227 research outputs found

    Holocene Environmental Change in the Frobisher Bay Area, Baffin Island, N.W.T.: Deglaciation, Emergence, and the Sequence of Vegetation and Climate

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    The late-glacial and Holocene paleoenvironmental sequence for the Frobisher Bay area is outlined using glacial, sea level, and palynological evidence. A rapid retreat of ice from the late Foxe glacial maximum in the lower part of the bay after 11,000 BP was followed by a series of stillstands or minor readvances between ca. 8500 and 7000 BP and possibly later, before the final disappearance of the inland ice centred near Amadjuak Lake. Lithostratigraphy of three buried organic sections which together represent deposition occurring over the period from 5500 to 400 BP indicates a change from a relatively warm, moist environment before 5500 BP to neoglacial conditions, with the coldest phases centred around 5000, 2700, 1200 BP and probably sometime after 400 radiocarbon years BP. As evidenced by peat growth and pollen data, milder, wetter conditions prevailed from 4500 to 3000 BP and again from ca. 2600 to 1800 BP. Peat growth and soil organic fractions point to lesser mild intervals ca. 900 BP and 400 BP, but these are not apparent in the pollen assemblage. The pollen record does not extend to the last four centuries; however, lichenometric studies of neoglacial moraines by DOWDESWELL (1984) show that the maximum late Holocene advance of glaciers in the area occurred within the last century. Modern pollen samples indicate that the present vegetation of the inner Frobisher Bay area is comparable to that of the milder intervals of the late Holocene.La présente étude porte sur l'évolution paléoenvironnementale fini-glaciaire et holocène de la région de la baie de Frobisher et se fonde sur les niveaux marins ainsi que sur des témoins polliniques et glaciaires. Le retrait rapide des glaciers dans la partie intérieure de la baie depuis 11 000 BP a été suivi d'épisodes de stabilité et de récurrences mineures entre 8500 et 7000 ans BP. et peut-être plus tard, avant la disparition définitive des glaces continentales dont le centre se trouvait près du lac Amadjuak. L'analyse a porté sur trois sections de sol enfoui qui représentent les dépôts accumulés entre 5500 et 400 ans BP. La lithostratigraphie révèle le passage d'un climat relativement humide et chaud, il y a plus de 5500 ans, à un climat néoglaciaire dont les périodes les plus froides se situent vers 5000, 2700 et 1200 ans BP et probablement après 400 ans BP. La tourbe et les données polliniques témoignent de conditions climatiques plus douces et plus humides pour les périodes allant de 4500 à 3000 ans BP et d'environ 2600 à 1800 ans BP. Mais, contrairement aux associations polliniques, la tourbe et certaines portions organiques de sol font penser qu'ont existé des intervalles plus frais environ de 900 à 400 ans BP. Les données pollinique ne donnent aucun renseignement sur les quatre derniers siècles. Cependant, les études Ii-chénométriques que DOWDESWELL (1984) a faites sur les moraines néoglaciaires révèlent que, dans la région pendant l'Holocène supérieur, l'avancée maximale des glaces s'est produite au siècle dernier. Des échantillons polliniques récents démontrent que la végétation actuelle de l'intérieur de la baie de Frobisher ressemble à celle qu'on trouvait pendant les intervalles tempérés de l'Holocène supérieur.Die spàtglaziale und holozàne Abfolge des Palâomilieus im Gebiete der Frobisher Bucht wird durch glaziale, Meeresspiegel- und palynologische Beweise umrissen. Ein rasches Zurùckweichen des Eises aus dem niederen Teil der Bucht hat sich nach 11 000 BP ereignet. gefolgt von mehreren Stillstânden oder kleinerem Wiedervorrùcken zwischen etwa 8500 und 7000 BP oder evtl. spater, bevor das Inlandeis schliesslich verschwunden ist. Drei verdeckte Bodenprofile sind analysiert worden, die zu-sammen die Ablagerung der Zeit von 5500 bis 400 BP darstellen. Die Lithostratigraphie hat eine relativ warme, feuchte Umgebung vor 5500 BP ergeben, die sich alsdann zu neoglazialen Zustânden geàndert hat, mit dem Mittel der kâltesten Phasen um etwa 5000, 2700, und wahrscheinlich auch irgandwann nach 400 Radiokohlenstoffjahren BP. Torfwuchs sowie auch palynologische Daten zeigen, dass milde, feuchte Zustânde von 4500 bis 3000 BP und dann nochmals von etwa 2600 bis 1800 BP vorgeherrscht haben. Der Torfwuchs und der organische Anteil des Bodens deuten auch auf kleinere milde Zeitspannen um etwa 900 und 400 BP, aber dièse sind nicht aus der Pollenvergesellschaftung ersichtlich. Fur die jùngsten vier Jahrhunderte fehlen Pollenunterlagen; aber durch Untersuchung der Flechten auf neoglazialen Morânen hat DOWDESWELL (1984) fur dieses Gebiet ein spatholozànes Gletschervorrùcken wahrend des letzten Jahrhunderts belegen konnen. Pollenmuster beweisen. dass sich im Gebiet der inneren Frobisher Bucht die heutige Pflanzendecke gut mit der Vegetation mlldererer Spâtholozànintervalle vergleichen làsst

