768 research outputs found

    Elastic Correlations in Nucleosomal DNA Structure

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    The structure of DNA in the nucleosome core particle is studied using an elastic model that incorporates anisotropy in the bending energetics and twist-bend coupling. Using the experimentally determined structure of nucleosomal DNA [T.J. Richmond and C.A. Davey, Nature {\bf 423}, 145 (2003)], it is shown that elastic correlations exist between twist, roll, tilt, and stretching of DNA, as well as the distance between phosphate groups. The twist-bend coupling term is shown to be able to capture these correlations to a large extent, and a fit to the experimental data yields a new estimate of G=25 nm for the value of the twist-bend coupling constant

    Ecological studies of Hieracium pilosella and H. praealtum

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    The ecology of Hieracium pilosella and H. prealtum in short tussock (Festuca novae-zelandiae) grasslands was investigated using a multifactorial approach. H. pilosella is an invasive species of grazed, moderate to sparsely vegetated habitats, while H. praealtum is an opportunist coloniser of vegetation gaps. Although H. prealtum co-existed with other pasture species, H. pilosella expanded into adjoining vegetation and eliminated most species. H. pilosella has considerable interference potential (competition and allelopathy) and regenerative advantages (vegetative reproduction) over H. praealtum and other resident species. Although the ecological behaviour, seasonal growth pattern, and dry matter production of H. pilosella are deleterious to short tussock grasslands, the presence of H. praealtum is of some agronomic value in them

    Aspectos sociais do sistema produtivo de propriedades da pecuária de corte familiar na metade Sul do Rio Grande do Sul.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e apreender a realidade de pecuaristas familiares, em três localidades situadas na metade sul do RS: Cerro da Jaguatirica, no município de Manoel Viana; Santa Barbinha em Caçapava do Sul, e Palmas em Bagé. O diagnóstico envolveu entrevistas utilizando um questionário semi-estruturado em 30 unidades produtivas, abrangendo um total de 110 pessoas, e reuniões participativas dos técnicos da Embrapa Pecuária Sul, Emater/RS e os produtores. Esse diagnóstico teve foco em características sociais e do sistema produtivo, abrangendo um conjunto de informações essenciais para o entendimento das lógicas de produção e sobrevivência dessas famílias.bitstream/item/33159/1/BP-35.pd

    Melhoramento genético participativo de bovinos de corte: estratégias para pecuaristas familiares.

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    Algumas considerações sobre a pecuária familiar; O papel do melhoramento genético; Definição de objetivos de criação e critérios de seleção; Estratégias para identificação, seleção e acasalamento de animais superiores; Como racionalizar o investimento em genética.bitstream/item/55807/1/CT36.pd

    A Falsification of the Citation Impediment in the Taxonomic Literature

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    Current science evaluation still relies on citation performance, despite criticisms of purely bibliometric research assessments. Biological taxonomy suffers from a drain of knowledge and manpower, with poor citation performance commonly held as one reason for this impediment. But is there really such a citation impediment in taxonomy? We compared the citation numbers of 306 taxonomic and 2291 non-taxonomic research articles (2009-2012) on mosses, orchids, ciliates, ants, and snakes, using Web of Science (WoS) and correcting for journal visibility. For three of the five taxa, significant differences were absent in citation numbers between taxonomic and non-taxonomic papers. This was also true for all taxa combined, although taxonomic papers received more citations than non-taxonomic ones. Our results show that, contrary to common belief, taxonomic contributions do not generally reduce a journal's citation performance and might even increase it. The scope of many journals rarely featuring taxonomy would allow editors to encourage a larger number of taxonomic submissions. Moreover, between 1993 and 2012, taxonomic publications accumulated faster than those from all biological fields. However, less than half of the taxonomic studies were published in journals in WoS. Thus, editors of highly visible journals inviting taxonomic contributions could benefit from taxonomy's strong momentum. The taxonomic output could increase even more than at its current growth rate if: (i) taxonomists currently publishing on other topics returned to taxonomy and (ii) non-taxonomists identifying the need for taxonomic acts started publishing these, possibly in collaboration with taxonomists. Finally, considering the high number of taxonomic papers attracted by the journal Zootaxa, we expect that the taxonomic community would indeed use increased chances of publishing in WoS indexed journals. We conclude that taxonomy's standing in the present citation-focused scientific landscape could easily improve—if the community becomes aware that there is no citation impediment in taxonom

