575 research outputs found

    Formation of Galaxy Clusters

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    In this review, we describe our current understanding of cluster formation: from the general picture of collapse from initial density fluctuations in an expanding Universe to detailed simulations of cluster formation including the effects of galaxy formation. We outline both the areas in which highly accurate predictions of theoretical models can be obtained and areas where predictions are uncertain due to uncertain physics of galaxy formation and feedback. The former includes the description of the structural properties of the dark matter halos hosting cluster, their mass function and clustering properties. Their study provides a foundation for cosmological applications of clusters and for testing the fundamental assumptions of the standard model of structure formation. The latter includes the description of the total gas and stellar fractions, the thermodynamical and non-thermal processes in the intracluster plasma. Their study serves as a testing ground for galaxy formation models and plasma physics. In this context, we identify a suitable radial range where the observed thermal properties of the intra-cluster plasma exhibit the most regular behavior and thus can be used to define robust observational proxies for the total cluster mass. We put particular emphasis on examining assumptions and limitations of the widely used self-similar model of clusters. Finally, we discuss the formation of clusters in non-standard cosmological models, such as non-Gaussian models for the initial density field and models with modified gravity, along with prospects for testing these alternative scenarios with large cluster surveys in the near future.Comment: 66 pages, 17 figures, review to be published in 2012 Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Thermodynamics of the Coma Cluster Outskirts

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    We present results from a large mosaic of Suzaku observations of the Coma Cluster, the nearest and X-ray brightest hot, dynamically active, non-cool core system, focusing on the thermodynamic properties of the ICM on large scales. For azimuths not aligned with an infalling subcluster towards the southwest, our measured temperature and X-ray brightness profiles exhibit broadly consistent radial trends, with the temperature decreasing from about 8.5 keV at the cluster center to about 2 keV at a radius of 2 Mpc, which is the edge of our detection limit. The SW merger significantly boosts the surface brightness, allowing us to detect X-ray emission out to ~2.2 Mpc along this direction. Apart from the southwestern infalling subcluster, the surface brightness profiles show multiple edges around radii of 30-40 arcmin. The azimuthally averaged temperature profile, as well as the deprojected density and pressure profiles, all show a sharp drop consistent with an outward propagating shock front located at 40 arcmin, corresponding to the outermost edge of the giant radio halo observed at 352 MHz with the WSRT. The shock front may be powering this radio emission. A clear entropy excess inside of r_500 reflects the violent merging events linked with these morphological features. Beyond r_500, the entropy profiles of the Coma Cluster along the relatively relaxed directions are consistent with the power-law behavior expected from simple models of gravitational large-scale structure formation. The pressure is also in agreement at these radii with the expected values measured from SZ data from the Planck satellite. However, due to the large uncertainties associated with the Coma Cluster measurements, we cannot yet exclude an entropy flattening in this system consistent with that seen in more relaxed cool core clusters.Comment: submitted to ApJ; revised after first referee repor

    Searching for dark matter-dark energy interactions: Going beyond the conformal case

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    We consider a generic cosmological model which allows for non-gravitational direct couplings between dark matter and dark energy. The distinguishing cosmological features of these couplings can be probed by current cosmological observations, thus enabling us to place constraints on this generic interaction which is composed of the conformal and disformal coupling functions. We perform a global analysis in order to independently constrain the conformal, disformal, and mixed interactions between dark matter and dark energy by combining current data from: Planck observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropies, a combination of measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations, a supernovae Type Ia sample, a compilation of Hubble parameter measurements estimated from the cosmic chronometers approach, direct measurements of the expansion rate of the Universe today, and a compilation of growth of structure measurements. We find that in these coupled dark energy models, the influence of the local value of the Hubble constant does not significantly alter the inferred constraints when we consider joint analyses that include all cosmological probes. Moreover, the parameter constraints are remarkably improved with the inclusion of the growth of structure data set measurements. We find no compelling evidence for an interaction within the dark sector of the Universe

    Can we detect Hot or Cold spots in the CMB with Minkowski Functionals?

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    In this paper, we investigate the utility of Minkowski Functionals as a probe of cold/hot disk-like structures in the CMB. In order to construct an accurate estimator, we resolve a long-standing issue with the use of Minkowski Functionals as probes of the CMB sky -- namely that of systematic differences ("residuals") when numerical and analytical MF are compared. We show that such residuals are in fact by-products of binning, and not caused by pixelation or masking as originally thought. We then derive a map-independent estimator that encodes the effects of binning, applicable to beyond our present work. Using this residual-free estimator, we show that small disk-like effects (as claimed by Vielva et al.) can be detected only when a large sample of such maps are averaged over. In other words, our estimator is noise-dominated for small disk sizes at WMAP resolution. To confirm our suspicion, we apply our estimator to the WMAP7 data to obtain a null result.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Large-scale Motions in the Perseus Galaxy Cluster

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    By combining large-scale mosaics of ROSAT PSPC, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku X-ray observations, we present evidence for large-scale motions in the intracluster medium of the nearby, X-ray bright Perseus Cluster. These motions are suggested by several alternating and interleaved X-ray bright, low-temperature, low-entropy arcs located along the east-west axis, at radii ranging from ~10 kpc to over a Mpc. Thermodynamic features qualitatively similar to these have previously been observed in the centers of cool core clusters, and were successfully modeled as a consequence of the gas sloshing/swirling motions induced by minor mergers. Our observations indicate that such sloshing/swirling can extend out to larger radii than previously thought, on scales approaching the virial radius.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Avoiding selection bias in gravitational wave astronomy

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    When searching for gravitational waves in the data from ground-based gravitational wave detectors it is common to use a detection threshold to reduce the number of background events which are unlikely to be the signals of interest. However, imposing such a threshold will also discard some real signals with low amplitude, which can potentially bias any inferences drawn from the population of detected signals. We show how this selection bias is naturally avoided by using the full information from the search, considering both the selected data and our ignorance of the data that are thrown away, and considering all relevant signal and noise models. This approach produces unbiased estimates of parameters even in the presence of false alarms and incomplete data. This can be seen as an extension of previous methods into the high false rate regime where we are able to show that the quality of parameter inference can be optimised by lowering thresholds and increasing the false alarm rate.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Low-Temperature Mobility of Surface Electrons and Ripplon-Phonon Interaction in Liquid Helium

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    The low-temperature dc mobility of the two-dimensional electron system localized above the surface of superfluid helium is determined by the slowest stage of the longitudinal momentum transfer to the bulk liquid, namely, by the interaction of surface and volume excitations of liquid helium, which rapidly decreases with temperature. Thus, the temperature dependence of the low-frequency mobility is \mu_{dc} = 8.4x10^{-11}n_e T^{-20/3} cm^4 K^{20/3}/(V s), where n_e is the surface electron density. The relation T^{20/3}E_\perp^{-3} << 2x10^{-7} between the pressing electric field (in kV/cm) and temperature (in K) and the value \omega < 10^8 T^5 K^{-5}s^{-1} of the driving-field frequency have been obtained, at which the above effect can be observed. In particular, E_\perp = 1 kV/cm corresponds to T < 70 mK and \omega/2\pi < 30 Hz.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    High redshift X-ray cooling-core cluster associated with the luminous radio loud quasar 3C186

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    We present the first results from a new, deep (200ks) Chandra observation of the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster surrounding the powerful (L ~10^47 erg/s), high-redshift (z=1.067), compact-steep-spectrum radio-loud quasar 3C186. The diffuse X-ray emission from the cluster has a roughly ellipsoidal shape and extends out to radii of at least ~60 arcsec (~500 kpc). The centroid of the diffuse X-ray emission is offset by 0.68(+/-0.11) arcsec (5.5+/-0.9 kpc) from the position of the quasar. We measure a cluster mass within the radius at which the mean enclosed density is 2500 times the critical density, r_2500=283(+18/-13)kpc, of 1.02 (+0.21/-0.14)x10^14 M_sun. The gas mass fraction within this radius is f_gas=0.129(+0.015/-0.016). This value is consistent with measurements at lower redshifts and implies minimal evolution in the f_gas(z) relation for hot, massive clusters at 0<z<1.1. The measured metal abundance of 0.42(+0.08/-0.07) Solar is consistent with the abundance observed in other massive, high redshift clusters. The spatially-resolved temperature profile for the cluster shows a drop in temperature, from kT~8 keV to kT~3 keV, in its central regions that is characteristic of cooling core clusters. This is the first spectroscopic identification of a cooling core cluster at z>1. We measure cooling times for the X-ray emitting gas at radii of 50 kpc and 25 kpc of 1.7(+/-0.2)x10^9 years and 7.5(+/-2.6)x 10^8 years, as well as a nominal cooling rate (in the absence of heating) of 400(+/-190)M_sun/year within the central 100 kpc. In principle, the cooling gas can supply enough fuel to support the growth of the supermassive black hole and to power the luminous quasar. The radiative power of the quasar exceeds by a factor of 10 the kinematic power of the central radio source, suggesting that radiative heating may be important at intermittent intervals in cluster cores.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, ApJ in pres
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