71 research outputs found
Enhancing the customer experience with virtual and augmented reality: The impact of content and device type
Virtual and augmented reality are changing how companies interact with customers. However, previous research has paid little attention to compare their effectiveness. This study focuses on the perceptions of presence elicited by different types of contents (real or digital) and embodied devices (head-mounted display or smartphone), and their impact on user''s pre-experiences with hotels. Results from a lab experiment show that contents with high levels of factual realism (360-degree videos) have a positive influence on perceptions of presence, ease of imagination, and visual appeal, and on booking intentions. These effects are stronger when high embodied devices (head-mounted displays) are applied. Additionally, presence positively influences ease of imagination and visual appeal, which mediate the impact of content on booking intentions. These findings stress the importance of inducing presence as a key driver for behavioral intentions in hospitality. The comparative influence of conventional VR and AR experiences is also discussed
Numerical study of the one-dimensional quantum compass model
The ground state magnetic phase diagram of the one-dimensional quantum
compass model (QCM) is studied using the numerical Lanczos method. A detailed
numerical analysis of the low energy excitation spectrum is presented. The
energy gap and the spin-spin correlation functions are calculated for finite
chains. Two kind of the magnetic long-range orders, the Neel and a type of the
stripe-antiferromagnet, in the ground state phase diagram are identified. Based
on the numerical analysis, the first and second order quantum phase transitions
in the ground state phase diagram are identified.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with
Geometrical entanglement of highly symmetric multipartite states and the Schmidt decomposition
In a previous paper we examined a geometric measure of entanglement based on
the minimum distance between the entangled target state of interest and the
space of unnormalized product states. Here we present a detailed study of this
entanglement measure for target states with a large degree of symmetry. We
obtain analytic solutions for the extrema of the distance function and solve
for the Hessian to show that, up to the action of trivial symmetries, the
solutions correspond to local minima of the distance function. In addition, we
show that the conditions that determine the extremal solutions for general
target states can be obtained directly by parametrizing the product states via
their Schmidt decomposition.Comment: 16 pages, references added and discussion expande
La orientación entre profesorado universitario para el desarrollo de experiencias de Aprendizaje-Servicio: un análisis desde las percepciones de los implicados
Como una propuesta basada en el servicio a la comunidad y la adquisición de multitud de aprendizajes por parte del alumnado universitario, se aborda una experiencia de innovación sobre Aprendizaje-Servicio fundamentada en la orientación entre profesorado universitario. La iniciativa pretendía evaluar el impacto de un programa de asesoramiento entre profesorado con amplia experiencia en la implementación de prácticas de ApS y profesorado novel. En este estudio con una metodología mixta, participaron un total de 14 profesores de Educación Superior, quienes realizaron una entrevista semi-estructurada y un breve cuestionario. El análisis de la información recabada apunta a una valoración general positiva en lo que respecta a los beneficios que este programa ha suscitado sobre la enseñanza de prácticas de Aprendizaje-Servicio al alumnado universitario. Una utilidad que se ha visto reflejada a través del desarrollo de competencias relacionadas con la innovación y la inclusión, entre otras, y de una implicación en los procesos de bienestar social de la ciudadanía del entorno en el que las acciones se han desarrollado.
