1,362 research outputs found

    A Complex Stereochemical Relay Approach To The Antimalarial Alkaloid Ocimicide A1. Evidence For A Structural Revision

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    Ocimicide A1 (1) and the semisynthetic derivative ocimicide A2 (2) are highly potent antimalarial agents efficacious against chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains with IC50 values in the nanomolar and picomolar range, respectively. Members of this family have demonstrated radical cure in rhesus monkeys, without detectable toxicity, but their structure–function relationships and mechanism of action are unknown. Herein we describe a twelve-step synthesis of an advanced N-acylated pentacyclic precursor to the proposed structure of 1 (11% overall yield). Instability and poor P. falciparum growth inhibition of the corresponding free donor–acceptor cyclopropylamine, and large discrepancies between reported and both experimental and DFT-calculated 13C chemical shifts and coupling constants, suggest that substantial revision of the proposed structures may be necessary

    The cash crop boom in southern Myanmar: tracing land use regime shifts through participatory mapping

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    Tropical forest landscapes are undergoing vast transformations. Myanmar was long an exceptionto this trend–until recent policy reforms put economic development at the forefront. Underambiguous land rights, commercial agriculture has spread rapidly, causing an unprecedentedloss of biodiversity-rich forest. In south-eastern Myanmar, where land tenure is highly contesteddue to several decades of conflict, scientific evidence on these complex social-ecological pro-cesses is lacking. In the absence of past satellite data, we applied a participatory mappingapproach and co-produced annual land use information with local land users between 1990and 2017 for two case study landscapes. Results show that both landscapes have undergonea land use regime shift from small-scale farmers’shifting cultivation to plantations of rubber, betelnut, cashew, and oil palm. These changes are likely to have long-term impacts on land users’livelihoods and the environment. We call for a reconsideration of land governance arrangementsand concerted land use planning that respects the rights of local land users and strengthens theirrole as environmental stewards. Applied with careful facilitation, participatory mapping could bean important tool to engage communities in the highly challenging process of transforming landgovernance to achieve more sustainable outcomes in this post-conflict context

    Analyzing the Economics Values of An Alternative Preprocessing Facility in the Biomass Feedstocks - Biorefinery Supply Chain

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    It is generally believed that preprocessing procedure can reduce the transportation and storage costs of biomass feedstock for biofuel production by condensing the feedstock’s size. However, the capital costs of preprocessing facilities could be significant in the feedstock logistics system. Applying a GIS and mixed-integer mathematical programming model, this study evaluates the economic values of a preprocessing technology, stretch‐wrap baling, in the biomass feedstock supply chain for a potential commercial-scale switchgrass biorefinery in East Tennessee. Preliminary results suggest that the stretch-wrap baling equipment outperforms the conventional hay harvest methods in terms of total delivered costs. Although the densification process involves additional capital and operation costs, the total delivered costs of switchgrass for a 25- million-gallon per year biorefinery in the preprocessing system is 12% − 21% lower than various logistic methods using conventional hay equipments.Biomass feedstock, cellulosic biofuel, logistic costs, preprocessing technology, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q16, D24,

    Land Allocation Effects of the Global Ethanol Surge: Predictions from the International FAPRI Model

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    We quantify the emergence of biofuel markets and its impact on U.S. and world agriculture for the coming decade using the multi-market multi-commodity international FAPRI model. The model incorporates the tradeoffs between biofuel, feed, and food production and consumption and international feedback effects of the emergence through world commodity prices and trade. We examine land allocation by type of crop, and pasture use for countries growing feedstock for ethanol (corn, sorghum, wheat, sugarcane, and other grains) and major crops competing with feedstock for land resources such as oilseeds. We shock the model with exogenous changes in ethanol demand, first in the United States, then in Brazil, China, EU, and India, and compute shock multipliers for land allocation decisions for crops and countries of interest. The multipliers show at the margin how sensitive land allocation is to the growing demand for ethanol. Land moves away from major crops and pasture competing for resources with feedstock crops. Because of the high U.S. tariff on ethanol, higher U.S. demand for ethanol translates into a U.S. ethanol production expansion. The latter has global effects on land allocation as higher coarse grains prices transmit worldwide. Changes in U.S. coarse grain prices also affect U.S. wheat and oilseeds prices, which are all transmitted to world markets. In contrast, expansion in Brazil ethanol use and production chiefly affects land used for sugarcane production in Brazil and to a lesser extent in other sugar-producing countries, but with small impact on other land uses in most countries. Keywords: Acreage, area, biofuel, corn, crops, ethanol, FAPRI model, feedstock, land, sugar, sugarcane. JEL Code: Q42 Q17 Q15ethanol; acreage; area; biofuel; corn; crops; FAPRI model; feedstock; land; sugar; sugarcane

    The Global Bioenergy Expansion: How Large Are the Foodñˆ’Fuel Trade-Offs?

