560 research outputs found

    Multiple Signaling Pathways of Human Interleukin-8 Receptor A: Independent Regulation by Phosphorylation

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    Interleukin-8 (IL-8) receptor A (CXCR1) couples to a pertussis toxin- sensitive G protein to mediate phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) activation and cellular responses. Responses to CXCR1 are attenuated by prior exposure of neutrophils to either IL-8, a cleavage product of the fifth component of complement (C5a) or n-formylated peptides (formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine, fMLP). To characterize the role of receptor phosphorylation in the regulation of the CXCR1, a phosphorylation- deficient mutant, M2CXCR1, was constructed. This receptor, stably expressed in RBL-2H3 cells, coupled more efficiently to G protein and stimulated enhanced phosphoinositide hydrolysis, cAMP production, exocytosis, and phospholipase D activation, and was resistant to IL-8-induced receptor internalization. The rate and total amount of ligand stimulated actin polymerization remained unchanged, but interestingly, chemotaxis was decreased by ~30% compared with the wild type receptor. To study the role of receptor phosphorylation in cross-desensitization of chemoattractant receptors, M2CXCR1 was coexpressed with cDNAs encoding receptors for either fMLP (FR), C5a (C5aR), or platelet-activating factor (PAFR). Both C5aR and PAFR were cross-phosphorylated upon M2CXCR1 activation, resulting in attenuated guanosine 5\u27-3\u27-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) binding in membranes. In contrast, FR and M2CXCR1 were resistant to cross- phosphorylation and cross-inhibition of GTPγS binding by other receptors. Despite the resistance of M2CXCR1 to cross-phosphorylation and receptor/G protein uncoupling, its susceptibility to cross-desensitization of its Ca2+ response by fMLP and C5a, was equivalent to CXCR1. Regardless of the enhancement in certain receptor functions in M2CXCR1 compared with the wild type CXCR1, the mutated receptors mediated equivalent PLCβ3 phosphorylation and cross-desensitization of Ca2+ mobilization by FR, C5aR, and PAFR. The results herein indicate that phosphorylation of CXCR1 regulates some, but not all of the receptors functions. While receptor phosphorylation inhibits G protein turnover, PLC activation, Ca2+ mobilization and secretion, it is required for normal chemotaxis and receptor internalization. Since phosphorylation of CXCR1 had no effect on its ability to induce phosphorylation of PLCβ3 or to mediate class-desensitization, these activities may be mediated by independently regulated pathways

    Multiple Signaling Pathways of Human Interleukin-8 Receptor A: Independent Regulation by Phosphorylation

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    Interleukin-8 (IL-8) receptor A (CXCR1) couples to a pertussis toxin- sensitive G protein to mediate phospholipase Cβ (PLCβ) activation and cellular responses. Responses to CXCR1 are attenuated by prior exposure of neutrophils to either IL-8, a cleavage product of the fifth component of complement (C5a) or n-formylated peptides (formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine, fMLP). To characterize the role of receptor phosphorylation in the regulation of the CXCR1, a phosphorylation- deficient mutant, M2CXCR1, was constructed. This receptor, stably expressed in RBL-2H3 cells, coupled more efficiently to G protein and stimulated enhanced phosphoinositide hydrolysis, cAMP production, exocytosis, and phospholipase D activation, and was resistant to IL-8-induced receptor internalization. The rate and total amount of ligand stimulated actin polymerization remained unchanged, but interestingly, chemotaxis was decreased by ~30% compared with the wild type receptor. To study the role of receptor phosphorylation in cross-desensitization of chemoattractant receptors, M2CXCR1 was coexpressed with cDNAs encoding receptors for either fMLP (FR), C5a (C5aR), or platelet-activating factor (PAFR). Both C5aR and PAFR were cross-phosphorylated upon M2CXCR1 activation, resulting in attenuated guanosine 5\u27-3\u27-O-(thio)triphosphate (GTPγS) binding in membranes. In contrast, FR and M2CXCR1 were resistant to cross- phosphorylation and cross-inhibition of GTPγS binding by other receptors. Despite the resistance of M2CXCR1 to cross-phosphorylation and receptor/G protein uncoupling, its susceptibility to cross-desensitization of its Ca2+ response by fMLP and C5a, was equivalent to CXCR1. Regardless of the enhancement in certain receptor functions in M2CXCR1 compared with the wild type CXCR1, the mutated receptors mediated equivalent PLCβ3 phosphorylation and cross-desensitization of Ca2+ mobilization by FR, C5aR, and PAFR. The results herein indicate that phosphorylation of CXCR1 regulates some, but not all of the receptors functions. While receptor phosphorylation inhibits G protein turnover, PLC activation, Ca2+ mobilization and secretion, it is required for normal chemotaxis and receptor internalization. Since phosphorylation of CXCR1 had no effect on its ability to induce phosphorylation of PLCβ3 or to mediate class-desensitization, these activities may be mediated by independently regulated pathways

