60 research outputs found


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    The making of main canals in oil palm plantation areas, especially on peatlands, will affect changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of peatlands, will affect the process of oxidation and reduction of peatland which affects the regulation of changes in gas emissions, especially the concentration of gases such as: carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4). The research objective was to determine the effect of the making of main canals on the rate of CO2 emissions from peat soil surface for each difference in the measurement distance from the drainage channel (25, 50 and 100) m in the block of oil palm plant age (3,4,5 and 6) years after planting. The average rate of emissions in Palm Oil Plants Age 3 Years after Planting at a distance of 25 m equal to 147.87 mg C m2 Hour1 , the distance of 50 m is 156.17 mg C m2 Hour1 and a distance of 100 m amounted to 148.01 mg C m2 Hour1, Palm Oil Plants Age 4 Years after Planting at a distance of 25 m equal to 247.10 mg C m2 Hour1 , the distance of 50 m is 248.90 mg C m2 Hour1 and a distance of 100 m amounted to 257.10 mg C m2 Hour1, Palm Oil Plants Age 5 Years after Planting at a distance of 25 m equal to 147,87 mg C m2 Hour1 , the distance of 50 m is 156,17 mg C m2 Hour1 and a distance of 100 m amounted to 148,01mg C m2 Hour1. Palm Oil Plants Age 6 Years after Planting at a distance of 25 m equal to 329,95 mg C m2 Hour1 , the distance of 50 m is 335,08 mg C m2 Hour1 and a distance of 100 m amounted to 347,22 mg C m2 Hour1. The effect of distance from canal main on CO2 emissions does not significantly affect changes in CO2 emissions in the block of oil palm plant age (3,4,5 and 6) years after planting, but the farther away from main canals, CO2 emissions are increasing

    Litter layer and earthworms as an indicator of coffee production in the coffee and pine based agroforestry system

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    Critical support for successful coffee-based agroforestry production is the amount of litter input and the activity of macro-organisms. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the amount of litter on the soil surface, the population of earthworms, and the growth and production of coffee. The research was conducted between June 2019 and March 2020 at the Universitas Brawijaya Forest, East Java, Indonesia. For the coffee plants, a proportional random sampling method was used to capture the range of plant sizes within the study location. The range of diameters at breast height (DBH) recorded were divided into ten decils and four replicates within each decil. For each plant, DBH was transformed into tree biomass and fresh coffee bean weight was also measured. Litter weight and depth were measured using a 50 x 50 cm quadrat frame. A sampling of earthworms used the TSBF monolith method. There was a positive relationship between litter thickness, litter weight, the number of earthworms, and earthworm biomass against the dry weight coffee bean, while the four variables have no significant relationship with coffee tree biomass. We concluded that litter layer and earthworm biomass can be used as a simple indicator of coffee production

    A adição de xisto retortado aumenta a retenção do carbono de resíduos vegetais no solo

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de curto prazo e o residual de doses de xisto retortado (XR) sobre a retenção do C de resíduos culturais no solo. Foram avaliadas a mineralização e a retenção de C de folhas e talos de soja enriquecidos com 13C, em solo com e sem histórico de aplicação de XR e na presença e na ausência de doses crescentes de XR. Houve efeito de curto prazo do XR sobre a retenção de C no solo. Esse efeito ocorreu somente com a mistura de folhas + 3 Mg ha-1 de XR, em que a retenção de C no solo superou em 21% aquela observada com a aplicação isolada das folhas. O XR apresenta potencial de reter C no solo

    Structure and composition of major arbuscular mycorrhiza (MA) under different farmer management of coffee and pine agroforestry system

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    Utilization of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (MA) as beneficial soil microbes is expected to support nutrient demand for improving crop performance. However, under the agroforestry system that facing a problem on light, water, and nutrients competitions, the role of MA is becoming unclear. The purpose of this research was to examine how far different management in Coffee Pines Agroforestry System (CPAS) affects MA structure and compositions. The relationship between soil parameters (e.g. pH, soil organic C) and MA activities was also being evaluated. The selected plot according to existing management practices were chosen as follows: (1) Low management (LC); (2) High management which then compared to (3) Business As Usual (BAU) plot in which were repeated in triplicate. ANOVA and multivariate analysis were employed to determine the effect of the treatments. The result showed that there were significant differences (p<0.05) in the structure and composition of the MA, in terms of the total number of MA spores and the abundance of Glomus sp. under the coffee tree sampling point, while the lowest number was detected in Gigaspora sp. genera. The more intensive land management resulted in a higher abundance of MA biomass which then leads to increased soil P and uptake-P along with MA infection

    Analisis Kepatuhan Sustainbility Reporting PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk. Berdasarkan GRI Standards, AA1000AP dan AA1000AS

