176 research outputs found

    Impact of kefir derived lactobacillus kefiri on the mucosal immune response and gut microbiota

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    The evaluation of the impact of probiotics on host health could help to understand how they can be used in the prevention of diseases. On the basis of our previous studies and in vitro assays on PBMC and Caco-2 ccl20:luc reporter system presented in this work, the strain Lactobacillus kefiri CIDCA 8348 was selected and administrated to healthy Swiss mice daily for 21 days. The probiotic treatment increased IgA in feces and reduced expression of proinflammatory mediators in Peyer Patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, where it also increased IL-10. In ileum IL-10, CXCL-1 and mucin 6 genes were upregulated; meanwhile in colon mucin 4 was induced whereas IFN-γ, GM-CSF, and IL-1β genes were downregulated. Moreover, ileum and colon explants showed the anti-inflammatory effect of L. kefiri since the LPS-induced increment of IL-6 and GM-CSF levels in control mice was significantly attenuated in L. kefiri treated mice. Regarding fecal microbiota, DGGE profiles allowed differentiation of experimental groups in two separated clusters. Quantitative PCR analysis of different bacterial groups revealed only significant changes in Lactobacillus population. In conclusion, L. kefiri is a good candidate to be used in gut inflammatory disorders.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Effects of Monacolin K in Nondiabetic Patients with NAFLD: A Pilot Study

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common chronic liver condition with significant risk of progression to steatohepatitis and cirrhosis. Therapeutic strategies in NAFLD include lifestyle changes mainly related to dietary interventions and use of drugs or nutritional components that could improve plasma lipid profiles and insulin sensitivity and decrease the local inflammatory response. In this study, we tested the effects of monacolin K, an inhibitor of HMCoA reductase. In a prospective, uncontrolled, open study, we treated 24 patients with NAFLD and mild hypercholesterolemia with 10 mg/day of monacolin K. At baseline and after 26 weeks, we measured in plasma liver tests, lipids, malondialdehyde, and oxidized glutathione, and assessed biochemical steatosis scores, liver elastography, and body composition with bioimpedance analysis. Monacolin K significantly reduced plasma alanine aminotransferase, cholesterol, triglycerides and the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index that indicated improved insulin sensitivity. No significant changes were found in body fat mass and visceral fat, nor in liver elastography, while the fatty liver index (FLI) was significantly decreased. Plasma levels of both malondialdehyde and oxidized glutathione were markedly reduced by monacolin K treatment, suggesting a reduction in oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. In summary, this pilot study suggests possible benefits of monacolin K use in NAFLD patients that could be linked to a reduction in oxidative stress. This hypothesis should be further investigated in future studies

    Impact of kefir derived lactobacillus kefiri on the mucosal immune response and gut microbiota

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    The evaluation of the impact of probiotics on host health could help to understand how they can be used in the prevention of diseases. On the basis of our previous studies and in vitro assays on PBMC and Caco-2 ccl20:luc reporter system presented in this work, the strain Lactobacillus kefiri CIDCA 8348 was selected and administrated to healthy Swiss mice daily for 21 days. The probiotic treatment increased IgA in feces and reduced expression of proinflammatory mediators in Peyer Patches and mesenteric lymph nodes, where it also increased IL-10. In ileum IL-10, CXCL-1 and mucin 6 genes were upregulated; meanwhile in colon mucin 4 was induced whereas IFN-γ, GM-CSF, and IL-1β genes were downregulated. Moreover, ileum and colon explants showed the anti-inflammatory effect of L. kefiri since the LPS-induced increment of IL-6 and GM-CSF levels in control mice was significantly attenuated in L. kefiri treated mice. Regarding fecal microbiota, DGGE profiles allowed differentiation of experimental groups in two separated clusters. Quantitative PCR analysis of different bacterial groups revealed only significant changes in Lactobacillus population. In conclusion, L. kefiri is a good candidate to be used in gut inflammatory disorders.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Control of bulk superconductivity via surface-bound electric fields in ion-gated niobium nitride thin films

