864 research outputs found

    Relationship between rules and technical and tactical contents in minibasket

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    Las reglas condicionan el desarrollo del juego en cualquier deporte ya que delimita lo que se puede hacer. Se pretende conocer el orden de importancia de las reglas en minibasket, así como los medios técnico-tácticos que se derivan éstas. El método utilizado para la toma de datos ha sido el grupo nominal. Los participantes han sido siete expertos que cumplían unas condiciones mínimas. Con relación a la primera pregunta, el orden de importancia de las reglas ha sido: los pasos, dobles, líneas delimitadoras, faltas, árbitro, reglas de tiempo y puntuación. Con relación a los medios técnico-tácticos que se derivan de las reglas más importantes, a modo de ejemplo, a través de los pasos se aprende el bote, las arrancadas, las paradas, entradas, etc. Estos datos permiten organizar una programación basada en las reglasThe rules determine the development of the game in every sport because they put a limit to what you can do and what not. The aims of the research were to determine the order of importance of the basic basketball rules as well as the technical and tactical contents deriving from these rules. The method used for the data collection was that of the nominal group technique. The nominal group consisted of seven experts who fulfilled the minimum conditions. Regarding the first question, the order of importance of the rules was: steps, double dribble, lines, fouls, referee, rules regarding time limits and score. With regard to the technical and tactical contents deriving from the most important rules, for example, through the steps’ rules, players can learn starts, stops, lay-up, etc. These data allow organizing a program based on the rule

    Un choque global con dolores idiosincráticos: Límites de Deuda Estado-Dependientes para LATAM en la pandemia de COVID-19

