9,328 research outputs found

    Design issues and experimental characterization of a continuously-tuned adaptive CMOS LNA

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    This paper presents the design implementation and experimental characterization of an adaptive Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) intended for multi-standard Radio Frequency (RF) wireless transceivers. The circuit —fabricated in a 90-nm CMOS technology— is a two-stage inductively degenerated common-source topology that combines PMOS varactors with programmable load to make the operation of the circuit continuously tunable. Practical design issues are analyzed, considering the effect of circuit parasitics associated to the chip package and integrated inductors, capacitors and varactors. Experimental measurements show a continuous tuning of NF and Sparameters within the 1.75-2.23GHz band, featuring NF19.6dB and IIP3> −9.8dBm, with a power dissipation < 23mW from a 1-V supply voltage.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (FEDER) TEC2007-67247-C02-01/MICJunta de Andalucía, Consejo Regional de Innovación, ciencia y empresa TIC-253

    Wireless communication, identification and sensing technologies enabling integrated logistics: a study in the harbor environment

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    In the last decade, integrated logistics has become an important challenge in the development of wireless communication, identification and sensing technology, due to the growing complexity of logistics processes and the increasing demand for adapting systems to new requirements. The advancement of wireless technology provides a wide range of options for the maritime container terminals. Electronic devices employed in container terminals reduce the manual effort, facilitating timely information flow and enhancing control and quality of service and decision made. In this paper, we examine the technology that can be used to support integration in harbor's logistics. In the literature, most systems have been developed to address specific needs of particular harbors, but a systematic study is missing. The purpose is to provide an overview to the reader about which technology of integrated logistics can be implemented and what remains to be addressed in the future

    Performance of novel silicon n-in-p planar Pixel Sensors

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    The performance of novel n-in-p planar pixel detectors, designed for future upgrades of the ATLAS Pixel system is presented. The n-in-p silicon sensors technology is a promising candidate for the pixel upgrade thanks to its radiation hardness and cost effectiveness, that allow for enlarging the area instrumented with pixel detectors. The n-in-p modules presented here are composed of pixel sensors produced by CiS connected by bump-bonding to the ATLAS readout chip FE-I3. The characterization of these devices has been performed before and after irradiation up to a fluence of 5 x 10**15 1 MeV neq cm-2 . Charge collection measurements carried out with radioactive sources have proven the functioning of this technology up to these particle fluences. First results from beam test data with a 120 GeV/c pion beam at the CERN-SPS are also discussed, demonstrating a high tracking efficiency of (98.6 \pm 0.3)% and a high collected charge of about 10 ke for a device irradiated at the maximum fluence and biased at 1 kV.Comment: Preprint submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods A. 7 pages, 13 figure

    Growth of a sinkhole in a seismic zone of the northern Apennines (Italy)

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    Sinkhole collapse is a major hazard causing substantial social and economic losses. However, the surface deformations and sinkhole evolution are rarely recorded, as these sites are known mainly after a collapse, making the assessment of sinkhole-related hazard challenging. Furthermore, more than 40% of the sinkholes of Italy are in seismically hazardous zones; it remains unclear whether seismicity may trigger sinkhole collapse. Here we use a multidisciplinary data set of InSAR, surface mapping and historical records of sinkhole activity to show that the Prà di Lama lake is a long-lived sinkhole that was formed in an active fault zone and grew through several events of unrest characterized by episodic subsidence and lake-level changes. Moreover, InSAR shows that continuous aseismic subsidence at rates of up to 7.1mmyr-1occurred during 2003-2008, between events of unrest. Earthquakes on the major faults near the sinkhole do not trigger sinkhole activity but low-magnitude earthquakes at 4-12 km depth occurred during sinkhole unrest in 1996 and 2016. We interpret our observations as evidence of seismic creep at depth causing fracturing and ultimately leading to the formation and growth of the Prà di Lama sinkhole

    Localization of inhibin-activin subunits in normal pituitary and pituitary adenomas