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    We summarize a large set of recent simulations and policy analyses based on FAPRI’s world multimarket, partial-equilibrium models. We first quantify and project the emergence of biofuel markets in US and world agriculture for the coming decade. Then, we perturb the models with incremental shocks in US and world ethanol consumption in deviation from this projected emergence to assess their effects on world agricultural and food markets. Various food-biofuel trade-offs are quantified and examined. Increases in food prices are moderate for the US ethanol expansion and even smaller for the ethanol expansion outside the United States, which is based on sugarcane feedstock, which has little feedback on other markets. With the US expansion, the high protection in the US ethanol market limits potential adjustments in the world ethanol markets and increases the demand for feedstock within the United States. Changes in US grain and oilseed market prices propagate to world markets, as the United States is a large exporter in these markets. With changes in world prices, land allocation in the rest of the world responds to the new relative prices as in the United States but with smaller magnitudes because price transmission to local markets is less than full.ethanol; biofuel; land effects; food prices; trade-offs

    Land Allocation Effects of the Global Ethanol Surge: Predictions from the International FAPRI Model

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    We quantify the emergence of biofuel markets and its impact on U.S. and world agriculture for the coming decade using the multi-market, multi-commodity international FAPRI (Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute) model. The model incorporates the trade-offs between biofuel, feed, and food production and consumption and international feedback effects of the emergence through world commodity prices and trade. We examine land allocation by type of crop, and pasture use for countries growing feedstock for ethanol (corn, sorghum, wheat, sugarcane, and other grains) and major crops competing with feedstock for land resources such as oilseeds. We shock the model with exogenous changes in ethanol demand, first in the United States, then in Brazil, China, the European Union-25, and India, and compute shock multipliers for land allocation decisions for crops and countries of interest. The multipliers show at the margin how sensitive land allocation is to the growing demand for ethanol. Land moves away from major crops and pasture competing for resources with feedstock crops. Because of the high U.S. tariff on ethanol, higher U.S. demand for ethanol translates into a U.S. ethanol production expansion. The latter has global effects on land allocation as higher coarse grain prices transmit worldwide. Changes in U.S. coarse grain prices also affect U.S. wheat and oilseed prices, which are all transmitted to world markets. In contrast, expansion in Brazil ethanol use and production chiefly affects land used for sugarcane production in Brazil and to a lesser extent in other sugar-producing countries, but with small impacts on other land uses in most countries.acreage; area; biofuel; corn; crops; ethanol; FAPRI model; feedstock; land; sugar; sugarcane

    Role of Gut Microbiota in Cardiovascular Disease that Links to Host Genotype and Diet

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are major outcomes of metabolic impairments in humans, which result from several genetic and environmental factors. In recent years, a ‘microbiome hypothesis’ has been proposed as a result of several studies that have attempted to understand underlying mechanisms of CVDs. Similar to CVDs, both genetic and environmental factors, especially diets, have a major impact on shaping gut microbiota and their functions. In the past decade, strong evidence has emerged to confirm the role of gut microbiota in contributing to the onset of CVDs. However, a comprehensive understanding of interactions among diet, host genotype, gut microbiota and CVDs is still facing challenges due to the complicated nature of CVDs. In this chapter, we review the present state of our knowledge about the contributory role of gut microbiota in CVDs and discuss the knowledge gaps that warrant further investigations. Moreover, we review the potential intervention strategies that may target the microbiota-driven pathology in CVDs and discuss the strength and weakness of animal models in studying the roles of gut microbiota in CVDs

    Central mode and spin confinement near the boundary of the superconducting phase in YBa2Cu3O6.353 (Tc=18 K)

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    We have mapped the neutron scattering spin spectrum at low-energies in YBa2Cu3O6.353 (Tc=18 K) where the doping ~0.06 is near the critical value (pc=0.055) for superconductivity. No coexistence with long range ordered antiferromagnetism is found. The spins fluctuate on two energy scales, one a damped spin response with a ~2 meV relaxation rate and the other a central mode with a relaxation rate that slows to less than 0.08 meV below Tc. The spectrum mirrors that of a soft mode driving a central mode. Extremely short correlation lengths, 42+-5 Angstrom in-plane and 8+-2 Angstrom along the c direction, and isotropic spin orientations for the central mode indicate that the correlations are subcritical with respect to any second order transition to Neel order. The dynamics follows a model where damped spin fluctuations are coupled to the slow fluctuations of regions with correlations shortened by the hole doping.Comment: 5 pages 4 figures. One figure revised and some text revision. Accepted PRB Rapids February 14, 200