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    Dampak kegiatan dari kegiatan operasional Perusahaan dapat memiliki pengaruh yang beragam. Hal ini akan menunjukan perhatian dan kesadaran Perusahaan terhadap seluruh pemangku kepentingan bahwa dalam pencapaian tujuan yaitu laba yang maksimal akan berdampak pada sosial dan lingkungan. Maka pembangunan berkelanjutan diupayakan untuk pemenuhan kelangsungan hidup generasi sekarang tanpa mengancam kelangsungan hidup untuk generasi mendatang dengan memperhatikan keseluruhan aspek. Hal ini tercermin dalam kepatuhan Perusahaan dalam sustainbility reporting yang sesuai dengan standar-standar yang berlaku, yaitu seperti GRI Standards, AA1000AP dan AA1000AS. Dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sampel penelitian dari Perusahaan pertambangan yaitu PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk. yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada periode 2017-2019. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara keseluruhan PT. Aneka Tambang, Tbk. telah mematuhi pengungkapan sesuai dengan standar-standar tersebut


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    Biochar now is importance issue due to complication same meaning with “charcoal”.In development country techonology convert biomass becomes energy is called “pyrolysis“ to produce several gas such as bio-oil and biochar. Biochar produce from crop ussually consist some importance nutrient, and called as “negative carbon emitter“. In this experiment characteristic and quality bichar is produce from Fluidized Bed Reactor to usefull biomass of bio energy willow (Salix sp) at diffferent temperature 450oC, 470oC and 530oC. Evaluation was made by using LECO-2000, ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma), SEM (Scaing Electron Microscop) and FTIR (Fourier Tranfrmed Infrared).The research result showed that increased tempereture “pyrolysis“ from 440oC to 530oC signifantly affected end product chemical composition, porous content and functional point from biochar. Additing Potassium (K) and Phosphor (P) found higher content compare the original source. On the other hand, in high temperature, all functional organic source: phenol,amine,carboxylic ,aromatic and polysacharida did not detictio

    Pengaruh Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Risk Dan Perceived Ease of Use Terhadap Interest Online Purchase Yang Dimediasi Consumer Attitude Pada Aplikasi Dealjava Di Surabaya

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    Due to the rapid growth of technology, especially the Internet,business people take advantage of the development of internet usersby creating trading businesses in the form of electronic stores. Variouse-commerce apps emerge, which do not only sell products but alsoservices by using numerous application programs for variouspurposes. One example of an application-based business service is theDealjava. Various applications are managed properly starting fromperceived usefulness, perceived risk, and perceived ease of use, whichwill give an impact on consumer attitude and interest in onlinepurchases. This study aims to analyze the perceived usefulness,perceived risk, and perceived ease of use to the interest onlinepurchase, whether in a direct way or through consumer attitude in theDealjava Apps in Surabaya. The object of this study was the users ofthe Dealjava application aged more than 17 years old in Surabaya.There were 141 samples of study that used Partial Least Techniquesquare. The data used was primary data that was obtained bydistributing questionnaires to the Dealjava users in Surabaya.Structural Equation Modeling with SmartPLS software was used asa data analysis technique. The result of the study proves that theperceived usefulness, perceived risk, perceived ease of usesignificantly affect consumer attitude; perceived usefulness, perceivedrisk, perceived ease of use, and consumer attitude automaticallyaffect the interest in online purchase; perceived risk and perceived easeof use undoubtedly affect the interest online purchase throughconsumer attitude; perceived usefulness does not have a significanteffect on interest online purchases through consumer attitude

    The Effect in the Wastewater Treatment at Soybean Curd of Contact Time Modification of Artificial Wetland Using SSF by Using Schoenoplectus Corymbosus to Improve Water Quality

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    Soybean curd industrial is rapidly growing industry. Characteristic of effluent from soybean curd industrial may contains a lot of organic materials and suspended solids that give negative impact to water. One of the soybean curd industry pollution prevention is a modification of artificial wetlands with sub surface flow system using recirculation by S. corymbosus plant to reduce the value of BOD, TSS and nitrate in soybean curd wastewater. Early of research procedure is prepare wetland construction consist of 8 part box container with a capacity of 75 L, then filled in the basic medium gravel 5 cm, clay 10 cm, and then planted a S. corymbosus by 30 pieces/construction, then drained soybean curd waste that has been diluted through the recirculation pipe for 16 days in the land of green house plant physiology. The result of optimal decline BOD occured on day 12th ie 99,7, TSS decline value optimal ie 89,3% on day 12th, and declined of optimal nitrate on day 12th ie 89,7%. The decline value of BOD, TSS and nitrate until day 16th has been standart quality unless TSS according to Perda Jateng no.5 tahun 2012 and PP no.82 tahun 2001