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    The localization of inhibin/activin (I/A) subunits was investigated in human normal adenohypophysial cells and in 87 pituitary adenomas of different types, using immunohistochemistry. Monoclonal antibodies directed against alpha, beta A and beta B subunits of I/A were employed. In normal pituitary, alpha subunit of inhibin was detected only in FSH-positive gonadotrophs, while beta A subunit of I/A was expressed in FSH-positive gonadotrophs, GH-cells and in a few PRL-cells. beta B subunit was found in FSH-positive gonadotrophs, TSH-cells and a few LH-positive gonadotrophs. The three subunits of I/A were detected in the majority of nonfunctioning tumors, while functioning adenomas showed a significantly lower expression. This study shows that alpha, beta A and beta B subunits of I/A are expressed by specific adenohypophysial cell types and that they are characteristically present in nonfunctioning adenomas. These results suggest that inhibins and activins may play a role in the local regulation of pituitary hormonal secretion both in normal adenohypophysial cells and in pituitary adenoma

    Novel Silicon n-in-p Pixel Sensors for the future ATLAS Upgrades

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    In view of the LHC upgrade phases towards HL-LHC the ATLAS experiment plans to upgrade the Inner Detector with an all silicon system. The n-in-p silicon technology is a promising candidate for the pixel upgrade thanks to its radiation hardness and cost effectiveness, that allow for enlarging the area instrumented with pixel detectors. We present the characterization and performance of novel n-in-p planar pixel sensors produced by CiS (Germany) connected by bump bonding to the ATLAS readout chip FE-I3. These results are obtained before and after irradiation up to a fluence of 10^16 1-MeV n_eq/cm^2, and prove the operability of this kind of sensors in the harsh radiation environment foreseen for the pixel system at HL-LHC. We also present an overview of the new pixel production, which is on-going at CiS for sensors compatible with the new ATLAS readout chip FE-I4.Comment: Preprint submitted to NIM-A Proceedings (Elba 2012

    Detection of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor in normal human pituitary cells and pituitary adenomas using immunohistochemistry

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is a well-known regulator of gonadotroph function, has recently been considered to be a paracrine factor involved in the control of somatotroph, lactotroph, and corticotroph cells. GnRH action is initiated by binding to a specific cell surface receptor, the gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR), which is expressed by follicle-stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone (FSH/LH) cells. Using in situ hybridization techniques, GnRHR messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) has recently been detected in normal human anterior pituitary gland and in various pituitary adenomas, including FSH/LH-cell, growth hormone (GH)-cell, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-cell, and null-cell adenomas. However, immunohistochemical studies indicating the specific cell distribution of GnRHR in normal pituitary cells have never been reported. The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of GnRHR in different types of normal pituitary cells and related tumors. Using double-label immunohistochemical techniques on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissues and specific antibodies directed against pituitary hormones and GnRHR, we found GnRHR immunoreactivity not only in FSH/LH cells, but also in GH- and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) cells. GnRHR was detected in FSH/LH-cell, GH-cell, mixed GH- and prolactin (PRL)-cell, and alpha-subunit (alpha-SU)/null-cell adenomas. The findings of this study suggest that the interaction between GnRH and GnRHR may play a role in paracrine/autocrine regulation of different types of normal pituitary cells and pituitary adenoma

    El aire: hábitat y medio de transmisión de microorganismos

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    La atmósfera no tiene una microbiota autóctona pero es un medio para la dispersión de muchos tipos de microorganismos (esporas, bacterias, virus y hongos), procedentes de otros ambientes. Algunos han creado adaptaciones especializadas que favorecen su supervivencia y permanencia. Los microorganismos dispersados por el aire tiene una gran importancia biológica y económica. Producen enfermedades en plantas, animales y humanos, causan alteración de alimentos y materiales orgánicos y contribuyen al deterioro y corrosión de monumentos y metales. La Microbiología del aire comienza en el siglo XIX, con Pasteur y Miquel que diseñaron métodos para estudiar los microorganismos en el aire y descubrir la causa de algunas enfermedades. Desde entonces numerosos investigadores han trabajado en este campo tanto en el aire exterior como en recintos cerrados. Las enfermedades transmitidas por el aire, producidas por bacterias, virus y hongos, son las respiratorias (neumonía, tosferina, tuberculosis, legionelosis, resfriado, gripe), sistémicas (meningitis, sarampión, varicela, micosis) y alérgicas