295 research outputs found

    Field measurements of trace gases and aerosols emitted by peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the 2015 El Nino

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    Abstract. Peat fires in Southeast Asia have become a major annual source of trace gases and particles to the regional–global atmosphere. The assessment of their influence on atmospheric chemistry, climate, air quality, and health has been uncertain partly due to a lack of field measurements of the smoke characteristics. During the strong 2015 El Niño event we deployed a mobile smoke sampling team in the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan on the island of Borneo and made the first, or rare, field measurements of trace gases, aerosol optical properties, and aerosol mass emissions for authentic peat fires burning at various depths in different peat types. This paper reports the trace gas and aerosol measurements obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, whole air sampling, photoacoustic extinctiometers (405 and 870 nm), and a small subset of the data from analyses of particulate filters. The trace gas measurements provide emission factors (EFs; grams of a compound per kilogram biomass burned) for up to  ∼  90 gases, including CO2, CO, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons up to C10, 15 oxygenated organic compounds, NH3, HCN, NOx, OCS, HCl, etc. The modified combustion efficiency (MCE) of the smoke sources ranged from 0.693 to 0.835 with an average of 0.772 ± 0.053 (n  =  35), indicating essentially pure smoldering combustion, and the emissions were not initially strongly lofted. The major trace gas emissions by mass (EF as g kg−1) were carbon dioxide (1564 ± 77), carbon monoxide (291 ± 49), methane (9.51 ± 4.74), hydrogen cyanide (5.75 ± 1.60), acetic acid (3.89 ± 1.65), ammonia (2.86 ± 1.00), methanol (2.14 ± 1.22), ethane (1.52 ± 0.66), dihydrogen (1.22 ± 1.01), propylene (1.07 ± 0.53), propane (0.989 ± 0.644), ethylene (0.961 ± 0.528), benzene (0.954 ± 0.394), formaldehyde (0.867 ± 0.479), hydroxyacetone (0.860 ± 0.433), furan (0.772 ± 0.035), acetaldehyde (0.697 ± 0.460), and acetone (0.691 ± 0.356). These field data support significant revision of the EFs for CO2 (−8 %), CH4 (−55 %), NH3 (−86 %), CO (+39 %), and other gases compared with widely used recommendations for tropical peat fires based on a lab study of a single sample published in 2003. BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) are important air toxics and aerosol precursors and were emitted in total at 1.5 ± 0.6 g kg−1. Formaldehyde is probably the air toxic gas most likely to cause local exposures that exceed recommended levels. The field results from Kalimantan were in reasonable agreement with recent lab measurements of smoldering Kalimantan peat for “overlap species,” lending importance to the lab finding that burning peat produces large emissions of acetamide, acrolein, methylglyoxal, etc., which were not measurable in the field with the deployed equipment and implying value in continued similar efforts. The aerosol optical data measured include EFs for the scattering and absorption coefficients (EF Bscat and EF Babs, m2 kg−1 fuel burned) and the single scattering albedo (SSA) at 870 and 405 nm, as well as the absorption Ångström exponents (AAE). By coupling the absorption and co-located trace gas and filter data we estimated black carbon (BC) EFs (g kg−1) and the mass absorption coefficient (MAC, m2 g−1) for the bulk organic carbon (OC) due to brown carbon (BrC). Consistent with the minimal flaming, the emissions of BC were negligible (0.0055 ± 0.0016 g kg−1). Aerosol absorption at 405 nm was  ∼  52 times larger than at 870 nm and BrC contributed  ∼  96 % of the absorption at 405 nm. Average AAE was 4.97 ± 0.65 (range, 4.29–6.23). The average SSA at 405 nm (0.974 ± 0.016) was marginally lower than the average SSA at 870 nm (0.998 ± 0.001). These data facilitate modeling climate-relevant aerosol optical properties across much of the UV/visible spectrum and the high AAE and lower SSA at 405 nm demonstrate the dominance of absorption by the organic aerosol. Comparing the Babs at 405 nm to the simultaneously measured OC mass on filters suggests a low MAC ( ∼  0.1) for the bulk OC, as expected for the low BC/OC ratio in the aerosol. The importance of pyrolysis (at lower MCE), as opposed to glowing (at higher MCE), in producing BrC is seen in the increase of AAE with lower MCE (r2 =  0.65)

    Analisa Perbandingan Biaya dan Waktu Bangunan Konstruksi Baja Menggunakan Sistem Pre-Engineering Building dan Sistem Konvensional pada Proyek Pabrik Fober Cement Boards Mojosari

