44 research outputs found

    Untargeted lipidomics uncovers lipid signatures distinguishing severe versus moderate forms of acutely decompensated cirrhosis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Acutely decompensated of cirrhosis is a heterogeneous clinical entity associated with moderate mortality. In some patients, this condition develops quickly into a more often deadly acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF), in which other organs such as the kidneys or brain fail. The aim of this study was to characterize the blood lipidome in a large series of patients with cirrhosis and identify specific signatures associated with acute decompensation and ACLF development. METHODS: Serum untargeted lipidomics was performed in 561 patients with acutely decompensated (AD) cirrhosis (518 without and 43 with ACLF) (discovery cohort) and in 265 AD patients (128 without and 137 with ACLF) in whom serum samples were available to perform repeated measurements during the 28-day follow-up (validation cohort). Analyses were also performed in 78 AD patients included in a therapeutic albumin trial, 43 patients with compensated cirrhosis and 29 healthy subjects. RESULTS: The circulating lipid landscape associated with cirrhosis was characterized by a generalized suppression, which was more manifest during acute decompensation and in non-surviving patients. By computing discriminating accuracy and the variable importance projection score for each of the 223 annotated lipids, we identified a sphingomyelin fingerprint specific for AD cirrhosis and a distinct cholesteryl ester and lysophosphatidylcholine fingerprint for ACLF. Liver dysfunction, mainly, and infections were the principal net contributors to these fingerprints, which were dynamic and interchangeable between AD patients whose condition worsened to ACLF and those who improved. Notably, blood lysophosphatidylcholine levels increased in these patients after albumin therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings provide insights into the lipid landscape associated with decompensation of cirrhosis and ACLF progression and identify unique noninvasive diagnostic biomarkers of advanced cirrhosis. LAY SUMMARY: Analysis of lipids in blood from patients with advanced cirrhosis reveals a general suppression of their levels in the circulation of these patients. A specific group of lipids known as sphingomyelins are useful to distinguish compensated from decompensated patients with cirrhosis. Another group of lipids designated cholesteryl esters further distinguish patients with decompensated patients who are at risk of developing organ failures

    SoxD genes are required for adult neural stem cell activation

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    19 p谩ginas, 6 figuras. Supplemental information can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j. celrep.2022.110313.The adult neurogenic niche in the hippocampus is maintained through activation of reversibly quiescent neural stem cells (NSCs) with radial glia-like morphology (RGLs). Here, we show that the expression of SoxD transcription factors Sox5 and Sox6 is enriched in activated RGLs. Using inducible deletion of Sox5 or Sox6 in the adult mouse brain, we show that both genes are required for RGL activation and the generation of new neurons. Conversely, Sox5 overexpression in cultured NSCs interferes with entry in quiescence. Mechanistically, expression of the proneural protein Ascl1 (a key RGL regulator) is severely downregulated in SoxD-deficient RGLs, and Ascl1 transcription relies on conserved Sox motifs. Additionally, loss of Sox5 hinders the RGL activation driven by neurogenic stimuli such as environmental enrichment. Altogether, our data suggest that SoxD genes are key mediators in the transition of adult RGLs from quiescence to an activated mitotic state under physiological situations.This work was funded by grants to A.V.M. from the Spanish MICINN (SAF2017-85717-R, PID2020-112989RB-I00) and F. Alicia Koplowitz (2018) and to H.M. from the Spanish MICINN (SAF2015-70433-R, PID2019- 111225RB-I00) and PROMETEO/2018/055 from Generalitat ValencianaPeer reviewe

    Artrodesis cervical con cajas de tantalio

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    Debida a su baja morbilidad y tasa de complicaciones, la discectom铆a cervical y fusi贸n anterior ha ganado gran aceptaci贸n en los 煤ltimos 30 a帽os en los que ha evolucionado desde su primera descripci贸n. La esponja de tantalio se ha mostrado como un material ideal para fabricar cajas intersom谩ticas cervicales y lumbares debido a su alta porosidad, estabilidad y elasticidad parecida a la del hueso. Presentamos la t茅cnica quir煤rgica y nuestros resultados en los 12 primeros pacientes intervenidos en nuestra instituci贸n con un seguimiento m铆nimo de seis meses. No se ha recogido ninguna complicaci贸n intraoperatoria significativa. En ning煤n caso se emple贸 injerto 贸seo asociado a la caja. Los resultados cl铆nicos han sido evaluados con los criterios de Odom y con las escalas de Oswestry y de Zung. La consolidaci贸n radiol贸gica se ha considerado teniendo en cuenta los criterios de Cannada et al., y se han medido las diferencias del 谩ngulo de Cobb y de la distancia interespinosas entre los espacios artrodesados en las radiograf铆as din谩micas. No se ha observado ning煤n caso de pseudoartrosis. El implante ha mostrado una f谩cil y reproducible implantaci贸n quir煤rgica y una r谩pida integraci贸n radiol贸gica. La caja de tantalio para la artrodesis cervical representa un avance real, sin embargo, a煤n es perfectible desde el punto de vista t茅cnico

    Plasma rico en plaquetas. An谩lisis coparativo de cuatro presentaciones comerciales

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    Los factores de crecimiento liberados desde las plaquetas y c茅lulas de la serie blanca constituyen la orden inicial que desencadena la reparaci贸n tisular. Extra铆dos del propio paciente y aplicados en la zona lesionada, estos factores pueden actuar como estimuladoeres de la curaci贸n de las lesiones y heridas y constituir una importante herramienta terap茅utica que acelera la curaci贸n de nuestros pacientes. En este art铆culo se comparan, desde el punto de vista t茅cnico, cuatro sistemas diferentes de producci贸n de plasma rico en plaquetas. Estos sistemas son: PRGF, AGF, PCCS y GPS. Todos ellos son capaces de garantizar la producci贸n de un concentrado de plaquetas con una concentraci贸n m铆nima de un mill贸n por microlito, por lo que los consideramos plenamente v谩lidos. Las diferencias t茅cnicas m谩s importantes son: el volumen de plasma rico en plaquetas obtenible y la facilidad de manejo en quir贸fano