611 research outputs found

    Determinação do sexo da Tuvira Gymnotus sp. através da análise de imagem de ultra-som

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    A tuvira (Gymnotus sp.) é um peixe muito conhecido no Pantanal por ser amplamente utilizado como isca viva pela pesca esportiva. Visto os problemas inerentes à sua coleta na natureza, como degradação ambiental e as condições desumanas de trabalho, faz-se necessário buscar alternativas para sua produção, como a criação em cativeiro. Entretanto, ainda não há uma técnica simples e não invasiva para a sexagem deste peixe. Deste modo, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a possibilidade de se utilizar a ultra-sonografia na determinação do sexo da tuvira. Foram avaliados 100 reprodutores coletados nos viveiros de reprodutores, os quais foram submetidos à análise individual de ultra-som utilizando-se um aparelho portátil (ALOKA C.O. LTD. Modelo SSD-500) com um transdutor plano de 5 MHz. Após a análise e interpretação das imagens o sexo foi determinado pelo consenso de dois observadores.bitstream/CPAP/56062/1/BP77.pdfFormato eletrônico

    Body composition evaluated by skinfolds, bioimpedance and body mass index in adults

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la composición corporal por pliegues cutáneos (DC) por bioimpedancia eléctrica(BIA) y el índice de masa corporal(IMC). Se hizo un trabajo de campo con 153 militares usando los siguientes equipos: balanza Wiso; estadiómetro WCS; adipómetro Cescorf científico y Malton BF-900 para bioimpedancia eléctrica. La densidad corporal se consiguió por la ecuación de Jackson&Pollock y la clasificación delporcentaje de grasa corporal siguiendo Pollock&Wilmore. Para verificar la correlación se usó el test de Spearman. Los resultados promedios (± desviación estándar) hallados para edad, peso, estatura e IMC, fueron: 19 años (±1,8 años), 70,9Kg (±9,55), 1,74 metros (±0.06) y 23,9 kg/m² (±2,76) respectivamente. El porcentaje de grasa corporal por DC y BIA fueron respectivamente 12,78 (±5,45); 16,29 (±4,02). Concluí que la composición corporal por el método de DC, BIA e IMC presentó datos que se correlacionan, siendo que el uso de la bioimpedancia fue más indicada en grupos cuyo porcentaje de grasa corporal variaba entre 18-20%.The aim of this study was to compare body composition by skinfold thickness (DC) by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) and body mass index (BMI). Research was carried out with 153 soldiers with the equipment: balance Wiso; WCS stadiometer; adipometer Cescorf Malton scientific and BF-900 to bioelectrical impedance analysis. Body density was obtained by the equation of Jackson&Pollock and classification of the percentage of fat by following Pollock&Wilmore. To check the correlation was used Spearman's test. The average results (±standard deviation) found for age, weight, height and BMI were: 19 years (±1.8years), 70.9 kg (±9.55), 1.74 meters (±0.06) and 23.9 kg/m² (±2.76), respectively. The fat percentage by BIA and DC were respectively 12.78 (±5.45) and 16.29 (±4.02). Concluded that body composition by the method of DC, BIA and BMI have data that correlate, and the use of bioimpedance was indicated in most groups whose fat percentage ranged around 18-20%.Gracias CAPES para la inversión financiera en forma de beca en el Programa de Posgrado en Ingeniería Eléctrica e Informática Industrial (CPGEI) de la Universidad Tecnológica Federal de Paraná (UTFPR)

    Pesca profissional: desafios e oportunidades.

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    bitstream/CPAP/56438/1/ADM027.pdfFormato eletrônico

    Banco de sêmen de peixes do Pantanal.

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    bitstream/CPAP/56447/1/ADM018.pdfFormato eletrônico

    Pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes: A systematic review

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    Copyright © ERS 2016. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the impact of pharmacists' interventions on clinical asthma outcomes on adult patients and to identify the outcome indicators used. PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Scielo were searched. Studies addressing pharmacists' interventions on adult asthma patients reporting clinical asthma outcomes were incorporated. 11 clinical outcomes were identified in 21 studies. 10 studies measured the impact of the intervention on asthma control. Randomised controlled trials (RCT) and non-RCTs found positive results in percentages of controlled patients and Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ) scores. Discordant results were found for Asthma Control Test results. Asthma severity was assessed in four studies. One RCT found a significant decrease in the percentage of severe patients; two non-RCTs found significant improvements in severity scores. 11 studies reported pulmonary function indicators, showing inconsistent results. Eight studies measured asthma symptoms; three RCTs and four non-RCTs showed significant improvements. RCTs and non-RCTs generated similar results for most outcomes. Based on the evidence generated by RCTs, pharmacists' have a positive impact on the percentage of controlled patients, ACQ scores, severity and symptoms. Future research should report using the core outcome set of indicators established for asthma (PROSPERO CRD42014007019)

    Characterization of pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management: A systematic review

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    © 2018 American Pharmacists Association® Objective: Pharmacists have adopted an active role in asthma management. This review aimed to analyze the intervention dose, understood as the “amount of program delivered,” and core components of the intervention provided by pharmacists in asthma management. Data sources: A literature search was conducted in December 2016 using PubMed. Study selection: A 2-stage approach was used. At the first stage, systematic reviews of pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management were identified. At the second stage, primary studies included in the systematic reviews were selected. Data extraction: The DEPICT-2 (Descriptive Elements of Pharmacist Intervention Characterization Tool) was used for data extraction. In addition GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma) guidelines were used as a reference to classify the interventions’ core components. Results: Thirty-one studies were included. In most of the studies, the pharmacist–patient intervention occurred at the community pharmacy setting (n = 22). The most common core components used in pharmacists’ interventions were the provision of drug information and patient counseling (n = 27). Pharmacists’ interventions frequently were targeted at assessing and improving the use of patient's inhaler technique (n = 27). Educational materials and written action plans were the materials most commonly used in the interventions (n = 20). The duration (n = 13) and the frequency (n = 16) of the intervention were the most frequent information about the intervention dose measure reported. Conclusion: Pharmacists’ interventions in asthma management are complex. Structured educational programs and patient counseling appear to be the most frequent core components of pharmacists’ interventions. Interventions were focused on providing information about the condition and on inhaler technique assessment and training. However, most studies failed to report the intervention dose sufficiently to be reproduced. The reporting of this indicator is crucial to ensure the reproducibility of the interventions assessed and their implementation in practice. (Registration number CRD42016029181.

    Manual de prática de coleta e herborização de material botânico.

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