537 research outputs found

    The APR equation of state for simulations of supernovae, neutron stars and binary mergers

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    Differences in the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter translate into differences in astrophysical simulations and their multi-messenger signatures. Thus, extending the number of EOSs for astrophysical simulations allows us to probe the effect of different aspects of the EOS in astrophysical phenomena. In this work, we construct the EOS of hot and dense matter based on the Akmal, Pandharipande, and Ravenhall (APR) model and thereby extend the open-source SROEOS code which computes EOSs of hot dense matter for Skyrme-type parametrizations of the nuclear forces. Unlike Skrme-type models, in which parameters of the interaction are fit to reproduce the energy density of nuclear matter and/or properties of heavy nuclei, the EOS of APR is obtained from potentials resulting from fits to nucleon-nucleon scattering and properties of light nuclei. In addition, this EOS features a phase transition to a neutral pion condensate at supra-nuclear densities. We show that differences in the effective masses between EOSs have consequences for the properties of nuclei in the sub-nuclear inhomogeneous phase of matter. We also test the new EOS of APR in spherically symmetric core-collapse of massive stars with 15M⊙15M_\odot and 40M⊙40M_\odot, respectively. We find that the phase transition in the EOS of APR speeds up the collapse of the star. However, this phase transition does not generate a second shock wave or another neutrino burst as reported for the hadron-to-quark phase transition. The reason for this difference is that the onset of the phase transition in the EOS of APR occurs at larger densities than for the quark-to-hadron transition employed earlier which results in a significantly smaller softening of the high density EOS.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    Genetic heterogeneity among chicken infectious anemia viruses detected in italian fowl

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    Chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) is a pathogen of chickens associated with immuno-suppression and with a disease named chicken infectious anemia. The present survey reports an epidemiological study on CIAV distribution in Italian broiler, broiler breeder and backyard chicken flocks. Twenty-five strains were detected by a specifically developed nested PCR protocol, and molecularly characterized by partial VP1 gene or complete genome sequencing. Viral DNA ampli-fication was successfully obtained from non-invasive samples such as feathers and environmental dust. Sequence and phylogenetic analysis showed the circulation of field or potentially vaccine-derived strains with heterogeneous sequences clustered into genogroups II, IIIa, and IIIb. Marker genome positions, reported to be correlated with CIAV virulence, were evaluated in field strains. In conclusion, this is the first survey focused on the molecular characteristics of Italian CIAVs, which have proved to be highly heterogeneous, implementing at the same time a distribution map of field viruses worldwide

    If seizures left speechless: CA-P-S C-A-R-E, a proposal of a new ictal language evaluation protocol

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    Introduction: We aimed to create standardized protocol for language examination in patients who underwent video-EEG recording and assessed its efficacy in the characterization of ictal language impairment, its ability to differentiate this from impaired awareness, and interobserver reliability in clinical practice. Methods: From our database of video-EEG recordings, we selected a representative sample of 63 focal seizures with presumed language impairment. A multidisciplinary team of epileptologists, EEG technicians, and speech therapists analyzed the selected videos to highlight the critical issues of ordinary ictal language evaluation. We subsequently followed a multi-step process to develop the protocol and assess its interobserver reliability. Results: A protocol based on seven tests in hierarchical succession was created, summed up in the acronym CA-P-S C-A-R-E (Closed Answers, Pro-speak question, Simple orders, Common object denomination, Audio repetition, Reading, Evoke). Following its preliminary administration for 5 months, we assessed the inter-observer reliability of 16 healthcare professionals in distinguishing between language impairment and impaired awareness among a sample of 10 seizures, finding a substantial agreement (kappa 0.61). Conclusion: The proposed protocol, made of simple and easy to memorize tests, is an effective tool that evaluates multiple domains beyond language. Its use could help to recognize ictal aphasia effectively and differentiate it from impaired awareness, minimizing inter-examiner variability

    Efficient analysis of highly complex nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of flexible solutes in ordered liquids by using molecular dynamics

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    The NMR spectra of n-pentane as solute in the liquid crystal 5CB are measured at several temperatures in the nematic phase. Atomistic molecular dynamics simulations of this system are carried out to predict the dipolar couplings of the orientationally ordered pentane, and the spectra predicted from these simulations are compared with the NMR experimental ones. The simulation predictions provide an excellent starting point for analysis of the experimental NMR spectra using the covariance matrix adaptation evolutionary strategy. This shows both the power of atomistic simulations for aiding spectral analysis and the success of atomistic molecular dynamics in modeling these anisotropic systems. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4705271

    Weight bearing versus conventional CT for the measurement of patellar alignment and stability in patients after surgical treatment for patellar recurrent dislocation

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    Purpose: To compare weight-bearing cone-beam computer tomography (CBCT) and conventional computer tomography (CT)-based measurements of patellofemoral alignment and stability in patients surgically treated for recurrent patellar dislocation. These scans implied respectively single-leg up-right posture, the knee flexed, and lower limb muscles activation, versus supine position with the knee extended. Methods: A total of 17 patients (11 males/6 females) after surgical reconstruction with fascia lata allograft for recurrent patellofemoral dislocation were analyzed at 60-month follow-up. Tilt and congruence angles and tibial tuberosity–trochlear groove (TT-TG) offset were measured on images obtained from CBCT and conventional CT scans by three independent and expert radiologists. Paired t tests were performed to compare measurements obtained from the two scans. Inter-rater reliability was assessed using a two-way mixed-effects model intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: Only TT-TG offset was found significantly smaller (p < 0.001) in CBCT (mean 9.9 ± 5.3 mm) than in conventional CT (mean 15.9 ± 4.9 mm) scans. ICC for tilt and congruence angles and for TT-TG offset ranged between 0.80–0.94 with measurements in CBCT scans, between 0.52 and0.78 in conventional CT. Conclusion: In patients surgically treated for recurrent patellar dislocation, TT-TG offset was found overestimated with conventional CT. All measurements of patellofemoral stability and alignment were found more consistent when obtained with weight-bearing CBCT compared to conventional CT

    Endocrine activities of cortistatin-14 and its interaction with GHRH and ghrelin in humans.

