1,101 research outputs found

    Valorisation of vine-shoots: ultrasound-assisted extraction of proanthocyanidins

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    Vine-shoots are agricultural wastes of vineyards. About 1.4-2.0 tons of shoots can be obtained per hectare of vine per year. The world area under vines is about 7.5 million ha, and then an estimated total of 10.5-15 million tons of vine-shoots are produced each year. The studies conducted on the phenolic composition of vine-shoots generally focused on the stilbenes because of the interest in their health-promoting. However, to the best of our knowledge, there has been no work, thus far, on the proanthocyanidins (PAs) from vine-shoots. Proanthocyanidins exist as oligomers (OPCs), containing two to ten or more \u2018catechin\u2019 units, and polymers (PPCs). This study aims at performing optimisation of ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE) of OPCs and PPCs from vine\u2013shoots using response surface methodolog

    Efficiency of alternative intensity measures for the seismic assessment of monolithic free-standing columns

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    This paper deals with the dynamic response of a free-standing ancient column in the Roman Agora of Thessaloniki, Greece as a means to shed more light on the complex behaviour of rocking bodies under seismic excitation. Numerical analyses utilizing discrete element method were carried out with the use of multiple seismic records selected based on the disaggregation of the seismic hazard for the region of interest. To identify their impact on structural performance, earthquake Intensity Measures, such as Peak Ground Acceleration and Peak Ground Velocity are examined for the case of a column that sustained no visible permanent deformations during the Ms = 6.5 Thessaloniki earthquake of 1978. The analysis revealed a weak correlation of PGA and PGV with the response results and a significant influence of the mean frequency (fm) of the seismic motion. No coupling was found between the maximum displacement of the top during the oscillation and the permanent post-seismic deformations. The complementarity of both earthquake Intensity Measures in the structural vulnerability assessment is also depicted

    Raças mochas: história e genética.

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    A anatomia do chifre e do batoque. O processo da herança. Raças mochas. Raças originalmente mochas. Teste de touros para o carater mocho.bitstream/item/135381/1/DOC-50.pd

    Recomendações técnicas para o cultivo de milho no Sul do RS.

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    Potencial de produção do híbrido de milho BRS 1001, em solos hidromórficos do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Objeto: la materia de administración de la escuela como tema (1921 a 1926). Objetivos: describir el contenido de la materia de administración en el Curso de Enfermeras en la EPEE, la sección femenina, por el libro “Curso de Enfermeros”, analizar los exámenes de las alumnas en la materia de administración y comentar esta enseñanza de la Colônia do Engenho de Dentro. Metodología: estudio histórico social. Fuentes primarias: documentos inscritos propios de la institución y materias de diarios y fuentes secundarias: literaturas de acercamiento al objeto. Resultados y consideraciones finales: el estudio va dirigido a las competencias del enfermero en la institución. En los tableros examinadores hubo el predominio del Dr. Álvaro Cardoso. La institución tenía interés en asegurar el control y el funcionamiento de la institución.Objeto: a matéria de administração da Escola em tela (1921 a 1927). Objetivos: descrever o conteúdo da matéria de administração no Curso de Enfermeiras na EPEE, Seção Feminina, pelo livro "Curso de Enfermeiros", analisar os exames das alunas na matéria de administração e comentar este ensino para a Colônia do Engenho de Dentro. Metodologia: estudo histórico-social. Fontes primárias: documentos inscritos oriundos da instituição e matérias jornalistas e fontes secundárias: literaturas de aproximação com o objeto. Resultados e Considerações Finais: Estudo aponta para as competências do(a) enfermeiro(a) na instituição. Nas bancas examinadoras houve a predominância do Dr. Álvaro Cardoso. A instituição tinha interesse em assegurar o controle e o funcionamento da instituição

    Damage assessment in single-nave churches and analysis of the most recurring mechanisms after the 2016–2017 central Italy earthquakes

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    Assessment of churches based on empirical data at a territorial scale is a suitable tool to have an overview of the seismic behaviour of this peculiar structural typology and to evaluate their current state of vulnerability. Fragility and vulnerability curves are also aimed to perform the analysis of different seismic scenarios. The paper presents a detailed typological analysis of 633 single-nave churches, as a selected subset of the database previously examined by the authors, with the aim of evaluating more in detail the influence of some parameters, such as masonry typology, church dimensions and presence of the bell tower, on the vulnerability of the overall church. Then, specific analyses are carried out to assess the influence played by single mechanisms on the definition of the overall damage index, with the focus of providing qualitative evaluations and explicit vulnerability and fragility curves related to the most recurring and significant collapse mechanisms. This is an original contribution of the paper in the field of the vulnerability assessment of churches, since nowadays little information is available in the literature about the damage levels related to specific mechanisms, while most attention is still focused on global damage

    Simplified indexes for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings : international database and validation

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    Heritage masonry buildings are particularly vulnerable to earthquakes because they are deteriorated and damaged, they were built with materials with low resistance, they are heavy and the connections between the various structural components are often insufficient. The present work details a simplified method of seismic assessment of large span masonry structures that was applied to a database of forty-four monuments in Italy, Portugal and Spain, providing lower bound formulas for different simplified geometrical indexes. Subsequently, the proposed thresholds are validated with data from the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes, which includes forty-eight stone and clay brick masonry churches. Finally, fragility curves that can be used to estimate the damage as a function of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) are also provided

    Diagnóstico de sistemas de dessalinização de água salobra subterrânea em municípios do Estado da Paraíba-Brasil.

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    Embora, no Semi-Árido brasileiro, predomine o embasamento cristalino, com poços apresentando qualidade comprometida por sais, à tecnologia da dessalinização permite a potabilização dessas águas. Desde 1996 vem sendo implantados, equipamentos de dessalinização por osmose inversa visando o atendimento da demanda hídrica para consumo humano. No entanto, dificuldades estão presentes na implantação dos equipamentos, tais como a falta de operação e manutenção adequadas que causam a paralisação dos mesmos, e como a produção de rejeitos, os quais são água com elevados teores de sais, normalmente despejados ao solo sem qualquer critério, cujo maior impacto tem sido a erosão e a salinidade do solo. Assim, considerando que a Embrapa Semi-Árido pesquisa manejos dos rejeitos, a Fundação Banco do Brasil realizou parceria com a Embrapa, com o objetivo de avaliar 21 sistemas de dessalinização implantados no Estado da Paraíba. O presente artigo tem por objetivo apresentar um diagnóstico da atual situação dos sistemas da Paraíba, principalmente quanto aos aspectos de conservação, manutenção e operacionalização; aos parâmetros técnicos, à qualidade de água e aos impactos ambientais causados pelos rejeitos

    Polyphenols rich diets and risk of type 2 diabetes

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    Type 2 diabetes is an increasing health concern worldwide. Both genetic and environmental risk factors as improper dietary habits or physical inactivity are known to be crucial in the pathogen-esis of type 2 diabetes. Polyphenols are a group of plant-derived compounds with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are associated with a low prevalence of metabolic conditions charac-terized by insulin resistance, including obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. Moreover, there is now full awareness that foods that are rich in phytochemicals and polyphenols could play an important role in preserving human cardiovascular health and substantial clinical evidence indicates that regu-lar dietary consumption of such foods affects favorably carbohydrate metabolism. This review briefly summarizes the evidence relating dietary patterns rich in polyphenols with glucose metabolism and highlights the potential benefits of these compounds in the prevention of type 2 diabetes