    Heat conductivity of DNA double helix

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    Thermal conductivity of isolated single molecule DNA fragments is of importance for nanotechnology, but has not yet been measured experimentally. Theoretical estimates based on simplified (1D) models predict anomalously high thermal conductivity. To investigate thermal properties of single molecule DNA we have developed a 3D coarse-grained (CG) model that retains the realism of the full all-atom description, but is significantly more efficient. Within the proposed model each nucleotide is represented by 6 particles or grains; the grains interact via effective potentials inferred from classical molecular dynamics (MD) trajectories based on a well-established all-atom potential function. Comparisons of 10 ns long MD trajectories between the CG and the corresponding all-atom model show similar root-mean-square deviations from the canonical B-form DNA, and similar structural fluctuations. At the same time, the CG model is 10 to 100 times faster depending on the length of the DNA fragment in the simulation. Analysis of dispersion curves derived from the CG model yields longitudinal sound velocity and torsional stiffness in close agreement with existing experiments. The computational efficiency of the CG model makes it possible to calculate thermal conductivity of a single DNA molecule not yet available experimentally. For a uniform (polyG-polyC) DNA, the estimated conductivity coefficient is 0.3 W/mK which is half the value of thermal conductivity for water. This result is in stark contrast with estimates of thermal conductivity for simplified, effectively 1D chains ("beads on a spring") that predict anomalous (infinite) thermal conductivity. Thus, full 3D character of DNA double-helix retained in the proposed model appears to be essential for describing its thermal properties at a single molecule level.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure

    Walking in orthostatic tremor modulates tremor features and is characterized by impaired gait stability

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    Primary orthostatic tremor (OT) is characterized by high-frequency lower-limb muscle contractions and a disabling sense of unsteadiness while standing. Patients consistently report a relief of symptoms when starting to ambulate. Here, we systematically examined and linked tremor and gait characteristics in patients with OT. Tremor and gait features were examined in nine OT patients and controls on a pressure-sensitive treadmill for one minute of walking framed by two one-minute periods of standing. Tremor characteristics were assessed by time-frequency analysis of surface EMG-recordings from four leg muscles. High-frequency tremor during standing (15.29 +/- 0.17 Hz) persisted while walking but was consistently reset to higher frequencies (16.34 +/- 0.25 Hz;p < 0.001). Tremor intensity was phase-dependently modulated, being predominantly observable during stance phases (p < 0.001). Tremor intensity scaled with the force applied during stepping (p < 0.001) and was linked to specific gait alterations, i.e., wide base walking (p = 0.019) and increased stride-to-stride fluctuations (p = 0.002). OT during walking persists but is reset to higher frequencies, indicating the involvement of supraspinal locomotor centers in the generation of OT rhythm. Tremor intensity is modulated during the gait cycle, pointing at specific pathways mediating the peripheral manifestation of OT. Finally, OT during walking is linked to gait alterations resembling a cerebellar and/or sensory ataxic gait disorder

    A DNA and morphology based phylogenetic framework of the ant genus Lasius with hypotheses for the evolution of social parasitism and fungiculture

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    Background: Ants of the genus Lasius are ecologically important and an important system for evolutionary research. Progress in evolutionary research has been hindered by the lack of a well-founded phylogeny of the subgenera, with three previous attempts disagreeing. Here we employed two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 16S ribosomal RNA), comprising 1,265 bp, together with 64 morphological characters, to recover the phylogeny of Lasius by Bayesian and Maximum Parsimony inference after exploration of potential causes of phylogenetic distortion. We use the resulting framework to infer evolutionary pathways for social parasitism and fungiculture.\ud \ud Results: We recovered two well supported major lineages. One includes Acanthomyops, Austrolasius, Chthonolasius, and Lasius pallitarsis, which we confirm to represent a seventh subgenus, the other clade contains Dendrolasius, and Lasius sensu stricto. The subgenus Cautolasius, displaying neither social parasitism nor fungiculture, probably belongs to the second clade, but its phylogenetic position is not resolved at the cutoff values of node support we apply. Possible causes for previous problems with reconstructing the Lasius phylogeny include use of other reconstruction techniques, possibly more prone to instabilities in some instances, and the inclusion of phylogenetically distorting characters.\ud \ud Conclusion: By establishing an updated phylogenetic framework, our study provides the basis for a later formal taxonomic revision of subgenera and for studying the evolution of various ecologically and sociobiologically relevant traits of Lasius, although there is need for future studies to include nuclear genes and additional samples from the Nearctic. Both social parasitism and fungiculture evolved twice in Lasius, once in each major lineage, which opens up new opportunities for comparative analyses. The repeated evolution of social parasitism has been established for other groups of ants, though not for temporary social parasitism as found in Lasius. For fungiculture, the independent emergence twice in a monophyletic group marks a novel scenario in ants. We present alternative hypotheses for the evolution of both traits, with one of each involving loss of the trait. Though less likely for both traits than later evolution without reversal, we consider reversal as sufficiently plausible to merit independent testing