delivery. Because it is generally agreed that academic medical centers will play a role in the sustainability of this future system, a fundamental understanding of the relative contributions of the stakeholders is important as well as creativity in developing novel strategies to achieve a shared vision.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Core competencies of each of the stakeholders (the hospital, the medical school and the physicians) must complement the others and should act synergistically. At the same time, the stakeholders should determine the common core values and should be able to make a meaningful contribution to the delivery of health care.</p> <p>Summary</p> <p>Health care needs to achieve higher quality and lower cost. Therefore, in order for physicians, medical schools, and hospitals to serve the needs of society in a gratifying way, there will need to be change. There needs to be more scientific and social advances. It is obvious that there is a real and urgent need for relationship building among the professionals whose duty it is to provide these services.</p
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