10 research outputs found

    La formación en comunicación personal: del arte a la técnica y volver a empezar = Training in personal communication: from art to technique and Start again

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    Resumen: Se plantea una reflexión sobre la evolución y los conceptos implicados en el aprendizaje de las habilidades de comunicación personal. A partir de la diferenciación entre arte y técnica, se comentan las estrategias de aprendizaje y los elementos fundamentales que han estado asociados al aprendizaje de las habilidades de comunicación personal. Por otra parte, se hace referencia a cómo de estar inicialmente centrados en el otro, pasamos a centrarnos en nosotros mismos para terminar primando la relación entre ambos, que pasa a convertirse en el centro del proceso, destronando al mensaje. Finalmente volvemos al principio, y el futuro queda pendiente de reincorporar las normas básicas que inicialmente se tenían en consideración y que siempre han ayudado a las relaciones interpersonales: respecto a los demás, cortesía y educación, además de simpatía, y un buen uso del sentido común.Palabras clave: Habilidades de comunicación, Comunicación personal, Formación Abstract: This is a thought about the evolution and concepts involved in learning personal communication skills. Starting from the difference between art and technique, we discuss the learning strategies and fundamental elements that have been associated to learning personal communication skills. On the other hand, we mention the way that, after being centered on the other, we centre on ourselves and finally the relationship between both takes priority to become the centre of the process, displacing the message. Finally, we come back to the beginning and again, the future has to initially incorporate the basic rules taken into consideration, those helpful to personal relationships: regarding others feelings, courtesy and politeness, friendliness and a good use of common sense.Keywords: Communication skills, Personal communication, Trainin

    Internal Hydration Properties of Single Bacterial Endospores Probed by Electrostatic Force Microscopy

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    We show that the internal hydration properties of single <i>Bacillus cereus</i> endospores in air under different relative humidity (RH) conditions can be determined through the measurement of its electric permittivity by means of quantitative electrostatic force microscopy (EFM). We show that an increase in the RH from 0% to 80% induces a large increase in the equivalent homogeneous relative electric permittivity of the bacterial endospores, from ∼4 up to ∼17, accompanied only by a small increase in the endospore height, of just a few nanometers. These results correlate the increase of the moisture content of the endospore with the corresponding increase of environmental RH. Three-dimensional finite element numerical calculations, which include the internal structure of the endospores, indicate that the moisture is mainly accumulated in the external layers of the endospore, hence preserving the core of the endospore at low hydration levels. This mechanism is different from what we observe for vegetative bacterial cells of the same species, in which the cell wall at high humid atmospheric conditions is not able to preserve the cytoplasmic region at low hydration levels. These results show the potential of quantitative EFM under environmental humidity control to study the hygroscopic properties of small-scale biological (and nonbiological) entities and to determine its internal hydration state. A better understanding of nanohygroscopic properties can be of relevance in the study of essential biological processes and in the design of bionanotechnological applications