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    Antes y después de la pandemia de COVID-19 se examina la sostenibilidad fiscal de cinco de las economías más grandes de Latinoamérica. A través de métodos globales se resuelve el modelo DSGE, desarrollado en Bi(2012) y Hürtgen (2020), para estimar los Límites y Espacios Fiscales de Perú, Chile, México, Colombia y Brasil. Estas estimaciones expanden la literatura empírica sobre la sostenibilidad fiscal en Latinoamérica, al ofrecer nuevos cálculos provenientes de un modelo con varias características enriquecedoras: default del gobierno en el margen intensivo; curvas de Laffer dinámicas; factor de descuento estocástico de hogares aversos al riesgo; y transferencias públicas que siguen un proceso de Markov-Switching con un régimen explosivo. Las adiciones más destacables a la literatura existente para Latinoamérica son las estimaciones de distribuciones de límites de deuda pública para distintas probabilidades de default y que éstas dependen de los estados presentes y futuros de la economía. Los resultados indican que en 2020, si bien hubo heterogeneidad, se dieron contracciones notorias de los Espacios Fiscales en todos los países a raíz de la pandemia. Los países que en 2019 tuvieron espacios positivos y se acercaron a espacios negativos en 2020 han experimentado desde entonces deterioros de las calificaciones crediticias (o perspectivas) de su deuda soberana. Colombia fue el único país que en la pandemia perdió su Espacio Fiscal positivo y el grado de inversión de su deuda; antes del choque sólo Brasil tenía estas características.Fiscal sustainability in five of the largest Latin American economies is examined before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the DSGE model in Bi(2012) and Hürtgen (2020) is used to estimate the Fiscal Limits and Fiscal Spaces for Peru, Chile, Mexico, Colombia, and Brazil. These estimates advance the empirical literature for Latin America on fiscal sustainability by offering new calculations stemming from a structural framework with alluring novel features: government default on the intensive margin; dynamic Laffer curves; utility-based stochastic discount factor; and a Markov-Switching process for public transfers with an explosive regime. The most notable additions to the existing literature for Latin America are the estimations of entire distributions of public debt limits for various default probabilities and that said limits critically hinge on both current and future states. Results obtained indicate notorious contractions of Fiscal Spaces among all countries during the pandemic, but the sizes of these were very heterogeneous. Countries that in 2019 had positive spaces and got closer to negative spaces in 2020, have since seen deterioration of their sovereign debt ratings or outlooks. Colombia was the only country to lose its positive Fiscal Space and investment grade, thereby joining Brazil, the previously sole member of both groups.Un choque global con dolores idiosincráticos: Límites de Deuda Estado-Dependientes para LATAM en la pandemia de COVID-19 Enfoque Durante las crisis, la política fiscal es con frecuencia usada por los gobiernos para deshacer o mitigar los choques que la causaron y morigerar los daños que aquella ha causado. No obstante, cuánto pueden los gobiernos sacar provecho de las herramientas de política fiscal, depende dramáticamente del estado de las finanzas públicas y la cantidad de recursos que los acreedores están dispuestos a prestarle. Por ende, monitorear la sostenibilidad fiscal de un país es vital para determinar el espacio que tiene un gobierno para reaccionar efectivamente ante un choque adverso. A nivel mundial, la pandemia del COVID-19 ha sido un choque que, precisamente, ha demandado con fuerza pronta acción de los gobiernos. La crisis sanitaria requirió de bastante apoyo público a los sistemas e instituciones de salud, mientras que las pérdidas de ingresos de firmas y hogares debido al cierre de la economía fueron mermadas por la asistencia provista por los gobiernos. Así, los gobiernos han implementado grandes programas de expansión fiscal en un contexto de bajos ingresos tributarios por cuenta de las contracciones económicas. A pesar de que en la evolución de la pandemia ha suscitado, en general, estas respuestas al choque, la región de América Latina y el Caribe ha sido especialmente golpeada. En el 2020, experimentó la peor crisis de su historia hasta el momento, y del mundo en desarrollo fue la región con la peor contracción económica y que acabó más endeudada. Contribución En este documento se utiliza un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general (DSGE) para evaluar, antes y después de la pandemia, la sostenibilidad fiscal de Perú, Chile, México, Colombia, y Brasil, las cuales son las economías más grandes de la región (exceptuando Argentina). La sostenibilidad fiscal es evaluada en cada país usando sus Límites Fiscales (o Límites de Deuda), los cuales son estimados mediante la asignación de una probabilidad de default para distintos niveles de deuda. Luego, se calcula su Espacio Fiscal como la diferencia entre su nivel actual de deuda y el Límite Fiscal consistente con una probabilidad de default del 5%. En una segunda instancia, la consistencia de dichos Espacios Fiscales es examinada al compararlos con la calificación y perspectiva crediticia de su deuda soberana. Por otra parte, nuestras estimaciones ofrecen nueva y valiosa evidencia para la región, ya que el modelo presenta algunas características poco comunes en la literatura de sostenibilidad fiscal en Latinoamérica. De hecho, la metodología tiene dos particularidades especialmente enriquecedoras. Primero, los Límites Fiscales estimados dependen en gran medida del estado actual de la economía y las cuentas fiscales, lo cual facilita la evaluación de los efectos de la pandemia sobre la sostenibilidad fiscal en la región. Segundo, el método permite la estimación de distribuciones de Límites Fiscales y, por consiguiente, no provee un solo dato, sino abundante evidencia sobre estos límites en cada país. Resultados En 2019, Perú, Chile, México y Colombia tenían Espacios Fiscales positivos (en ese orden, de mayor a menor), y sólo Brasil ya estaba en terreno negativo. Estos resultados son en general consistentes con las calificaciones de deuda soberana, puesto que Brasil era el único país sin grado de inversión. La pandemia generó contracciones importantes de los Espacios Fiscales en todos los países durante 2020, aunque estas contracciones tuvieron tamaños heterogéneos. Aquellos países que en 2019 tenían Espacios Fiscales positivos y acabaron bastante más cerca de un espacio negativo en 2020, han visto desde entonces deterioros de sus calificaciones o perspectivas de su deuda soberana. Colombia fue el único país que perdió su Espacio Fiscal positivo y su grado de inversión durante la pandemia. Frase destacada: “Nuestras estimaciones ofrecen nueva y valiosa evidencia para la región, ya que el modelo presenta algunas características poco comunes en la literatura de sostenibilidad fiscal en Latinoamérica”