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    Ionic gating is a very popular tool to investigate and control the electric transport and electronic ground state in a wide variety of different materials. This is due to its capability to induce large modulations of the surface charge density by means of the electric-double-layer field-effect transistor (EDL-FET) architecture, often reaching values comparable to those occurring in metallic systems. Despite finding large success in tuning the phase diagram of low-carrier density systems, including cuprates and iron-based superconductors, its applicability to conventional metallic superconductors has received significantly less attention. In my talk, I will present the work which has been carried out in my research group over several years to investigate how ionic gating can tune the properties of metallic superconductor, using niobium nitride (NbN) as an emblematic case. By fabricating EDL-FETs on NbN thin films with thickness ranging between 10 and 40 nm, we observed that small positive and negative shifts in the critical temperature Tc could be induced by changing the gate-voltage polarity, and that the magnitude of these shifts increased upon decreasing the film thickness. These findings indicated that, despite the gate-induced electric field being confined in a thin layer at the surface by electrostatic screening, the perturbation to the superconducting state extends in a region much larger than a single unit cell. Indeed, the dependence of Tc on the gate voltage and thickness could be reconciled with the Eliashberg theory of superconductivity only if this thin surface layer is coupled to the underlying, unperturbed bulk via proximity effect. We also determined that the thickness of this surface layer (i.e. the screening length of the electric field) strongly increases for large gate electric fields, reaching values of the order of 3 nm at the highest doping. Ab-initio DFT calculations reproduced these results and linked this anomalous increase of the screening length to a distortion of the pristine charge density in the material upon the application of sufficiently large electric fields. This proximity-effect-induced transformation of the quasi-2D perturbation to the electron density into a 3D bulk modification of the superconducting properties seems to be a general behavior in gated superconductors that could hinder the possibility to obtain large Tc shifts in films thicker than the screening length. Consequently, we are currently focusing on exploring the tunability of ultrathin (< 5nm-thick) NbN films in order to maximize the gate-induced Tc shift, where we developed a novel technique of self-encapsulation in ultrathin niobium oxide to ensure the full reversibility of the gate modulation in these extremely sensitive devices

    Local treatment with lactate prevents intestinal inflammation in the TNBS-induced colitis model

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    Lactate has long been considered as a metabolic by-product of cells. Recently, this view has been changed by the observation that lactate can act as a signaling molecule and regulates critical functions of the immune system. We previously identified lactate as the component responsible for the modulation of innate immune epithelial response of fermented milk supernatants in vitro. We have also shown that lactate downregulates proinflammatory responses of macrophages and dendritic cells. So far, in vivo effects of lactate on intestinal inflammation have not been reported. We evaluated the effect of intrarectal administration of lactate in a murine model of colitis induced by 2,4,6-trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS). The increase in lactate concentration in colon promoted protective effects against TNBS-induced colitis preventing histopathological damage, as well as bacterial translocation and rise of IL-6 levels in serum. Using intestinal epithelial reporter cells, we found that flagellin treatment induced reporter gene expression, which was abrogated by lactate treatment as well as by glycolysis inhibitors. Furthermore, lactate treatment modulated glucose uptake, indicating that high levels of extracellular lactate can impair metabolic reprograming induced by proinflammatory activation. These results suggest that lactate could be a potential beneficial microbiota metabolite and may constitute an overlooked effector with modulatory properties.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de AlimentosInstituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Single-channel properties of a stretch-sensitive chloride channel in the human mast cell line HMC-1

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    A stretch-activated (SA) Cl− channel in the plasma membrane of the human mast cell line HMC-1 was identified in outside-out patch-clamp experiments. SA currents, induced by pressure applied to the pipette, exhibited voltage dependence with strong outward rectification (55.1 pS at +100 mV and an about tenfold lower conductance at −100 mV). The probability of the SA channel being open (Po) also showed steep outward rectification and pressure dependence. The open-time distribution was fitted with three components with time constants of τ1o = 755.1 ms, τ2o = 166.4 ms, and τ3o = 16.5 ms at +60 mV. The closed-time distribution also required three components with time constants of τ1c = 661.6 ms, τ2c = 253.2 ms, and τ3c = 5.6 ms at +60 mV. Lowering extracellular Cl− concentration reduced the conductance, shifted the reversal potential toward chloride reversal potential, and decreased the Po at positive potentials. The SA Cl− currents were reversibly blocked by the chloride channel blocker 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid (DIDS) but not by (Z)-1-(p-dimethylaminoethoxyphenyl)-1,2-diphenyl-1-butene (tamoxifen). Furthermore, in HMC-1 cells swelling due to osmotic stress, DIDS could inhibit the increase in intracellular [Ca2+] and degranulation. We conclude that in the HMC-1 cell line, the SA outward currents are mediated by Cl− influx. The SA Cl− channel might contribute to mast cell degranulation caused by mechanical stimuli or accelerate membrane fusion during the degranulation process

    Lobe-Specific Calcium Binding in Calmodulin Regulates Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Activation

