55 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Kepala Desa terhadap Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa di Kecamatan Kao Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Utara.

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    According to Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government , the Village is acommunity unit which has a limit of jurisdiction , authority to control and take care of the interests ofthe local community based task origins local customs that are recognized or established within thenational administration system and located in the District / City .Participatory rural development in order to be able to walk and reach the target effectively . Asin katakana by Nugroho (2003 ) that planning is an activity of the development process of the highestpriority , because it determines the direction of planning and development strategies .In the government regulation No. 6 of 2014 on the village , mentioned that the villagegovernment planning Rural Development in accordance with the authority with reference to theplanning district / city . Development plan prepared in a participatory village by village government inaccordance with its authority

    Kinerja Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah (Uptd) Jembatan Timbang Dinas Perhubungan Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Sulawesi Utara ( suatu Studi di Uptd Jembatan Timbang Pineleng)

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    This study aims to identify and observe the performance of Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Weigh Department of Communication and Information Technology of North Sulawesi province, in UPTD Weigh Pineleng in carrying out its duties and responsibilities. Based on Government Regulation No. 35 Year 2000 regarding Government Authority and Authority of the Provincial Government as Autonomous Region, the provincial government has the authority in the field of licensing and control overloading and orderly use of roads in the province, setting a maximum limit load, and to determine the location and management of Weigh Bridges. But in practice as well as the fact that there are showing problems - problems that arise, such as oversight of the leadership that is still not good, causing a lot going on extortion, then the problem of infrastructure to support the performance such as CCTV, computer administration, a printer, a patrol vehicle, then the problem of coordination and disciplinary problems.The research method used in this study is a qualitative method, the technique of primary and secondary data collection is done by library studies and field studies (interviews, documentary studies and observations). As for the informants of this study is the first person UPTD Head Weigh, 1 Head of Operations Section Weigh Wangurer and Pineleng, 4 service users (motorists), 6 Employees / Officers Operations Weigh Pineleng.The results showed that the performance Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) Weigh Department of Communication and Information Technology of North Sulawesi Province, in UPTD Weigh Pineleng measured from the concept by Gibson (1989) with the indicator, namely productivity, efficiency, Keadaptasian, Satisfaction and Development , In view of the aspect of Satisfaction, and Productivity Keadaptasian can say is not maximized. This occurs because the view-level results of work done UPTD program Weigh Pineleng still complaints from service users or motorists at Weigh Stations. Then, from the aspect of development and efficiency is still lack of training, supervision, and coordination and discipline as well as the infrastructure that still support.Referring to the discussion and conclusions above, it is suggested Leaders Weigh UPTD more firmly in control, coordination, and as well as disciplinary sanctions against employees in performing their duties and functions. Besides the need for provision of facilities and infrastructure to support the increase in UPTD Weigh administration Pineleng such as computers, printers, CCTV, patrol vehicles, and loading and unloading equipment

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Alokasi Dana Desa di Desa Lemoh Timur Kecamatan Tombariri Timur Kabupaten Minahasa

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    ABSTRACK : To realize the goal of national development, the government is giving great attention tothe development in the countryside. To the need to increase the participation of rural communities, as aform of cooperation between the government and the community in building a region (especially ruralareas). By utilizing the Village Fund Allocation (ADD), the village could play a more active in mobilizingcommunity development. The issue is still low community participation in village activities financed fromthe Village Fund Allocation. This was due to the lack of socialization and communication of governmentand society. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of community participation in themanagement of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in the village of East Lemoh District of EastTombariri. This study used a qualitative approach, with a view to obtaining an overview of communityparticipation in the management of the Village Fund Allocation. Data collection techniques in this studyby observation, interviews, and documentation. The Results showed that public participation in themanagement of the Village Fund Allocation is still not optimal because the public just so much involved inimplementation, lack of awareness about existing Village Fund Allocation. Public awareness is stilllacking to participate also caused because of lack of socialization of the government on the allocation ofvillage funds. Thefore the suggestion of this research, rural government should always socialize theVillage Fund Allocation Policy (ADD) to the public so that the public could understand the policy

    Peran Sistem Informasi Manajemen dalam Pengelolaan Administrasi Pegawai di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    In the present era of government began to implement the e-government program. Thelast few years the government has been utilizing technological advances in various activities,including the public service based on information technology gained recognition. RegionalPersonnel Agency (BKD) North Sulawesi Province. The agency is an agency that already usepersonnel information system to process data and information and decision-making for specificsituations such as a promotion, a raise, a shift or mutation, and other relevant rules. Data andinformation is confidential and prudence. The method used in this research is qualitative research.Then, for the data used consist of primary data and secondary data. With the technique ofcollecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data obtained from varioussources and has analyzed, with several stages of data reduction, data presentation, andconclusion. Researchers infer from each corner of the data and information administration,employment applications, employee capability, equipment for the system, every administrativeprocedure. Researchers conclude that the management information system has been running welland answer the problem formulation management information system is a collection of elementsthat are interconnected with each other to form a single unit to integrate data, process and storeand distribute information. At the Regional Employment Board of North Sulawesi these elements isthe data and information of employees, employment applications, employee, equipment for thesystems, and procedures for the administration. These elements are intertwined to be able tomanage and deliver the results to the administration required

    Spawning periodicity of the ribbon fish, Trichiurus lepturus (F.), with a note on its rate of growth

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    The spawning periodicity of Trichiurus lepturus is briefly re-examined here in tlie light of certain recent observations. It is seen that this species spawns more than once in a year along the Madras coast and the two seasons are roughly around May-June and later in November-December. This fact also leads to a revision in the interpretation of the rate of growth of the fish. It is now estimated that the fish at the end of one year attains an average of 300 mm in length and that those above about 900 mm are just over four years

    The catatonic dilemma expanded

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    Catatonia is a common syndrome that was first described in the literature by Karl Kahlbaum in 1874. The literature is still developing and remains unclear on many issues, especially classification, diagnosis, and pathophysiology. Clinicians caring for psychiatric patients with catatonic syndromes continue to face many dilemmas in diagnosis and treatment. We discuss many of the common problems encountered in the care of a catatonic patient, and discuss each problem with a review of the literature. Focus is on practical aspects of classification, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, treatment, medical comorbidity, cognition, emotion, prognosis, and areas for future research in catatonic syndromes