17,054 research outputs found

    Tita: discovery of carbon monoxide in its atmosphere

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    The 3-D rotation-vibration band of carbon monoxide was identified in the near-infrared spectrum of Titan. A preliminary mixing ratio of CO/N2 = 0.00006 was determined. This result supports the probable detection of CO2 by Samuelson et al and strengthens possible analogies between the atmosphere of Titan and conditions on the primitive Earth

    Monodeuterated methane in the outer Solar System. Part 3: Its abundance on Titan

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    The 3 nu 2 band of CH3D has been detected in spectra of Titan recorded at 1.6 microns with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) at the 4 m telescope of the Kitt Peak National Observatory (NOAO). We have obtained a value of the CH3D/CH4 mixing ratio of 6.6 (+6.6 or -3.3) x 10 to the -4 from a comparison between the observed Titan spectra and synthetic spectra. This value is approx. 2 times higher than the value measured on Uranus (de Bergh et al. 1986) and approx. 6 times higher than on Jupiter and on Saturn (Courtin et al. 1984; de Bergh et al. 1986). It corresponds to D/H of 1.65 (+1.65 or -0.8) x 10 the -4, nominally 8 times higher than the most commonly accepted value for the protosolar D/H = 2 x 10 to the -5 (Geiss and Reeves 1981). The value we find on Titan for D/H in methane is comparable to the D/H ratio measured in terrestrial H2O

    Monodeurated methane in the outer solar system. 2. Its detection on Uranus at 1.6 microns

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    Deuterium in the atmosphere of Uranus has been studied only via measurements of the exceedingly weak dipole lines of hydrogen-deuteride (HD) seen in the visible region of the spectrum. The other sensitive indicator of deuterium in the outer solar system is monodeuterated methane (CH3D) but the two bands normally used ot study this molecule, NU sub 2 near 2200 1/cm and NU sub 6 near 1161 1/cm, have not been detected in Uranus

    The Einstein relation generalized to non-equilibrium

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    The Einstein relation connecting the diffusion constant and the mobility is violated beyond the linear response regime. For a colloidal particle driven along a periodic potential imposed by laser traps, we test the recent theoretical generalization of the Einstein relation to the non-equilibrium regime which involves an integral over measurable velocity correlation functions

    A nonlinear drift which leads to κ\kappa-generalized distributions

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    We consider a system described by a Fokker-Planck equation with a new type of momentum-dependent drift coefficient which asymptotically decreases as 1/p-1/p for a large momentum pp. It is shown that the steady-state of this system is a κ\kappa-generalized Gaussian distribution, which is a non-Gaussian distribution with a power-law tail.Comment: Submitted to EPJB. 8 pages, 2 figures, dedicated to the proceedings of APFA

    A controlled experiment for the empirical evaluation of safety analysis techniques for safety-critical software

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    Context: Today's safety critical systems are increasingly reliant on software. Software becomes responsible for most of the critical functions of systems. Many different safety analysis techniques have been developed to identify hazards of systems. FTA and FMEA are most commonly used by safety analysts. Recently, STPA has been proposed with the goal to better cope with complex systems including software. Objective: This research aimed at comparing quantitatively these three safety analysis techniques with regard to their effectiveness, applicability, understandability, ease of use and efficiency in identifying software safety requirements at the system level. Method: We conducted a controlled experiment with 21 master and bachelor students applying these three techniques to three safety-critical systems: train door control, anti-lock braking and traffic collision and avoidance. Results: The results showed that there is no statistically significant difference between these techniques in terms of applicability, understandability and ease of use, but a significant difference in terms of effectiveness and efficiency is obtained. Conclusion: We conclude that STPA seems to be an effective method to identify software safety requirements at the system level. In particular, STPA addresses more different software safety requirements than the traditional techniques FTA and FMEA, but STPA needs more time to carry out by safety analysts with little or no prior experience.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figure in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '15). ACM, 201

    Deuterium on Venus: Observations from Earth

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    In view of the importance of the deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in understanding the evolutionary scenario of planetary atmospheres and its relationship to understanding the evolution of our own Earth, we undertook a series of observations designed to resolve previous observational conflicts. We observed the dark side of Venus in the 2.3 micron spectral region in search of both H2O and HDO, which would provide us with the D/H ratio in Venus' atmosphere. We identified a large number of molecular lines in the region, belonging to both molecules, and, using synthetic spectral techniques, obtained mixing ratios of 34 plus or minus 10 ppm and 1.3 plus or minus 0.2 ppm for H2O and HDO, respectively. These mixing ratios yield a D/H ratio for Venus of D/H equals 1.9 plus or minus 0.6 times 10 (exp 12) and 120 plus or minus 40 times the telluric ratio. Although the detailed interpretation is difficult, our observations confirm that the Pioneer Venus Orbiter results and establish that indeed Venus had a period in its early history in which it was very wet, perhaps not unlike the early wet period that seems to have been present on Mars, and that, in contrast to Earth, lost much of its water over geologic time

    Electromagnetic transitions in an effective chiral Lagrangian with the eta-prime and light vector mesons

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    We consider the chiral Lagrangian with a nonet of Goldstone bosons and a nonet of light vector mesons. The mixing between the pseudoscalar mesons eta and eta-prime is taken into account. A novel counting scheme is suggested that is based on hadrogenesis, which conjectures a mass gap in the meson spectrum of QCD in the limit of a large number of colors. Such a mass gap would justify to consider the vector mesons and the eta-prime meson as light degrees of freedom. The complete leading order Lagrangian is constructed and discussed. As a first application it is tested against electromagnetic transitions of light vector mesons to pseudoscalar mesons. Our parameters are determined by the experimental data on photon decays of the omega, phi and eta-prime meson. In terms of such parameters we predict the corresponding decays into virtual photons with either dielectrons or dimuons in the final state.Comment: 17 pages, extended discussion on mixin

    On the succinctness of query rewriting over shallow ontologies

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    We investigate the succinctness problem for conjunctive query rewritings over OWL2QL ontologies of depth 1 and 2 by means of hypergraph programs computing Boolean functions. Both positive and negative results are obtained. We show that, over ontologies of depth 1, conjunctive queries have polynomial-size nonrecursive datalog rewritings; tree-shaped queries have polynomial positive existential rewritings; however, in the worst case, positive existential rewritings can be superpolynomial. Over ontologies of depth 2, positive existential and nonrecursive datalog rewritings of conjunctive queries can suffer an exponential blowup, while first-order rewritings can be superpolynomial unless NP �is included in P/poly. We also analyse rewritings of tree-shaped queries over arbitrary ontologies and note that query entailment for such queries is fixed-parameter tractable