In the shape of a proposal based in volunteer service to the community and the acquisition of a large number of learnings on the part of university students, we approach a teaching innovation experience about Service-Learning founded on the orientation among university professors. The initiative intends to evaluate an orientation program among professors with extensive experience in the implementation of Service-Learning practices and new professors. In this study with a mixed methodology, a total of 14 higher education professors participated, who were given a short questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The analysis of the collected information points to an overall positive valuation regarding the benefits that this programme has produced on the teaching of Service-Learning practices to university students. This is an application that has arisen from the development of competencies related to innovation and inclusion, among others, and from an implication on the welfare of the people in the context where the actions have been carried out
Entanglement and alpha entropies for a massive Dirac field in two dimensions
We present some exact results about universal quantities derived from the
local density matrix, for a free massive Dirac field in two dimensions. We
first find the trace of powers of the density matrix in a novel fashion, which
involves the correlators of suitable operators in the sine-Gordon model. These,
in turn, can be written exactly in terms of the solutions of non-linear
differential equations of the Painlev\'e V type. Equipped with the previous
results, we find the leading terms for the entanglement entropy, both for short
and long distances, and showing that in the intermediate regime it can be
expanded in a series of multiple integrals. The previous results have been
checked by direct numerical calculations on the lattice, finding perfect
agreement. Finally, we comment on a possible generalization of the entanglement
entropy c-theorem to the alpha-entropies.Comment: Clarification in section 2, one reference added. 15 pages, 3 figure
Block Spin Density Matrix of the Inhomogeneous AKLT Model
We study the inhomogeneous generalization of a 1-dimensional AKLT spin chain
model. Spins at each lattice site could be different. Under certain conditions,
the ground state of this AKLT model is unique and is described by the
Valence-Bond-Solid (VBS) state. We calculate the density matrix of a contiguous
block of bulk spins in this ground state. The density matrix is independent of
spins outside the block. It is diagonalized and shown to be a projector onto a
subspace. We prove that for large block the density matrix behaves as the
identity in the subspace. The von Neumann entropy coincides with Renyi entropy
and is equal to the saturated value.Comment: 20 page
Entanglement and Density Matrix of a Block of Spins in AKLT Model
We study a 1-dimensional AKLT spin chain, consisting of spins in the bulk
and at both ends. The unique ground state of this AKLT model is described
by the Valence-Bond-Solid (VBS) state. We investigate the density matrix of a
contiguous block of bulk spins in this ground state. It is shown that the
density matrix is a projector onto a subspace of dimension . This
subspace is described by non-zero eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of
the density matrix. We prove that for large block the von Neumann entropy
coincides with Renyi entropy and is equal to .Comment: Revised version, typos corrected, references added, 31 page
The Interspersed Spin Boson Lattice Model
We describe a family of lattice models that support a new class of quantum
magnetism characterized by correlated spin and bosonic ordering [Phys. Rev.
Lett. 112, 180405 (2014)]. We explore the full phase diagram of the model using
Matrix-Product-State methods. Guided by these numerical results, we describe a
modified variational ansatz to improve our analytic description of the
groundstate at low boson frequencies. Additionally, we introduce an
experimental protocol capable of inferring the low-energy excitations of the
system by means of Fano scattering spectroscopy. Finally, we discuss the
implementation and characterization of this model with current circuit-QED
technology.Comment: Submitted to EPJ ST issue on "Novel Quantum Phases and Mesoscopic
Physics in Quantum Gases
Entanglement Entropy dynamics in Heisenberg chains
By means of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group algorithm
we study the zero-temperature dynamics of the Von Neumann entropy of a block of
spins in a Heisenberg chain after a sudden quench in the anisotropy parameter.
In the absence of any disorder the block entropy increases linearly with time
and then saturates. We analyze the velocity of propagation of the entanglement
as a function of the initial and final anisotropies and compare, wherever
possible, our results with those obtained by means of Conformal Field Theory.
In the disordered case we find a slower (logarithmic) evolution which may
signals the onset of entanglement localization.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure
Entanglement properties and moment distributions of a system of hard-core anyons on a ring
We study the one-particle von Neumann entropy of a system of N hard-core
anyons on a ring. The entropy is found to have a clear dependence on the
anyonic parameter which characterizes the generalized fractional statistics
described by the anyons. This confirms the entanglement as a valuable measure
to investigate topological properties of quantum states. Furthermore, we
determine analytically the large N asymptotics of the anyonic one-particle
density matrix. The formula presented here generalizes the Lenard formula
obtained for a system of N hard-core bosons. Finally, we present a numerical
analysis which confirms the analytical results and provides additional insight
into the problem under consideration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figures. v2: Fig 3 changed, Eq 13 changed, minor
corrections. References adde
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