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    Bangunan konstruksi baja pada umumnya menggunakan sistem konvensional dengan elemen utama adalah hot rollet wf standar yang biasa kita jumpai dipasaran yang lebih berat dari non prismatic yang kemudian dilakukan fabrikasi dilapangan. Metode ini sudah banyak diterapkan dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi baja. Seiring berkembangnya teknologi dan inovasi dibidang konstruksi terdapat alternatif metode konstruksi lain yang dikembangkan untuk menghasilkan konstruksi baja yang lebih murah, implementasi yang efisien dan cepat dengan meminimal resiko kesalahan (akurasi), serta menghasilkan metode erection yang dilakukan secara bertahap, relatif mudah dan cepat. Metode yang dapat diterapkan ini yaitu dinamakan dengan metode konstruksi baja pre-engineering building. Tujuan untuk melakukan perbandingan metode konstruksi baja konvensional dan pre-engineering building dari aspek biaya dan waktu. Proyek yang djadikan objek penelitian adalah Pembangunan Pabrik Fibre Cement Board Mojosari. Masing-masing metode akan dihitung biaya dan waktu pelaksanaan berdasarkan pelaksanaan teknis metode tersebut. Dari hasil perbandingan akan didapat biaya dan waktu yang diperlukan untuk metode konvensional dan pre-engineering building. Dari analisa perhitungan biaya dan waktu pada proyek pembangunan pabrik fibre cement boards didapat hasil untuk pekerjaan bangunan konstruksi baja dengan sistem pre-engineering building dengan biaya sebesar Rp. 1.674.677.166,65 dalam waktu 40 hari dan sistem konvensional dengan biaya sebesar Rp. 2.269.651.094,- dalam waktu 78 hari

    Blockchain Technology and How It Will Affect Accounting in the Future

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    Rapid technology development nowadays brings out a major impact for many professions in the world. This phenomenon often called industrial revolution 4.0. This industrial revolution demand automation in various sectors, including in economic and financial sectors. In the financial sector, there is blockchain technology which becomes the basis technology of cryptocurrency and smart contract. This development could also affect the accounting profession, which required to follow technology development in the future. From this case, writers will discuss strength, weakness, opportunity, and the threat from the blockchain system and smart contract for accounting in the future. There will be a high demand for the blockchain system for companies since this technology make the transaction process could be more efficient, faster and secure. The research methodology that the writers use in this research is inductive reasoning with the qualitative method. The way data collected is using literature studies by using SWOT analysis framework. Keywords: Blockchain, Technology, Accounting DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-10-06 Publication date:May 31st 2020

    Desain Peralatan Pendeteksi Gangguan Hubung Singkat Belitan Stator Motor Induksi Menggunakan Arus Online Berbasis Mikrokontroler

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    Motor induksi adalah salah satu peralatan utama dalam industri. Kerusakan pada bagian motor akan mempengaruhi proses dan hasil produksi. Oleh karena itu, deteksi dini kerusakan motor induksi sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghindari kerusakan yang lebih parah. Pada tugas akhir ini akan didesain sistem monitoring untuk menganalisa dan mendeteksi kerusakan pada motor berdasarkan pembacaan arus fasa dan tegangan fasa belitan motor induksi pada saat keadaan normal maupun gangguan melalui komputer. Pada layar komputer akan ditampilkan hasil pembacaan tegangan dan arus. Dari parameter tersebut dapat dilakukan diagnosa keadaan dari motor induksi apakah dalam keadaan normal atau tidak. Bila terjadi gangguan pada motor induksi, sistem ini dapat mendeteksi jenis gangguan yang terjadi pada motor induksi tersebut

    Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Spondias Pinnata terhadap Volume Organ Hati Mencit Jantan

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    Daun kedondong hutan (Spondias pinnata) merupakan bagian tanaman yang secara tradisional digunakan sebagai obat batuk. Beberapa penelitian sebelumnya menunjukan bahwa ekstrak daun S.pinnatamemiliki aktivitas antituberkulosis terhadap Myobacterium tuberculosisMDR. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun S. pinnataterhadap volume organ hati pada mencit jantan galur balb/c. Serbuk daun S. pinnata diekstraksi menggunakan metode maserasi dan dilanjutkan dengan digesti, kemudian ekstrak diuji pada 40 ekor mencit jantan galur balb/c yang terbagi dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan. Kelompok kontrol negatif diberikan suspensi CMC-Na 0,5% sedangkan kelompok perlakuan diberikan ekstrak dosis 0,2; 1; dan 2 g/kg BB secara berulang selama 31 hari. Mencit dibedah dan diambil organ hatinya.Data volume organ hati kemudian dianalisis statistik dengan ANOVA-one way. Hasil menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada volume organ hati mencit jantan antara kelompok kontrol dengan kelompok perlakuan, sehingga pemberian ekstrak secara berulang tidak mempengaruhi volume organ hati mencit jantan. Perubahan volume organ menjadi salah satu indikator makroskopis terhadap adanya Perubahan pada sel-sel organ akibat paparan suatu bahan uj

    Designing programs for eliminating canine rabies from islands: Bali, Indonesia as a case study

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    <p>Background: Canine rabies is one of the most important and feared zoonotic diseases in the world. In some regions rabies elimination is being successfully coordinated, whereas in others rabies is endemic and continues to spread to uninfected areas. As epidemics emerge, both accepted and contentious control methods are used, as questions remain over the most effective strategy to eliminate rabies. The Indonesian island of Bali was rabies-free until 2008 when an epidemic in domestic dogs began, resulting in the deaths of over 100 people. Here we analyze data from the epidemic and compare the effectiveness of control methods at eliminating rabies.</p> <p>Methodology/Principal Findings: Using data from Bali, we estimated the basic reproductive number, R0, of rabies in dogs, to be ~1·2, almost identical to that obtained in ten–fold less dense dog populations and suggesting rabies will not be effectively controlled by reducing dog density. We then developed a model to compare options for mass dog vaccination. Comprehensive high coverage was the single most important factor for achieving elimination, with omission of even small areas (<0.5% of the dog population) jeopardizing success. Parameterizing the model with data from the 2010 and 2011 vaccination campaigns, we show that a comprehensive high coverage campaign in 2012 would likely result in elimination, saving ~550 human lives and ~$15 million in prophylaxis costs over the next ten years.</p> <p>Conclusions/Significance: The elimination of rabies from Bali will not be achieved through achievable reductions in dog density. To ensure elimination, concerted high coverage, repeated, mass dog vaccination campaigns are necessary and the cooperation of all regions of the island is critical. Momentum is building towards development of a strategy for the global elimination of canine rabies, and this study offers valuable new insights about the dynamics and control of this disease, with immediate practical relevance.</p&gt

    Chemical characterization of fine particulate matter emitted by peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the 2015 El Niño

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    Fine particulate matter (PM2:5) was collected in situ from peat smoke during the 2015 El Niño peat fire episode in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Twenty-one PM samples were collected from 18 peat fire plumes that were primarily smoldering with modified combustion efficiency (MCE) values of 0.725-0.833. PM emissions were determined and chemically characterized for elemental carbon (EC), organic carbon (OC), water-soluble OC, water-soluble ions, metals, and organic species. Fuel-based PM2:5 mass emission factors (EFs) ranged from 6.0 to 29.6 g kg1 with an average of 17:36:0 g kg1. EC was detected only in 15 plumes and comprised 1% of PM mass. Together, OC (72 %), EC (1 %), water-soluble ions (1 %), and metal oxides (0.1 %) comprised 7411% of gravimetrically measured PM mass. Assuming that the remaining mass is due to elements that form organic matter (OM; i.e., elements O, H, N) an OM-to-OC conversion factor of 1.26 was estimated by linear regression. Overall, chemical speciation revealed the following characteristics of peat-burning emissions: high OC mass fractions (72%), primarily water-insoluble OC (8411 %C), low EC mass fractions (1 %), vanillic to syringic acid ratios of 1.9, and relatively high n-alkane contributions to OC (6.2 %C) with a carbon preference index of 1.2-1.6. Comparison to laboratory studies of peat combustion revealed similarities in the relative composition of PM but greater differences in the absolute EF values. The EFs developed herein, combined with estimates of the mass of peat burned, are used to estimate that 3.2-11 Tg of PM2:5 was emitted to atmosphere during the 2015 El Niño peatland fire event in Indonesia. Combined with gas-phase measurements of CO2, CO, CH4, and volatile organic carbon from Stockwell et al. (2016), it is determined that OC and EC accounted for 2.1 and 0.04% of total carbon emissions, respectively. These in situ EFs can be used to improve the accuracy of the representation of Indonesian peat burning in emission inventories and receptor-based models