    Differential Cross-Regulation of the Human Chemokine Receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2. Evidence for Time-Dependent Signal Generation

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    Neutrophils and transfected RBL-2H3 cells were used to investigate the mechanism of cross-regulation of the human interleukin-8 (IL-8) receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 by chemoattractants. In neutrophils, Ca2+ mobilization by the CXCR2-specific chemokine, growth-related oncogene α (Groα), was desensitized by prior exposure to the chemoattractants N-formylated peptides (fMLP) or a complement cleavage product (C5a). In contrast, growth-related oncogene α did not desensitize the latter receptors. To investigate this phenomenon, CXCR2 was stably expressed in RBL-2H3 cells and mediated phosphoinositide hydrolysis, Ca2+ mobilization, chemotaxis, and secretion. In cells co-expressing CXCR2 and receptors for either C5a (C5aR) or fMLP (FR), CXCR2 was cross-phosphorylated and cross-desensitized by C5a and fMLP. However, neither C5aR nor FR was cross-phosphorylated or cross-desensitized by CXCR2 activation, although CXCR1 did mediate this process. Receptor internalization induced by IL-8 was more rapid and occurred at lower doses with CXCR2 than CXCR1, although both receptors mediated equipotent chemotaxis and exocytosis in RBL. Truncation of the cytoplasmic tail of CXCR2 (331T) prolonged its signaling relative to CXCR2, increased its resistance to internalization, and induced phospholipase D activation. 331T was resistant to homologous phosphorylation and cross-phosphorylation but not cross- desensitization of its Ca2+ mobilization by fMLP or C5a, indicating an inhibitory site distal to receptor/G protein coupling. In contrast to CXCR2, stimulation of 331T cross-desensitized Ca2+ mobilization by both FR and C5aR. CXCR2 and the mutant 331T induced phospholipase C β3 phosphorylation to an extent equivalent to that of CXCR1. Taken together, these results suggest that CXCR1 and CXCR2 bind IL-8 to produce a group of equipotent responses, but their ability to generate other signals, including receptor internalization, cross-desensitization, and phospholipase D activation, are very different. The latter phenomena apparently require prolonged receptor activation, which in the case of CXCR2 is precluded by rapid receptor phosphorylation and internalization. Thus, receptors coupling to identical G proteins may trigger different cellular responses dependent on the length of their signaling time, which can be regulated by receptor phosphorylation

    Chemoattractant Receptors Activate Distinct Pathways for Chemotaxis and Secretion. Role of G-Protein Usage

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    Human leukocyte chemoattractant receptors activate chemotactic and cytotoxic pathways to varying degrees and also activate different G-proteins depending on the receptor and the cell-type. To determine the relationship between G-protein usage and the biological and biochemical responses activated, receptors for the chemoattractants formyl peptides (FR), platelet- activating factor (PAFR), and leukotriene B4 (BLTR) were transfected into RBL-2H3 cells. Pertussis toxin (Ptx) served as a Gα(i) inhibitor. These receptors were chosen to represent the spectrum of G(i) usage as Ptx had differential effects on their ability to induce calcium mobilization, phosphoinositide hydrolysis, and exocytosis with complete inhibition of all responses by FR, intermediate effects on BLTR, and little effect on PAFR. Ptx did not affect ligand-induced phosphorylation of PAFR and BLTR but inhibited phosphorylation of FR. In contrast, chemotaxis to formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine, leukotriene B4, and platelet-activating factor was completely blocked by Ptx. Wortmannin, a phosphotidylinositol 3- kinase inhibitor, also completely blocked ligand-induced chemotaxis by all receptors but did not affect calcium mobilization or phosphoinositide hydrolysis; however, it partially blocked the exocytosis response to formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine and the platelet-activating factor. Membrane ruffling and pseudopod extension via the BLTR was also completely inhibited by both Ptx and wortmannin. These data suggest that of the chemoattractant receptors studied, G-protein usage varies with FR being totally dependent on G(i), whereas BLTR and PAFR utilize both G(i) and a Ptx- insensitive G-protein. Both Ptx-sensitive and -insensitive G-protein usage can mediate the activation of phospholipase C, mobilization of intracellular calcium, and exocytosis by chemoattractant receptors. Chemotaxis, however, had an absolute requirement for a G(i)-mediated pathway

    Regulation of Human Chemokine Receptors CXCR4: Role of Phosphorylation in Desensitization and Internalization