    A model for the assessment of bluetongue virus serotype 1 persistence in Spain

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    Bluetongue virus (BTV) is an arbovirus of ruminants that has been circulating in Europe continuously for more than two decades and has become endemic in some countries such as Spain. Spain is ideal for BTV epidemiological studies since BTV outbreaks from different sources and serotypes have occurred continuously there since 2000; BTV-1 has been reported there from 2007 to 2017. Here we develop a model for BTV-1 endemic scenario to estimate the risk of an area becoming endemic, as well as to identify the most influential factors for BTV-1 persistence. We created abundance maps at 1-km2 spatial resolution for the main vectors in Spain, Culicoides imicola and Obsoletus and Pulicaris complexes, by combining environmental satellite data with occurrence models and a random forest machine learning algorithm. The endemic model included vector abundance and host-related variables (farm density). The three most relevant variables in the endemic model were the abundance of C. imicola and Obsoletus complex and density of goat farms (AUC 0.86); this model suggests that BTV-1 is more likely to become endemic in central and southwestern regions of Spain. It only requires host- and vector-related variables to identify areas at greater risk of becoming endemic for bluetongue. Our results highlight the importance of suitable Culicoides spp. prediction maps for bluetongue epidemiological studies and decision-making about control and eradication measures

    A study of the composition of the Obsoletus complex and genetic diversity of Culicoides obsoletus populations in Spain

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    Background: The Culicoides obsoletus species complex (henceforth ‘Obsoletus complex’) is implicated in the transmission of several arboviruses that can cause severe disease in livestock, such as bluetongue, African horse sickness, epizootic hemorrhagic disease and Schmallenberg disease. Thus, this study aimed to increase our knowledge of the composition and genetic diversity of the Obsoletus complex by partial sequencing of the cytochrome c oxidase I (cox1) gene in poorly studied areas of Spain. Methods: A study of C. obsoletus populations was carried out using a single-tube multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay that was designed to differentiate the Obsoletus complex sibling species Culicoides obsoletus and Culicoides scoticus, based on the partial amplification of the cox1 gene, as well as cox1 georeferenced sequences from Spain available at GenBank. We sampled 117 insects of the Obsoletus complex from six locations and used a total of 238 sequences of C. obsoletus (ss) individuals (sampled here, and from GenBank) from 14 sites in mainland Spain, the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands for genetic diversity and phylogenetic analyses. Results: We identified 90 C. obsoletus (ss), 19 Culicoides scoticus and five Culicoides montanus midges from the six collection sites sampled, and found that the genetic diversity of C. obsoletus (ss) were higher in mainland Spain than in the Canary Islands. The multiplex PCR had limitations in terms of specificity, and no cryptic species within the Obsoletus complex were identified. Conclusions: Within the Obsoletus complex, C. obsoletus (ss) was the predominant species in the analyzed sites of mainland Spain. Information about the species composition of the Obsoletus complex could be of relevance for future epidemiological studies when specific aspects of the vector competence and capacity of each species have been identified. Our results indicate that the intraspecific divergence is higher in C. obsoletus (ss) northern populations, and demonstrate the isolation of C. obsoletus (ss) populations of the Canary Islands. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2021, The Author(s)

    Identifying spanish areas at more risk of monthly BTV transmission with a basic reproduction number approach

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    Bluetongue virus (BTV) causes a disease that is endemic in Spain and its two major biological vector species, C. imicola and the Obsoletus complex species, differ greatly in their ecology and distribution. Understanding the seasonality of BTV transmission in risk areas is key to improving surveillance and control programs, as well as to better understand the pathogen transmission networks between wildlife and livestock. Here, monthly risk transmission maps were generated using risk categories based on well-known BTV R0 equations and predicted abundances of the two most relevant vectors in Spain. Previously, Culicoides spp. predicted abundances in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands were obtained using remote sensing data and random forest machine learning algorithm. Risk transmission maps were externally assessed with the estimated date of infection of BTV-1 and BTV-4 historical outbreaks. Our results highlight the differences in risk transmission during April-October, June-August being the period with higher R0 values. Likewise, a natural barrier has been identified between northern and central-southern areas at risk that may hamper BTV spread between them. Our results can be relevant to implement risk-based interventions for the prevention, control and surveillance of BTV and other diseases shared between livestock and wildlife host populations

    Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with type II cryoglobulinaemia in a renal transplant patient with hepatitis C

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    The most common HCV-related nephropathy is membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN), usually in the context of cryoglobulinaemia. The treatment of this entity is not consensual and represents a challenge to clinicians. We report a case of membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis associated with cryoglobulinaemia type II in a 46-year-old Caucasian male recipient of a deceased kidney transplant in 2010. His baseline serum creatinine (SCr) was 1.1 mg/dl. After three years post-transplantation, he presented with nephritic syndrome in association with renal function impairment (SCr – 2.1 mg/dl). The laboratory tests revealed positive rheumatoid factor, hypocomplementaemia and a positive cryocrit with type II cryoglobulinaemia. Antinuclear autoantibodies and anti-double stranded DNA antibodies were negative. Despite the presence of anti-HCV antibodies, the viral load remained undetectable. The allograft biopsy showed lesions compatible with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, with staining in the immunofluorescence for granular IgM and C3 and no C4d. He was treated with methylprednisolone pulses followed by oral prednisolone in association with rituximab. Two months after the last dose of rituximab, the SCr improved to 1.27 mg/dl, the proteinuria decreased and serum C3 levels normalized. Cryogloglobulins and rheumatoid factor became negative and HCV RNA remained undetectable. The patient was lost for follow-up. In our case, the treatment with rituximab resulted in a favourable outcome, although a longer follow-up period may be needed to evaluate the clinical response, since other studies reported high relapse rates

    Genetic polymorphisms in key hypoxia-regulated downstream molecules and phenotypic correlation in prostate cancer

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    Background In this study we sought if, in their quest to handle hypoxia, prostate tumors express target hypoxia-associated molecules and their correlation with putative functional genetic polymorphisms. Methods Representative areas of prostate carcinoma (n = 51) and of nodular prostate hyperplasia (n = 20) were analysed for hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α), carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX), lysyl oxidase (LOX) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFR2) immunohistochemistry expression using a tissue microarray. DNA was isolated from peripheral blood and used to genotype functional polymorphisms at the corresponding genes (HIF1A +1772 C > T, rs11549465; CA9 + 201 A > G; rs2071676; LOX +473 G > A, rs1800449; KDR – 604 T > C, rs2071559). Results Immunohistochemistry analyses disclosed predominance of positive CAIX and VEGFR2 expression in epithelial cells of prostate carcinomas compared to nodular prostate hyperplasia (P = 0.043 and P = 0.035, respectively). In addition, the VEGFR2 expression score in prostate epithelial cells was higher in organ-confined and extra prostatic carcinoma compared to nodular prostate hyperplasia (P = 0.031 and P = 0.004, respectively). Notably, for LOX protein the immunoreactivity score was significantly higher in organ-confined carcinomas compared to nodular prostate hyperplasia (P = 0.015). The genotype-phenotype analyses showed higher LOX staining intensity for carriers of the homozygous LOX +473 G-allele (P = 0.011). Still, carriers of the KDR−604 T-allele were more prone to have higher VEGFR2 expression in prostate epithelial cells (P < 0.006). Conclusions Protein expression of hypoxia markers (VEGFR2, CAIX and LOX) on prostate epithelial cells was different between malignant and benign prostate disease. Two genetic polymorphisms (LOX +473 G > A and KDR−604 T > C) were correlated with protein level, accounting for a potential gene-environment effect in the activation of hypoxia-driven pathways in prostate carcinoma. Further research in larger series is warranted to validate present findings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio