8,314 research outputs found

    Emission-Line Properties of z > 4 Quasars

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    We present results of a program of high signal-to-noise spectroscopy for 44 QSOs at redshifts > 4 using the MMT and Keck observatories. The quasar spectra cover 1100 -- 1700 A in the rest frame for sources spanning a luminosity range of approximately 2 orders of magnitude. Comparisons between these data and spectra of lower redshift quasars reveal a high degree of similarity, although differences are present in the profiles and the strengths of some emission features. An examination of the luminosity dependence of the emission lines reveals evidence for a weak or absent Baldwin effect among z > 4 QSOs. We compare measurements for objects in our sample with results from other high redshift surveys characterized by different selection techniques. Distributions of equivalent widths for these different ensembles are consistent with a common parent population, suggesting that our sample is not strongly biased, or in any case, subject to selection effects that are not significantly different from other surveys, including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Based on this comparison, we tentatively conclude that the trends identified here are representative of high z QSOs. In particular, the data bolster indications of supersolar metallicities in these luminous, high-z sources, which support scenarios that assume substantial star formation at epochs preceding or concurrent with the QSO phenomena.Comment: 26 pages (incl. 9 figures), AASTeX v5.0, to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Quasar outflow energetics from broad absorption line variability

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    Quasar outflows have long been recognized as potential contributors to the co-evolution between supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies. The role of outflows in AGN feedback processes can be better understood by placing observational constraints on wind locations and kinetic energies. We utilize broad absorption line (BAL) variability to investigate the properties of a sample of 71 BAL quasars with P\thinspaceV broad absorption. The presence of P\thinspaceV BALs indicates that other BALs like C\thinspaceIV are saturated, such that variability in those lines favours clouds crossing the line of sight. We use these constraints with measurements of BAL variability to estimate outflow locations and energetics. Our data set consists of multiple-epoch spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and MDM Observatory. We detect significant (4σ\sigma) BAL variations from 10 quasars in our sample over rest frame time-scales between < 0.2-3.8 yr. Our derived distances for the 10 variable outflows are nominally < 1-10 pc from the SMBH using the transverse-motion scenario, and < 100-1000 pc from the central source using ionization-change considerations. These distances, in combination with the estimated high outflow column densities (i.e. NHN_{\textrm{H}} > 1022^{22} cm2^{-2}), yield outflow kinetic luminosities between ~ 0.001-1 times the bolometric luminosity of the quasar, indicating that many absorber energies within our sample are viable for AGN feedback.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, 1 supplementary figure, accepted to MNRA

    Some Observations on the Dropping Mercury Electrode

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    In the course of an investigation of the oxidation reduction potentials of some organic systems, it was found impossible to obtain concordant measurements by the ordinary methods. Accordingly, we turned to the polarographic method first developed by Prof. J. Heyrovsky of the University of Prague and recently gaining favor in this country. The polarographic method consists of applying, by means of a dropping mercury electrode, a steadily increasing electromotive force to a solution of some substance which can be reduced. Current and voltage are measured and recorded graphically. There is little current increase with respect to voltage until a point is reached where the voltage is sufficient to reduce the substance. The current then rises suddenly until the rate of the reaction becomes steady, when the curve again flattens out to a gentle slope as before. A whole series of reducible substances may be determined from the same solution in this way if their reduction potentials differ by as much as .2 volt

    Constraining FeLoBAL outflows from absorption line variability

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    FeLoBALs are a rare class of quasar outflows with low-ionization broad absorption lines (BALs), large column densities, and potentially large kinetic energies that might be important for `feedback' to galaxy evolution. In order to probe the physical properties of these outflows, we conducted a multiple-epoch, absorption line variability study of 12 FeLoBAL quasars spanning a redshift range between 0.7 and 1.9 over rest frame time-scales of approximately 10 d to 7.6 yr. We detect absorption line variability with greater than 8 sigma confidence in 3 out of the 12 sources in our sample over time-scales of 0.6 to 7.6 yr. Variable wavelength intervals are associated with ground and excited state Fe II multiplets, the Mg II 2796, 2803 doublet, Mg I 2852, and excited state Ni II multiplets. The observed variability along with evidence of saturation in the absorption lines favors transverse motions of gas across the line of sight (LOS) as the preferred scenario, and allows us to constrain the outflow distance from the supermassive black hole (SMBH) to be less than 69, 7, and 60 pc for our three variable sources. In combination with other studies, these results suggest that the outflowing gas in FeLoBAL quasars resides on a range of scales and includes matter within tens of parsecs of the central source.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 supplementary figures (attached at the end of the manuscript), accepted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Reducing Stigma toward the Transgender Community: An Evaluation of a Humanizing and Perspective-Taking Intervention

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    Transgender (TG) individuals are an understudied group at high risk of experiencing discrimination and associated adverse mental health outcomes (IOM, 2011). Although many studies demonstrate that contact reduces negative attitudes toward out-groups, few studies have examined the link between contact and attitudes toward the TG community (Hill & Willoughby, 2005; Walchet al., 2012). This study represents one of the first attempts to understand how to effectively reduce stigma toward the TG community. Results indicate that education alone is not enough to change attitudes; in fact, there is some evidence that associating transgenderism with psychopathology may heighten stigma. Consistent with prior research on stigma towards the mentally ill, the current study suggests that both exposure to intimate media depictions of the “other” (Reinke et al., 2004) and perspective-taking (Mann & Himelein, 2008) could strengthen educational campaigns designed to combat stigma