245 research outputs found

    Com estudien els alumnes de secundària?

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    Una de les activitats habituals dels alumnes d'educació secundaria obligatòria és la que genèricament anomenem "estudi" que, quasi sempre, és un requisit indispensable per superar l'avaluació d'una matèria o un curs. Una recerca realitzada a la UAB i a la Universitat Ramon Llull ha volgut conèixer quins són els procediments d'estudi que els alumnes emprenen més habitualment i si en fan d'aquests un ús estratègic. D'altra banda, ha volgut conèixer com influencia aquest coneixement estratègic els resultats obtinguts en diferents tasques d'estudi.Una de las actividades habituales de los alumnos de educación secundaria obligatoria es la que genéricamente llamamos "estudio" que, casi siempre, es un requisito indispensable para superar la evaluación de una materia o un curso. Una investigación realizada en la UAB y la Universidad Ramon Llull ha querido conocer cuáles son los procedimientos de estudio que los alumnos emprenden más habitualmente y si hacen de estos un uso estratégico. Por otro lado, ha querido conocer cómo influye ese conocimiento estratégico los resultados obtenidos en diferentes tareas de estudio

    Heterogeneous subsidence and paleogeographic elements in an extensional setting revealed through the correlation of a storm deposit unit (Aptian, E Spain)

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    A coastal marine siliciclastic unit has been studied from a palaeogeographic and structural-stratigraphic point of view. The unit was deposited during the Aptian in the extensional Las Parras sub-basin (Maestrazgo basin, E Spain), and it has been subdivided in four coarsening-upward sequences. A general description of each sequence is done but we focus in the third sequence (S3), which is built up of fi ne to coarse-grained sandstones, representing a vertical facies shift from storm dominated lower shoreface to upper shoreface environments. Both physical and genetic criteria have been used to correlate sequence S3. Top of sequence S3 is a minor erosive surface and is considered a reliable cronostratigraphic datum for correlation across the study area. Lateral facies changes of sequence S3 suggest the location of a siliciclastic discharge system toward the southeast of the study area. Drainage entry could be related to an intersection of basin bounding faults. Over the datum surface, coarsening upwards sequence S4 lacks its lower part in the south-easternmost area. An intra-S4 local discontinuity is defi ned and correlated toward the north-western area. The south-eastern area was located over a different subsiding block than the other sections and different subsidence histories for these blocks are interpreted on the basis of thickness trends and features of the intra-S4 discontinuity. Intra-S4 discontinuity marks the change from siliciclastic to carbonate dominated sedimentation, thus it could be representing a major break in the sedimentary dynamic. Spatial thickness trends of each sequence at the intra-block scale probably represent alternating episodes of homogeneous and heterogeneous subsidence that may be related to extensional dynamics. [RESUMEN] Durante el Aptiense, en la Subcuenca de Las Parras (NW Cuenca del Maestrazgo) se depositó una unidad siliciclástica en un contexto tectónico extensional. Esta unidad se ha dividido en cuatro secuencias granocrecientes, de las cuales se analiza en detalle la tercera (S3) ya que presenta un alto potencial de correlación lateral. El análisis sedimentológico de la secuencia S3 ha permitido interpretar una evolución vertical de shoreface inferior con procesos de tormenta, a shoreface superior; también ha permitido correlacionar esta secuencia entre dos sectores de la subcuenca que presentan un desarrollo litológico considerablemente diferente. El techo de la secuencia S3 es una superfi cie erosiva menor con valor cronoestratigráfi co y se ha utilizado como datum de correlación para el análisis de la unidad siliciclástica. Las variaciones laterales de facies de la secuencia S3 permiten interpretar la proximidad de un sistema de descarga siliciclástico hacia el sureste, y se propone una zona de intersección de fallas normales, próxima al sector suroriental de la zona estudiada, como un elemento paleoestructural favorable para la entrada de un sistema de drenaje en la cuenca. En el sector suroriental, por encima del datum de correlación, la secuencia S4 presenta un desarrollo muy reducido debido a la ausencia de su parte inferior; esto ha permitido interpretar la presencia de una discontinuidad local intra-S4. Esta discontinuidad local se correlaciona con otra reconocida en el sector noroccidental. Debido a las diferencias de espesor y al grado de desarrollo de la discontinuidad intra-S4 se deduce que la historia de subsidencia de diferentes bloques de la cuenca no es exactamente la misma. Esta discontinuidad intra-S4 podría tener interés regional ya que separa sedimentos dominantemente siliciclásticos de sedimentos carbonatados y podría indicar una modifi cación importante del sistema sedimentario. Para uno de los bloques estudiados, las variaciones espaciales de espesor para cada secuencia podrían representar un desarrollo de la subsidencia alternando periodos con subsidencia diferencial atenuada y periodos con subsidencia diferencial acentuada, que pueden estar relacionados con la dinámica extensional

