2,736 research outputs found

    Observation of a dissipative phase transition in a one-dimensional circuit QED lattice

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    Condensed matter physics has been driven forward by significant experimental and theoretical progress in the study and understanding of equilibrium phase transitions based on symmetry and topology. However, nonequilibrium phase transitions have remained a challenge, in part due to their complexity in theoretical descriptions and the additional experimental difficulties in systematically controlling systems out of equilibrium. Here, we study a one-dimensional chain of 72 microwave cavities, each coupled to a superconducting qubit, and coherently drive the system into a nonequilibrium steady state. We find experimental evidence for a dissipative phase transition in the system in which the steady state changes dramatically as the mean photon number is increased. Near the boundary between the two observed phases, the system demonstrates bistability, with characteristic switching times as long as 60 ms -- far longer than any of the intrinsic rates known for the system. This experiment demonstrates the power of circuit QED systems for studying nonequilibrium condensed matter physics and paves the way for future experiments exploring nonequilbrium physics with many-body quantum optics

    Supersolid phases of light in extended Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard systems

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    Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard lattices provide unique properties for the study of correlated phases as they exhibit convenient state preparation and measurement, as well as "in situ" tuning of parameters. We show how to realize charge density and supersolid phases in Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard lattices in the presence of long-range interactions. The long-range interactions are realized by the consideration of Rydberg states in coupled atom-cavity systems and the introduction of additional capacitive couplings in quantum-electrodynamics circuits. We demonstrate the emergence of supersolid and checkerboard solid phases, for calculations which take into account nearest neighbour couplings, through a mean-field decoupling.Comment: 9 pages with 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Perancangan Company Profle Perusahaan Pengolah Kelapa UD. Kelapa Terpadu

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    UD. Kelapa Terpadu adalah Perusahaan pengolah kelapa yang berada di Luwuk, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini tergolong Perusahaan baru, masih banyak orang belum mengenal dan mengetahui Perusahaan tersebut. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan perancangan company profile untuk menunjukkan kualitas dan profesionalitas Perusahaan beserta dengan produk – produknya kepada target audience. Serta mengembangkan desain corporate identity untuk mendukung perancangan company profile tersebut

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Memahami Bacaan Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar Melalui Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning Teknik Script (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Mahasiswa Semester II Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang Unnes)

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    The purpose of this classroom action research is to improve the quality of teaching and learning process for Dokkai Shokyu Kohan (basic level of reading comprehension) which was held at the Japanese Language Education Program, Semarang State University. This is because in the course there is the unequal distribution of activity and participation of students in following the learning process. To overcome these problems, the application of Script Cooperative Learning Techniques in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan's course regarded as the right solution. The application of this model of learning is more motivating the lecturer and students to interact actively in Dokkai Shokyu Kohan learning process. After going through two cycles, the positive results of the application this Technique Script is starting to look. The positive result is the improvement of the role of teachers and increasing the student activity and participation in lectures. In addition, the average value of student learning outcomes also increased

    Produktivitas Sapi Jawa yang Diberi Pakan Basal Jerami Padi dengan Berbagai Level Konsentrat

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the productivity of Jawa cattle which was fattened using rice straw with various levels of concentrate. Twelve heads of Jabres bulls, two years old, with the initial body weight of 270,6 ± 38,03 kg (CV=14,06%) were used in this experiment. Those Jabres bulls were fed rice straw ad libitum and different level of concentrate that consisted of rice bran, copra meal, beer waste product, and minerals. Completely Randomized Block Design with 3 treatments and 4 blocks of different body weights were used in this study. The treatments were T1= 30% concentrate of the total DM requirements, T2= 50% concentrate of the total DM requirements, T3 = 70% concentrate of the total DM requirements. The collected data were dry matter intake (DMI), protein and total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake, dry matter digestibility, the average daily gain (ADG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The results showed that different level of concentrate did not influence the DMI, CP and TDN intake, and also dry matter digestibility (P>0.05). The average of DMI, CP, and TDN intake were 5.69 kg, 0.78 kg, and 3,95 kg/head/day respectively. The average of dry matter digestibility was 52.94%. The ADG was 0.53 kg and FCR was 12.80. The conclusion of this research was that the productivity of Jabres cattle fattened using rice straw and 30-70% concentrate were relatively the same
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