205 research outputs found

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains reports on sixteen research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST81-21416)National Science Foundation (Grant AST80-22864)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract S-10665-C)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAGW373)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-19553)National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-M01-1)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG5-10)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract MDA 903-82-K-0521)Intelsat (Contract Intel-188)Joint Services Electronics Program (Contract DAAG29-80-C-0104)Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (Contract LS90B4860F

    Radio Astronomy

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    Contains summary of research and reports on nine research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant AST81-21416)National Science Foundation (Grant AST82-14296)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant S-10781-C)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAGW-373)National Science Foundation (Grant AST79-19553)M.I.T. Sloan Fund for Basic ResearchNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Grant 04-8-M01-1)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NAG5-10)National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Contract NAS5-22929)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract MDA 903-82-K-0521)Center for Advanced Television Studie

    PMeS: Prediction of Methylation Sites Based on Enhanced Feature Encoding Scheme

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    Protein methylation is predominantly found on lysine and arginine residues, and carries many important biological functions, including gene regulation and signal transduction. Given their important involvement in gene expression, protein methylation and their regulatory enzymes are implicated in a variety of human disease states such as cancer, coronary heart disease and neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, identification of methylation sites can be very helpful for the drug designs of various related diseases. In this study, we developed a method called PMeS to improve the prediction of protein methylation sites based on an enhanced feature encoding scheme and support vector machine. The enhanced feature encoding scheme was composed of the sparse property coding, normalized van der Waals volume, position weight amino acid composition and accessible surface area. The PMeS achieved a promising performance with a sensitivity of 92.45%, a specificity of 93.18%, an accuracy of 92.82% and a Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 85.69% for arginine as well as a sensitivity of 84.38%, a specificity of 93.94%, an accuracy of 89.16% and a Matthew’s correlation coefficient of 78.68% for lysine in 10-fold cross validation. Compared with other existing methods, the PMeS provides better predictive performance and greater robustness. It can be anticipated that the PMeS might be useful to guide future experiments needed to identify potential methylation sites in proteins of interest. The online service is available at http://bioinfo.ncu.edu.cn/inquiries_PMeS.aspx

    Self-Assembly Fabrication of Hollow Mesoporous Silica@Co–Al Layered Double Hydroxide@Graphene and Application in Toxic Effluents Elimination

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    Here, we propose a self-assembly process to prepare hierarchical HM-SiO2@Co–Al LDH@graphene, with the purpose of combining their outstanding performance. Hollow mesoporous silica was first synthesized as the core, using a novel sonochemical method, followed by a controlled shell coating process and chemical reduction. As a result of the electrostatic potential difference among HM-SiO2, Co–Al LDH, and graphene oxide, the HM-SiO2 spheres were coated by Co–Al LDH and graphene. Subsequently, the HM-SiO2@Co–Al LDH@graphene spheres were introduced into an epoxy resin (EP) matrix for investigation of their toxic effluents capture and elimination effectiveness during combustion. The amount of toxic CO and volatile organic compounds from the epoxy resin decomposition significantly suppressed after incorporating the HM-SiO2@Co–Al LDH@graphene hybrids, implying a reduced toxicity

    GLUT1 gene is a potential hypoxic marker in colorectal cancer patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tumor hypoxia is an important factor related to tumor resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. This study investigated molecules synthesized in colorectal cancer cells during hypoxia to explore the possibility of developing molecular probes capable of detecting cell death and/or the efficiency of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>At first, we incubated two human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines SW480 (UICC stage II) and SW620 (UICC stage III) cells in hypoxic (≤2% O<sub>2</sub>, 93% N<sub>2</sub>, and 5% CO<sub>2</sub>) and normoxic conditions (20% O<sub>2</sub>, 75% N<sub>2</sub>, and 5% CO<sub>2</sub>) for 24 h and 48 h. The relative expression ratio of GLUT1 mRNA in hypoxic conditions was analyzed by RT-PCR. Ten cancerous tissues collected from human colorectal cancer patients were examined. HIF-1α and HIF-2α levels were measured to indicate the degree of hypoxia, and gene expression under hypoxic conditions was determined. As a comparison, HIF-1α, HIF-2α, and GLUT1 levels were measured in the peripheral blood of 100 CRC patients.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Hypoxia-induced lactate was found to be elevated 3.24- to 3.36-fold in SW480 cells, and 3.06- to 3.17-fold in SW620 cells. The increased relative expression ratio of GLUT1 mRNA, under hypoxic conditions was higher in SW620 cells (1.39- to 1.72-fold elevation) than in SW480 cells (1.24- to 1.66-fold elevation). HIF-1α and HIF-2α levels were elevated and GLUT1 genes were significantly overexpressed in CRC tissue specimens. The elevated ratio of GLUT1 was higher in stage III and IV CRC tissue specimens than in the stage I and II (2.97–4.73 versus 1.44–2.11). GLUT1 mRNA was also increased in the peripheral blood of stage II and III CRC patients as compared to stage I patients, suggesting that GLUT1 may serve as a hypoxic indicator in CRC patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In conclusion, this study demonstrated that GLUT1 has the potential to be employed as a molecular marker to indicate the degree of hypoxia experienced by tumors circulating in the blood of cancer patients.</p

    Dramatic Co-Activation of WWOX/WOX1 with CREB and NF-κB in Delayed Loss of Small Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons upon Sciatic Nerve Transection in Rats