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    BACKGROUND: Human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) requires calcium-bound calmodulin (CaM) for electron transfer but the detailed mechanism remains unclear. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using a series of CaM mutants with E to Q substitution at the four calcium-binding sites, we found that single mutation at any calcium-binding site (B1Q, B2Q, B3Q and B4Q) resulted in ∼2-3 fold increase in the CaM concentration necessary for half-maximal activation (EC50) of citrulline formation, indicating that each calcium-binding site of CaM contributed to the association between CaM and eNOS. Citrulline formation and cytochrome c reduction assays revealed that in comparison with nNOS or iNOS, eNOS was less stringent in the requirement of calcium binding to each of four calcium-binding sites. However, lobe-specific disruption with double mutations in calcium-binding sites either at N- (B12Q) or at C-terminal (B34Q) lobes greatly diminished both eNOS oxygenase and reductase activities. Gel mobility shift assay and flavin fluorescence measurement indicated that N- and C-lobes of CaM played distinct roles in regulating eNOS catalysis; the C-terminal EF-hands in its calcium-bound form was responsible for the binding of canonical CaM-binding domain, while N-terminal EF-hands in its calcium-bound form controlled the movement of FMN domain. Limited proteolysis studies further demonstrated that B12Q and B34Q induced different conformational change in eNOS. CONCLUSIONS: Our results clearly demonstrate that CaM controls eNOS electron transfer primarily through its lobe-specific calcium binding

    Host genetics and COVID-19 severity: increasing the accuracy of latest severity scores by Boolean quantum features

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    The impact of common and rare variants in COVID-19 host genetics has been widely studied. In particular, in Fallerini et al. (Human genetics, 2022, 141, 147–173), common and rare variants were used to define an interpretable machine learning model for predicting COVID-19 severity. First, variants were converted into sets of Boolean features, depending on the absence or the presence of variants in each gene. An ensemble of LASSO logistic regression models was used to identify the most informative Boolean features with respect to the genetic bases of severity. After that, the Boolean features, selected by these logistic models, were combined into an Integrated PolyGenic Score (IPGS), which offers a very simple description of the contribution of host genetics in COVID-19 severity. IPGS leads to an accuracy of 55%–60% on different cohorts, and, after a logistic regression with both IPGS and age as inputs, it leads to an accuracy of 75%. The goal of this paper is to improve the previous results, using not only the most informative Boolean features with respect to the genetic bases of severity but also the information on host organs involved in the disease. In this study, we generalize the IPGS adding a statistical weight for each organ, through the transformation of Boolean features into “Boolean quantum features,” inspired by quantum mechanics. The organ coefficients were set via the application of the genetic algorithm PyGAD, and, after that, we defined two new integrated polygenic scores ((Formula presented.) and (Formula presented.)). By applying a logistic regression with both IPGS, ((Formula presented.) (or indifferently (Formula presented.)) and age as inputs, we reached an accuracy of 84%–86%, thus improving the results previously shown in Fallerini et al. (Human genetics, 2022, 141, 147–173) by a factor of 10%

    Ultra-rare RTEL1 gene variants associate with acute severity of COVID-19 and evolution to pulmonary fibrosis as a specific long COVID disorder

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    Background: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel coronavirus that caused an ongoing pandemic of a pathology termed Coronavirus Disease 19 (COVID-19). Several studies reported that both COVID-19 and RTEL1 variants are associated with shorter telomere length, but a direct association between the two is not generally acknowledged. Here we demonstrate that up to 8.6% of severe COVID-19 patients bear RTEL1 ultra-rare variants, and show how this subgroup can be recognized. Methods: A cohort of 2246 SARS-CoV-2-positive subjects, collected within the GEN-COVID Multicenter study, was used in this work. Whole exome sequencing analysis was performed using the NovaSeq6000 System, and machine learning methods were used for candidate gene selection of severity. A nested study, comparing severely affected patients bearing or not variants in the selected gene, was used for the characterisation of specific clinical features connected to variants in both acute and post-acute phases. Results: Our GEN-COVID cohort revealed a total of 151 patients carrying at least one RTEL1 ultra-rare variant, which was selected as a specific acute severity feature. From a clinical point of view, these patients showed higher liver function indices, as well as increased CRP and inflammatory markers, such as IL-6. Moreover, compared to control subjects, they present autoimmune disorders more frequently. Finally, their decreased diffusion lung capacity for carbon monoxide after six months of COVID-19 suggests that RTEL1 variants can contribute to the development of SARS-CoV-2-elicited lung fibrosis. Conclusion: RTEL1 ultra-rare variants can be considered as a predictive marker of COVID-19 severity, as well as a marker of pathological evolution in pulmonary fibrosis in the post-COVID phase. This notion can be used for a rapid screening in hospitalized infected people, for vaccine prioritization, and appropriate follow-up assessment for subjects at risk. Trial Registration NCT04549831 (www.clinicaltrial.org