11 research outputs found

    Assessing adolescents 'appraisal of significant adults' goal-involving criteria for judging their success in physical education and sport settings: a missing link in the socialization process

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    This study examined psychometric properties of a measure of adolescents' appraisal of criteria used for judging their sport and physical education success by their significant adults (PACEDOS). To facilitate coherent comparisons among significant adults in achievement settings, the same measure was used for the four of them (mother, father, and coach or PE teacher). Participants were 505 Spanish adolescents (M=13.85 years of age, SD = .76). Support for two dimensions, namely a task-involving criteria and ego-involving criteria, emerged across the four administrations via CFA, as well as evidence for internal consistency. Predictive validity findings suggested that the PACEDOS was distinct from perceptions of the motivational climate. Results revealed differences in gender, between athletes/non-athletes, and among the adolescents' appraisals of the four social agents' ego and task-involving criteria. Particularly, parents played a gendered role and sport leaders (coach/PE teacher) played a performative/educational role in adolescents' appraisal of the criteria used for judging their success in sport and PE contexts. The PACEDOS appeared to be a valid and reliable instrument, which allows coherent comparisons among different significant adults and it may help for understanding adolescents' sport and PE socialization

    Professionalization of Sport Educators in European Prisons

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    Actualmente, las actividades físicas y deportivas forman parte del paisaje de las prisiones y se les adjudica un papel (re)educativo. Sin embargo, se desconoce cómo se desarrollan dichas actividades y la profesionalización del personal encargado de las mismas. En este estudio se administró un cuestionario a 341 profesionales de prisiones, ubicadas en cinco países europeos, con el objetivo de indagar en el rol que juega la formación especializada en deportes y el diseño instruccional en la profesionalización de estos educadores. Los resultados indican que la formación deportiva especializada es mayor en los profesionales con menos años de experiencia y, especialmente, en aquellos con estudios superiores. Un gran porcentaje de los educadores planifican los principales elementos del diseño instruccional, aunque la mitad aún mantiene los objetivos en mente. Utilizan principalmente la estrategia metodológica de instrucción directa y formas verbales de evaluación. Se concluye que los educadores noveles con mayor nivel de estudios muestran mayor grado de profesionalizaciónSport is nowadays part of the prison landscape and it receives a (re)educational role. Nevertheless, it is unknown how are they developed and the professionalization features of the staff in charge of these activities. Therefore, a sample of 341 professionals from prisons located in five European countries responded to a survey conducted to explore the role that specialized sportive training and instructional design play in the professionalization of sport educators. The results indicate that the specialized sports training is higher among professionals with less years of experience and, especially, among those with higher-university studies. Larger percentage of educators plan the main elements of design, however, half of them still kept in mind the objectives. They mainly use direct instruction methodological strategies and oral forms of assessment. The paper concludes that those educators with less years of experience and more level of education show higher degree of professionalizationEste artículo deriva del proyecto "Prisoners on the move. Move into sport, move through sport", que fue financiado por la Unión Europea (EAC/22/2010). Los miembros del equipo de investigación pertenecen a De Rode Antraciet de Bélgica (Coordinador del proyecto), Kriminal Forsorgen de Dinamarca, Sport et Citoyenneté de Francia, CRED de Rumania, Sport for Solidarity del Reino Unido y la Universitat de València de España. El estudio del cual deriva este artículo lo diseñaron y desarrollaron los autores de este trabajo

    Selection of printed curriculum materials in physical education : recontextualizing pedagogical knowledge

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    This paper examines how teachers select printed curriculum materials in PE in Spanish secondary schools through Bernstein’s theory of the pedagogic device. The sample recruited were 310 secondary school PE teachers (210 male and 100 female) belonging to the Valencian community in Spain. The mean age of participants was 37.7 (SD 8.7) and the average of PE teaching years was 11.8 (SD 8.87). Teachers responded individually to an interview-administered questionnaire. Results showed teachers were highly involved in choosing the curriculum materials they use, and a slight predominance for teachers to prepare the PE lesson first and then to choose appropriate materials to develop it. Main selection criteria used by teachers highlighted the importance of materials to be adequate to students. Finally, the results suggest that although teachers contribute to the existence of the Pedagogic Recontextualizing Field, they are influenced by the Official Recontextualizing Field and professional ideologies