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    Cortistatin (CST)-14, a neuropeptide with high homology with somatostatin (SS)-14, binds all sst subtypes but, unlike SS, also ghrelin's receptor. In six normal adults, we studied the effects of CST-14 or SS-14 administration (2.0 micro g/kg/h iv) on: 1) GH and insulin secretion; 2) the GH response to GHRH (1.0 microg/kg i.v.); and 3) the GH, prolactin (PRL), ACTH, cortisol, insulin, and glucose responses to ghrelin (1.0 microg/kg i.v.). CST-14 inhibited GH and insulin secretion (P < 0.01) to the same extent of SS-14. The GH response to GHRH was similarly inhibited (P < 0.01) by either CST-14 or SS-14. Ghrelin released more GH than GHRH (P < 0.01); these responses were similarly inhibited (P < 0.05) by either CST-14 or SS-14, that made ghrelin-induced GH rise similar to that after GHRH alone. Neither CST-14 nor SS-14 modified PRL, ACTH, or cortisol responses to ghrelin. The inhibitory effect of CST-14 and SS-14 on insulin was unaffected by ghrelin that, in turn, reduced insulin secretion per se (P < 0.01). Ghrelin increased glucose levels (P < 0.05); CST-14 and SS-14 did not modify this effect. Thus, CST-14 inhibits both basal and stimulated GH secretion in humans to the same extent of SS-14. The GH-releasing activity of ghrelin seems partially resistant to CST-14 as well as SS-14. CST-14 and SS-14 do not affect PRL and ACTH secretion but, like ghrelin, inhibit insulin secretion; the ghrelin-induced inhibition is not additive with that of CST-14 or SS-14, suggesting a common mechanism of action on beta cell secretion

    Epilepsy and inborn errors of metabolism in adults: The diagnostic odyssey of a young woman with medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency

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    We describe a case of epileptic encephalopathy in a young woman with undiagnosed medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD), who presented with an early-onset focal motor status epilepticus (SE) then followed by permanent left hemiplegia and drug-resistant epilepsy with neurodevelopmental delay. Throughout her clinical history, recurrent episodes of lethargy, feeding difficulties, and clustering seizures occurred, progressing into a super refractory SE and death at the age of 25 years. Although epilepsy is not a distinctive feature of MCADD, we advise considering this metabolic disease as a possible etiology of epileptic encephalopathy and hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome of unknown origin, on the chance to provide a timely and targeted treatment preventing development delay and evolution to SE. Adult patients with epilepsy of unknown etiology not screened at birth for inborn errors of metabolism, such as MCADD, should be promptly investigated for these treatable conditions

    Effect of medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction method on patellofemoral contact pressures and kinematics.

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    Background: There remains a lack of evidence regarding the optimal method when reconstructing the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) and whether some graft constructs can be more forgiving to surgical errors, such as overtensioning or tunnel malpositioning, than others. Hypothesis: The null hypothesis was that there would not be a significant difference between reconstruction methods (eg, graft type and fixation) in the adverse biomechanical effects (eg, patellar maltracking or elevated articular contact pressure) resulting from surgical errors such as tunnel malpositioning or graft overtensioning. Study Design: Controlled laboratory study. Methods: Nine fresh-frozen cadaveric knees were placed on a customized testing rig, where the femur was fixed but the tibia could be moved freely from 0\ub0 to 90\ub0 of flexion. Individual quadriceps heads and the iliotibial tract were separated and loaded to 205 N of tension using a weighted pulley system. Patellofemoral contact pressures and patellar tracking were measured at 0\ub0, 10\ub0, 20\ub0, 30\ub0, 60\ub0, and 90\ub0 of flexion using pressure-sensitive film inserted between the patella and trochlea, in conjunction with an optical tracking system. The MPFL was transected and then reconstructed in a randomized order using a (1) double-strand gracilis tendon, (2) quadriceps tendon, and (3) tensor fasciae latae allograft. Pressure maps and tracking measurements were recorded for each reconstruction method in 2 N and 10 N of tension and with the graft positioned in the anatomic, proximal, and distal femoral tunnel positions. Statistical analysis was undertaken using repeated-measures analyses of variance, Bonferroni post hoc analyses, and paired t tests. Results: Anatomically placed grafts during MPFL reconstruction tensioned to 2 N resulted in the restoration of intact medial joint contact pressures and patellar tracking for all 3 graft types investigated (P >.050). However, femoral tunnels positioned proximal or distal to the anatomic origin resulted in significant increases in the mean medial joint contact pressure, medial patellar tilt, and medial patellar translation during knee flexion or extension, respectively (P <.050), regardless of graft type, as did tensioning to 10 N. Conclusion: The importance of the surgical technique, specifically correct femoral tunnel positioning and graft tensioning, in restoring normal patellofemoral joint (PFJ) kinematics and articular cartilage contact stresses is evident, and the type of MPFL graft appeared less important. Clinical Relevance: The correct femoral tunnel position and graft tension for restoring normal PFJ kinematics and articular cartilage contact stresses appear to be more important than graft selection during MPFL reconstruction. These findings emphasize the importance of the surgical technique when undertaking this procedure
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