    Alpine reactivation of variscan folds and faults in the Iberian Chain: Examples of the Sierra de la Demanda and the Serrania de Cuenca

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    [Abstract] The structure of the Variscan basement of the Iberian Chain conditioned the geometry and orientation ofstructures formed during the Alpine compression. In the Sierra de la Demanda, located in the north-western part of the Iberian Chain, the E-W Variscan folds re-activated during the Tertiary compression, bringing about the folding of the mesozoic rocks uncomformably lying on them. In sorne sites this folds broke, forming high-angle thrusts. In the Boniches anticline (Serranía de Cuenca), Tertiary folding was conditioned by the existence of NW-SE basement faults, that moved under transpression. Variscan folding directions did not influence here the Tertiary deformational geometry

    The mutual assessment system in teamwork: The value of the individual grade

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    Teaching-learning based on cooperative learning is grounded on a methodology that is currently one of the most widely used within formal education classrooms. Recently, special attention has begun to be paid to a fundamentally relevant aspect of the assessment of the learning of university students within their group performance: their individual grades obtained from teamwork. In addition to describing the individual grading system that is used to assess individual contributions, this study analyses the perceptions of 99 university students regarding the benefits that the system has for students’ learning process. A system of evaluation based on self-assessment, co-assessment and peer-assessment was implemented in a Spanish university. The results collected using a specially designed questionnaire led to the conclusion that improvements were achieved in the teaching-learning process, in manifesting positive attitudes and in improving students’ ability to learn to learn. In conclusion, students feel that they are granted greater control over their final grade and, as a result, perceive that their involvement in the task increases and their capacity for self-criticism develops

    Contextualizing gender issues and inclusive education: an analysis of the perceptions of primary education teachers

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    This study explores the experiences and perceptions of primary education teachers regarding the struggle for gender equality in schools located in an area in northern Spain. In addition, it analyses the measures carried out in classrooms and schools to achieve this objective that are influenced by social and cultural factors, and does so within a scenario consisting of an inclusive school that advocates equality as one of its fundamental ethical principles. The study is included in the paradigm of qualitative research, and eight teachers from three public schools were interviewed. The teachers expressed their broad dissatisfaction with the generally limited involvement of the schools and the educational community in promoting gender equality, which is influenced by different social and cultural dynamics. Lines of action are proposed that motivate teachers to take responsibility for their teaching practice in order to guarantee gender equality in a context of cultural diversity

    Links between ease of use, perceived usefulness and attitudes towards technology in older people in university: A structural equation modelling approach

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    Technological resources have the potential to improve the quality of life in a context in which social pressure for the use of these tools is increasing. In this sense, the adoption of technological resources by the elderly is a highly complex issue because numerous and varied factors are involved. Precisely for this reason, this study aims to analyze the effects that exist between a series of dimensions related to the perception of older people regarding the ease of use, the perceived usefulness of technological tools, attitudes towards technology and their intention to use them in everyday life. To do this, 415 adults (M = 66.27 years) enrolled in a program at the University of Experience in the Spanish context completed an online questionnaire. The application of a Structural Equations Model for data analysis highlights that the perceived ease of use of the technology has a positive effect on the perceived usefulness of these resources. Similarly, an indirect effect of the perceived usefulness of technology on the intention to use these resources is observed through the manifestation of positive attitudes towards the use of digital tools

