4,290 research outputs found

    Albert Jackson (1844-1901)

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    Albert Jackson was a leader in Savannah\u27s African-American community. He was a native of Savannah, and resided in the city for most of his life. He was active in the business community, and in many organizations that helped the. Albert Jackson was married twice, first to Jennette Bullock then to Mary Scott. He had four children, three sons and a daughter. He died in 1901 after a prolonged illness, and is buried in Laurel Grove Cemetery.https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/sav-bios-lane/1087/thumbnail.jp

    Hands-On TAROT: Intercontinental use of the TAROT for Education and Public Outreach

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    The TAROT telescope has for primary goal the search for the prompt optical counterpart of Cosmic Gamma-Ray Bursts. It is a completely autonomous 25cm telescope installed near Nice (France), able to point any location of the sky within 1-2 seconds. The control, scheduling, and data processing activities are completely automated, so the instrument is completely autonomous. In addition to its un-manned modes, we added recently the possibility to remotely control the telescope, as a request of the "Hands-On Universe" (HOU) program for exchange of time within automatic telescopes for the education and public outreach. To this purpose we developed a simple control interface. A webcam was installed to visualize the telescope. Access to the data is possible through a web interface. The images can be processed by the HOU software, a program specially suited for use within the classroom. We experienced these feature during the open days of the University of California Berkeley and the Astronomy Festival of Fleurance (France). We plan a regular use for an astronomy course of the Museum of Tokyo, as well as for French schools. Not only does Hands-On TAROT gives the general public an access to professional astronomy, but it is also a more general tool to demonstrate the use of a complex automated system, the techniques of data processing and automation. Last but not least, through the use of telescopes located in many countries over the globe, a form of powerful and genuine cooperation between teachers and children from various countries is promoted, with a clear educational goal.Comment: 4 pages, Based on a demonstration presented at the ADASS X Conference, Boston, MA, USA, October 2000, to appear in ASP Conf. Serie

    The complex environment of the bright carbon star TX Psc as probed by spectro-astrometry

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    Context: Stars on the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) show broad evidence of inhomogeneous atmospheres and circumstellar envelopes. These have been studied by a variety of methods on various angular scales. In this paper we explore the envelope of the well-studied carbon star TX Psc by the technique of spectro-astrometry. Aims: We explore the potential of this method for detecting asymmetries around AGB stars. Methods:We obtained CRIRES observations of several CO Δ\Deltav=1 lines near 4.6 ÎŒ\mum and HCN lines near 3 ÎŒ\mum in 2010 and 2013. These were then searched for spectro-astrometric signatures. For the interpretation of the results, we used simple simulated observations. Results: Several lines show significant photocentre shifts with a clear dependence on position angle. In all cases, tilde-shaped signatures are found where the positive and negative shifts (at PA 0deg) are associated with blue and weaker red components of the lines. The shifts can be modelled with a bright blob 70 mas to 210 mas south of the star with a flux of several percent of the photospheric flux. We estimate a lower limit of the blob temperature of 1000 K. The blob may be related to a mass ejection as found for AGB stars or red supergiants. We also consider the scenario of a companion object. Conclusions: Although there is clear spectro-astrometric evidence of a rather prominent structure near TX Psc, it does not seem to relate to the other evidence of asymmetries, so no definite explanation can be given. Our data thus underline the very complex structure of the environment of this star, but further observations that sample the angular scales out to a few hundred milli-arcseconds are needed to get a clearer picture

    A modern study of HD166734: a massive supergiant system

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    Aims. HD166734 is an eccentric eclipsing binary system composed of two supergiant O-type stars, orbiting with a 34.5-day period. In this rare configuration for such stars, the two objects mainly evolve independently, following single-star evolution so far. This system provides a chance to study the individual parameters of two supergiant massive stars and to derive their real masses. Methods. An intensive monitoring was dedicated to HD166734.We analyzed mid- and high-resolution optical spectra to constrain the orbital parameters of this system. We also studied its light curve for the first time, obtained in the VRI filters. Finally, we disentangled the spectra of the two stars and modeled them with the CMFGEN atmosphere code in order to determine the individual physical parameters. Results. HD166734 is a O7.5If+O9I(f) binary. We confirm its orbital period but we revise the other orbital parameters. In comparison to what we found in the literature, the system is more eccentric and, now, the hottest and the most luminous component is also the most massive one. The light curve exhibits only one eclipse and its analysis indicates an inclination of 63.0{\deg} ±\pm 2.7{\deg}. The photometric analysis provides us with a good estimation of the luminosities of the stars, and therefore their exact positions in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The evolutionary and the spectroscopic masses show good agreement with the dynamical masses of 39.5 Msun for the primary and 33.5 Msun for the secondary, within the uncertainties. The two components are both enriched in helium and in nitrogen and depleted in carbon. In addition, the primary also shows a depletion in oxygen. Their surface abundances are however not different from those derived from single supergiant stars, yielding, for both components, an evolution similar to that of single stars.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, A&A accepte