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    Members of the chemokine receptor family CCR5 and CXCR4 have recently been shown to be involved in the entry of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into target cells. Here, we investigated the regulation of CXCR4 in rat basophilic leukemia cells (RBL-2H3) stably transfected with wild type (Wt CXCR4) or a cytoplasmic tail deletion mutant (ΔCyto CXCR4) of CXCR4. The ligand, stromal cell derived factor-1 (SDF-1) stimulated higher G-protein activation, inositol phosphate generation, and a more sustained calcium elevation in cells expressing ΔCyto CXCR4 relative to Wt CXCR4. SDF-1 and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), but not a membrane permeable cAMP analog induced rapid phosphorylation as well as desensitization of Wt CXCR4. Phosphorylation of ΔCyto CXCR4 was not detected under any of these conditions. Despite lack of receptor phosphorylation, calcium mobilization by SDF-1 in ΔCyto CXCR4 cells was partially desensitized by prior treatment with SDF-1. Of interest, the rapid release of calcium was inhibited without affecting the sustained calcium elevation, indicating independent regulatory pathways for these processes. PMA completely inhibited phosphoinositide hydrolysis and calcium mobilization in Wt CXCR4 but only partially inhibited these responses in ΔCyto CXCR4. cAMP also partially inhibited these responses in both Wt CXCR4 and ΔCyto CXCR4. SDF-1, PMA, and cAMP caused phosphorylation of phospholipaze Cβ3 in Wt and ΔCyto CXCR4 cells. Both SDF- 1 as well as PMA induced rapid internalization of Wt CXCR4. SDF-1 but not PMA induced internalization of ΔCyto CXCR4 albeit at reduced levels relative to Wt CXCR4. These results indicate that signaling and internalization of CXCR4 are regulated by receptor phosphorylation dependent and independent mechanisms. Desensitization of CXCR4 signaling, independent of receptor phosphorylation, appears to be a consequence of the phosphorylation of phospholipase Cβ3

    Opiates Transdeactivate Chemokine Receptors: δ and μ Opiate Receptor- Mediated Heterologous Desensitization

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    An intact chemotactic response is vital for leukocyte trafficking and host defense. Opiates are known to exert a number of immunomodulating effects in vitro and in vivo, and we sought to determine whether they were capable of inhibiting chemokine-induced directional migration of human leukocytes, and if so, to ascertain the mechanism involved. The endogenous opioid met- enkephalin induced monocyte chemotaxis in a pertussis toxin-sensitive manner. Metenkephalin, as well as morphine, inhibited IL-8-induced chemotaxis of human neutrophils and macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α, regulated upon activation, normal T expressed and secreted (RANTES), and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, but not MIP-1β-induced chemotaxis of human monocytes. This inhibition of chemotaxis was mediated by δ and μ but not κ G protein-coupled opiate receptors. Calcium flux induced by chemokines was unaffected by met-enkephalin pretreatment. Unlike other opiate-induced changes in leukocyte function, the inhibition of chemotaxis was not mediated by nitric oxide. Opiates induced phosphorylation of the chemokine receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2, but neither induced internalization of chemokine receptors nor perturbed chemokine binding. Thus, inhibition of chemokine-induced chemotaxis by opiates is due to heterologous desensitization through phosphorylation of chemokine receptors. This may contribute to the defects in host defense seen with opiate abuse and has important implications for immunomodulation induced by several endogenous neuropeptides which act through G protein-coupled receptors

    Multibaryons as Symmetric Multiskyrmions

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    We study non-adiabatic corrections to multibaryon systems within the bound state approach to the SU(3) Skyrme model. We use approximate ansatze for the static background fields based on rational maps which have the same symmetries of the exact solutions. To determine the explicit form of the collective Hamiltonians and wave functions we only make use of these symmetries. Thus, the expressions obtained are also valid in the exact case. On the other hand, the inertia parameters and hyperfine splitting constants we calculate do depend on the detailed form of the ansatze and are, therefore, approximate. Using these values we compute the low lying spectra of multibaryons with B <= 9 and strangeness 0, -1 and -B. Finally, we show that the non-adiabatic corrections do not affect the stability of the tetralambda and heptalambda found in a previous work.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Transition energy and lifetime for the ground state hyperfine splitting of high Z lithiumlike ions

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    The ground state hyperfine splitting values and the transition probabilities between the hyperfine structure components of high Z lithiumlike ions are calculated in the range Z=49−83Z=49-83. The relativistic, nuclear, QED and interelectronic interaction corrections are taken into account. It is found that the Bohr-Weisskopf effect can be eliminated in a combination of the hyperfine splitting values of the hydrogenlike and lithiumlike ions of an isotope. This gives a possibility for testing the QED effects in a combination of the strong electric and magnetic fields of the heavy nucleus. Using the experimental result for the 1s1s hyperfine splitting in ^{209}Bi^{82+}, the 2s hyperfine splitting in ^{209}Bi^{80+} is calculated to be \Delta E=0.7969(2) eV.Comment: The nuclear charge distribution correction \delta is corrected, 14 pages, Late
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