    Digital competence of university teachers of social and legal sciences from a gender perspective

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    Higher Education institutions must respond to the major challenges posed by the technological transformations of recent years. For this, one of the key aspects is that the teachers working in them are trained to incorporate these technologies in teaching–learning processes, which requires them to be digitally competent. To analyse how gender relates to the level of competence of teachers, the types of ICT tools that they use, and their attitudes towards their implementation in teaching– learning processes, this quantitative research was carried out with the participation of 121 university teachers from the Autonomous Community of Aragon, all of them from the area of Social and Legal Sciences. The results show a differentiated profile between men and women in terms of their attitudes, beliefs, and self-perception regarding their management skills and effectiveness. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Controls on space–time distribution of soft-sediment deformation structures: Applying palaeomagnetic dating to approach the apparent recurrence period of paleoseisms at the Concud Fault (eastern Spain)

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    This work describes soft-sediment deformation structures (clastic dykes, load structures, diapirs, slumps, nodulizations or mudcracks) identified in three sections (Concud, Ramblillas and Masada Cociero) in the Iberian Range, Spain. These sections were logged from boreholes and outcrops in Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleistocene deposits of the Teruel-Concud Residual Basin, close to de Concud normal fault. Timing of the succession and hence of seismic and non-seismic SSDSs, covering a time span between ~ 3.6 and ~ 1.9 Ma, has been constrained from previous biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic information, then substantially refined from a new magnetostratigraphic study at Masada Cociero profile. Non-seismic SSDSs are relatively well-correlated between sections, while seismic ones are poorly correlated except for several clusters of structures. Between 29 and 35 seismic deformed levels have been computed for the overall stratigraphic succession. Factors controlling the lateral and vertical distribution of SSDSs are their seismic or non-seismic origin, the distance to the seismogenic source (Concud Fault), the sedimentary facies involved in deformation and the observation conditions (borehole core vs. natural outcrop). In the overall stratigraphic section, seismites show an apparent recurrence period of 56 to 108 ka. Clustering of seismic SSDSs levels within a 91-ka-long interval records a period of high paleoseismic activity with an apparent recurrence time of 4.8 to 6.1 ka, associated with increasing sedimentation rate and fault activity. Such activity pattern of the Concud Fault for the Late Pliocene-Early Pliocene, with alternating periods of faster and slower slip, is similar to that for the most recent Quaternary (last ca. 74 ka BP). Concerning the research methods, time occurrence patterns recognized for peaks of paleoseismic activity from SSDSs in boreholes are similar to those inferred from primary evidence in trenches. Consequently, apparent recurrence periods calculated from SSDS inventories collected in borehole logs close to seismogenic faults are comparable to actual recurrence times of large paleoearthquakes

    Sea-level oscillations recorded as incised-valleys from the Villarroya de los Pinares Formation in the Galve sub-basin (Teruel, Iberian Chain)

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    Se describen cuatro discontinuidades con desarrollo de valles incisos de entre 10 y 73 metros de profundidad. La superficie S3 que presenta el mayor encajamiento puede correlacionarse a escala global con el límite de secuencia Ap4, y probablemente representa una oscilación eustática. Nuestros resultados apoyan la presencia de hielo polar durante el Aptiense.Four unconformities with incised-valley development are described from the Aptian of the Galve sub-basin. Incision magnitude varies from 10 to 73 metres. The deepest incision correlates well with Ap4 sequence boundary of Hardenbol et al., (1998), and probably represents a high amplitude eustatic fall. Our results support the presence of polar ice-caps during the AptianDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Educación y Cienciapu