    Catching the fish - Constraining stellar parameters for TX Psc using spectro-interferometric observations

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    Stellar parameter determination is a challenging task when dealing with galactic giant stars. The combination of different investigation techniques has proven to be a promising approach. We analyse archive spectra obtained with the Short-Wavelength-Spectrometer (SWS) onboard of ISO, and new interferometric observations from the Very Large Telescope MID-infrared Interferometric instrument (VLTI/MIDI) of a very well studied carbon-rich giant: TX Psc. The aim of this work is to determine stellar parameters using spectroscopy and interferometry. The observations are used to constrain the model atmosphere, and eventually the stellar evolutionary model in the region where the tracks map the beginning of the carbon star sequence. Two different approaches are used to determine stellar parameters: (i) the 'classic' interferometric approach where the effective temperature is fixed by using the angular diameter in the N-band (from interferometry) and the apparent bolometric magnitude; (ii) parameters are obtained by fitting a grid of state-of-the-art hydrostatic models to spectroscopic and interferometric observations. We find a good agreement between the parameters of the two methods. The effective temperature and luminosity clearly place TX Psc in the carbon-rich AGB star domain in the H-R-diagram. Current evolutionary tracks suggest that TX Psc became a C-star just recently, which means that the star is still in a 'quiet' phase compared to the subsequent strong-wind regime. This is in agreement with the C/O ratio being only slightly larger than 1.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 5 table

    Coplanar stripline antenna design for optically detected magnetic resonance on semiconductor quantum dots

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    We report on the development and testing of a coplanar stripline antenna that is designed for integration in a magneto-photoluminescence experiment to allow coherent control of individual electron spins confined in single self-assembled semiconductor quantum dots. We discuss the design criteria for such a structure which is multi-functional in the sense that it serves not only as microwave delivery but also as electrical top gate and shadow mask for the single quantum dot spectroscopy. We present test measurements on hydrogenated amorphous silicon, demonstrating electrically detected magnetic resonance using the in-plane component of the oscillating magnetic field created by the coplanar stripline antenna necessary due to the particular geometry of the quantum dot spectroscopy. From reference measurements using a commercial electron spin resonance setup in combination with finite element calculations simulating the field distribution in the structure, we obtain an average magnetic field of ~0.2mT at the position where the quantum dots would be integrated into the device. The corresponding pi-pulse time of ~0.3us fully meets the requirements set by the high sensitivity optical spin read-out scheme developed for the quantum dot

    Origin of anomalous breakdown of Bloch's rule in the Mott-Hubbard insulator MnTe2_2

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    We reinvestigate the pressure dependence of the crystal structure and antiferromagnetic phase transition in MnTe2_2 by the rigorous and reliable tool of high pressure neutron powder diffraction. First-principles density functional theory calculations are carried out in order to gain microscopic insight. The measured N\'eel temperature of MnTe2_2 is found to show unusually large pressure dependence of 1212 K GPa−1^{-1}. This gives rise to large violation of Bloch's rule given by α=dlog⁥TNdlog⁥V=−103≈−3.3\alpha=\frac{d\log T_N}{d\log V}=-\frac{10}{3} \approx -3.3, to a α\alpha value of -6.0 ±\pm 0.1 for MnTe2_2. The ab-initio calculation of the electronic structure and the magnetic exchange interactions in MnTe2_2, for the measured crystal structures at different pressures, gives the pressure dependence of the Ne\'el temperature, α\alpha to be -5.61, in close agreement with experimental finding. The microscopic origin of this behavior turns to be dictated by the distance dependence of the cation-anion hopping interaction strength

    How disruptions to our morning routines harm daily productivity, and what we can do about it

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    Advice for managers and employees on how to minimise disruptions to much-needed morning rituals - by Shawn T. McClean, Joel Koopman, Junhyok Yim, and Anthony C. Klot