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    BACKGROUND:Tumor suppressor WOX1 (also named WWOX or FOR) is known to participate in neuronal apoptosis in vivo. Here, we investigated the functional role of WOX1 and transcription factors in the delayed loss of axotomized neurons in dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in rats. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Sciatic nerve transection in rats rapidly induced JNK1 activation and upregulation of mRNA and protein expression of WOX1 in the injured DRG neurons in 30 min. Accumulation of p-WOX1, p-JNK1, p-CREB, p-c-Jun, NF-kappaB and ATF3 in the nuclei of injured neurons took place within hours or the first week of injury. At the second month, dramatic nuclear accumulation of WOX1 with CREB (>65% neurons) and NF-kappaB (40-65%) occurred essentially in small DRG neurons, followed by apoptosis at later months. WOX1 physically interacted with CREB most strongly in the nuclei as determined by FRET analysis. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed the complex formation of p-WOX1 with p-CREB and p-c-Jun in vivo. WOX1 blocked the prosurvival CREB-, CRE-, and AP-1-mediated promoter activation in vitro. In contrast, WOX1 enhanced promoter activation governed by c-Jun, Elk-1 and NF-kappaB. WOX1 directly activated NF-kappaB-regulated promoter via its WW domains. Smad4 and p53 were not involved in the delayed loss of small DRG neurons. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Rapid activation of JNK1 and WOX1 during the acute phase of injury is critical in determining neuronal survival or death, as both proteins functionally antagonize. In the chronic phase, concurrent activation of WOX1, CREB, and NF-kappaB occurs in small neurons just prior to apoptosis. Likely in vivo interactions are: 1) WOX1 inhibits the neuroprotective CREB, which leads to eventual neuronal death, and 2) WOX1 enhances NF-kappaB promoter activation (which turns to be proapoptotic). Evidently, WOX1 is the potential target for drug intervention in mitigating symptoms associated with neuronal injury

    Synthetic biology to access and expand nature's chemical diversity

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    Bacterial genomes encode the biosynthetic potential to produce hundreds of thousands of complex molecules with diverse applications, from medicine to agriculture and materials. Accessing these natural products promises to reinvigorate drug discovery pipelines and provide novel routes to synthesize complex chemicals. The pathways leading to the production of these molecules often comprise dozens of genes spanning large areas of the genome and are controlled by complex regulatory networks with some of the most interesting molecules being produced by non-model organisms. In this Review, we discuss how advances in synthetic biology — including novel DNA construction technologies, the use of genetic parts for the precise control of expression and for synthetic regulatory circuits — and multiplexed genome engineering can be used to optimize the design and synthesis of pathways that produce natural products

    Pyrosequencing the Bemisia tabaci Transcriptome Reveals a Highly Diverse Bacterial Community and a Robust System for Insecticide Resistance

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    BACKGROUND: Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a phloem-feeding insect poised to become one of the major insect pests in open field and greenhouse production systems throughout the world. The high level of resistance to insecticides is a main factor that hinders continued use of insecticides for suppression of B. tabaci. Despite its prevalence, little is known about B. tabaci at the genome level. To fill this gap, an invasive B. tabaci B biotype was subjected to pyrosequencing-based transcriptome analysis to identify genes and gene networks putatively involved in various physiological and toxicological processes. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using Roche 454 pyrosequencing, 857,205 reads containing approximately 340 megabases were obtained from the B. tabaci transcriptome. De novo assembly generated 178,669 unigenes including 30,980 from insects, 17,881 from bacteria, and 129,808 from the nohit. A total of 50,835 (28.45%) unigenes showed similarity to the non-redundant database in GenBank with a cut-off E-value of 10-5. Among them, 40,611 unigenes were assigned to one or more GO terms and 6,917 unigenes were assigned to 288 known pathways. De novo metatranscriptome analysis revealed highly diverse bacterial symbionts in B. tabaci, and demonstrated the host-symbiont cooperation in amino acid production. In-depth transcriptome analysis indentified putative molecular markers, and genes potentially involved in insecticide resistance and nutrient digestion. The utility of this transcriptome was validated by a thiamethoxam resistance study, in which annotated cytochrome P450 genes were significantly overexpressed in the resistant B. tabaci in comparison to its susceptible counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: This transcriptome/metatranscriptome analysis sheds light on the molecular understanding of symbiosis and insecticide resistance in an agriculturally important phloem-feeding insect pest, and lays the foundation for future functional genomics research of the B. tabaci complex. Moreover, current pyrosequencing effort greatly enriched the existing whitefly EST database, and makes RNAseq a viable option for future genomic analysis

    The Polarized Image of a Synchrotron-emitting Ring of Gas Orbiting a Black Hole

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    Synchrotron radiation from hot gas near a black hole results in a polarized image. The image polarization is determined by effects including the orientation of the magnetic field in the emitting region, relativistic motion of the gas, strong gravitational lensing by the black hole, and parallel transport in the curved spacetime. We explore these effects using a simple model of an axisymmetric, equatorial accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole. By using an approximate expression for the null geodesics derived by Beloborodov and conservation of the Walker–Penrose constant, we provide analytic estimates for the image polarization. We test this model using currently favored general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of M87*, using ring parameters given by the simulations. For a subset of these with modest Faraday effects, we show that the ring model broadly reproduces the polarimetric image morphology. Our model also predicts the polarization evolution for compact flaring regions, such as those observed from Sgr A* with GRAVITY. With suitably chosen parameters, our simple model can reproduce the EVPA pattern and relative polarized intensity in Event Horizon Telescope images of M87*. Under the physically motivated assumption that the magnetic field trails the fluid velocity, this comparison is consistent with the clockwise rotation inferred from total intensity images