316 research outputs found

    On a sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus washed ashore at Irumeni (Palk Bay) near Mandapam

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    A female sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus Linnaeus (Fig. 1) measuring 4 m, weighing 1.5 t was washed ashore in dead condition at Irumeni (Palk Bay) near Mandapam on 10-11- 2000. The length at birth of a sperm whale is about 4 meters, hence it mav be in-ferred that the present whale is a new born baby

    An interesting note on floating corals.

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    The floating stone on a closer examination reveals that it is a coral. Corals of the genus Favia, Platygyra etc. are kept floating in a tank filled with water. The scientific explanations of the floating corals are examined. The scientific significance of floating coral are here described

    On two species of marine turtles stranded at Mandapam

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    A female olive ridely turtle Lepidochelys olivacea was stranded on 21.7.2000 near CMFRI Jetty at Gulf of Mannar coast. Another female green turtle Chelonia mydas was stranded on 6.9.2000 at the same place. Both the turtles had severe injuries resulting in death in the sea and then stranded. Their carapace length was 58, 82 cm' and width 56, 62 cms respectively

    On a Sei whale, Balaenoptera borealis stranded at Narikuzhi near Rameswaram along the Palk Bay coast

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    A male sei whale,Balaenoptera borealis was stranded at Narikuzhi near Rameswaram along the Palk Bay coast on 1-1-2003.The total length of the whale was 15 metres with an approximate weight of 12 tonnes. The whale might have died in the mid sea,most probably due to collision with afishing boat.There were injuries in the notch of the caudal fluke and flipper region

    On a Spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris (Gray) washed ashore at Mandapam, Gulf of Mannar

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    A dead dolphin was washed ashore at C.M.F.R.I. jetty along Gulf of Mannar coast on 19-7-200

    Some Observations On Dolphins In Mandapam Area With A Note On Their Food

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    The dolphins are common in the Gulf of Mannar near Mandapam. Five of them were caught by the fishermen in trawler or gill net in the neighbourhood of Krusadai Island in the Gulf of Mannar in the winter months of 1980 to 1982. They were studied for the species identity and their stomach contents. Data regarding the date, place of collection weight, sex and essential body measurements of all specimens were recorded

    On a large adult Zebra shark landed at Pamban

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    The article describes about the catch of adult zebra shark, Stegostoma faciatum a rare species in Indian waters

    Trap fishing in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    Trap fishing is one of the indigenous methods of fishing prevalent in the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. Fish traps, locally known as 'koodu' are extensively used in this area for perch fishery. As these areas are shallow, with rocks and corals, other methods of fishing using nets cannot be operated successfully, which probably explains the development of trap fishing in this part of the country as an organised fishery

    On a Spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris (Gray) washed ashore at Dhanushkodi along Gulf of Mannar

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    A live dolphin was sighted in Dhanushkodi by teeth this specimen is identified as spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris (Gray)

    Olive ridleys landed at Pamban reported

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    Landing of Olive Ridleys at Pamban caught in trawl net from the Gulf of Mannar
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