    Risk factors for the evolutionary emergence of pathogens

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    Recent outbreaks of novel infectious diseases (e.g. SARS, influenza H1N1) have highlighted the threat of cross-species pathogen transmission. When first introduced to a population, a pathogen is often poorly adapted to its new host and must evolve in order to escape extinction. Theoretical arguments and empirical studies have suggested various factors to explain why some pathogens emerge and others do not, including host contact structure, pathogen adaptive pathways and mutation rates. Using a multi-type branching process, we model the spread of an introduced pathogen evolving through several strains. Extending previous models, we use a network-based approach to separate host contact patterns from pathogen transmissibility. We also allow for arbitrary adaptive pathways. These generalizations lead to novel predictions regarding the impact of hypothesized risk factors. Pathogen fitness depends on the host population in which it circulates, and the ‘riskiest’ contact distribution and adaptive pathway depend on initial transmissibility. Emergence probability is sensitive to mutation probabilities and number of adaptive steps required, with the possibility of large adaptive steps (e.g. simultaneous point mutations or recombination) having a dramatic effect. In most situations, increasing overall mutation probability increases the risk of emergence; however, notable exceptions arise when deleterious mutations are available

    Fasting before evening exercise reduces net energy intake and increases fat oxidation, but impairs performance in healthy males and females

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    Acute morning fasted exercise may create a greater negative 24-hr energy balance than the same exercise performed after a meal, but research exploring fasted evening exercise is limited. This study assessed the effects of 7-hr fasting before evening exercise on energy intake, metabolism, and performance. Sixteen healthy males and females (n = 8 each) completed two randomized, counterbalanced trials. Participants consumed a standardized breakfast (08:30) and lunch (11:30). Two hours before exercise (16:30), participants consumed a meal (543 ± 86 kcal; FED) or remained fasted (FAST). Exercise involved 30-min cycling (∼60% VO2peak) and a 15-min performance test (∼85% VO2peak; 18:30). Ad libitum energy intake was assessed 15 min postexercise. Subjective appetite was measured throughout. Energy intake was 99 ± 162 kcal greater postexercise (p < .05), but 443 ± 128 kcal lower over the day (p < .001) in FAST. Appetite was elevated between the preexercise meal and ad libitum meal in FAST (p < .001), with no further differences (p ≥ .458). Fat oxidation was greater (+3.25 ± 1.99 g), and carbohydrate oxidation was lower (−9.16 ± 5.80 g) during exercise in FAST (p < .001). Exercise performance was 3.8% lower in FAST (153 ± 57 kJ vs. 159 ± 58 kJ, p < .05), with preexercise motivation, energy, readiness, and postexercise enjoyment also lower in FAST (p < .01). Fasted evening exercise reduced net energy intake and increased fat oxidation compared to exercise performed 2 hr after a meal. However, fasting also reduced voluntary performance, motivation, and exercise enjoyment. Future studies are needed to examine the long-term effects of this intervention as a weight management strategy

    Substituting carbohydrate at lunch for added protein increases fat oxidation during subsequent exercise in healthy males

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    Context How pre-exercise meal composition influences metabolic and health responses to exercise later in the day is currently unclear. Objective Examine the effects of substituting carbohydrate for protein at lunch on subsequent exercise metabolism, appetite, and energy intake. Methods Twelve healthy males completed three trials in randomized, counterbalanced order. Following a standardized breakfast (779 ± 66 kcal; ∼08:15), participants consumed a lunch (1186 ± 140 kcal; ∼13:15) containing either 0.2 g·kg-1 carbohydrate and ∼2 g·kg-1 protein (LO-CARB), 2 g·kg-1 carbohydrate and ∼0.4 g·kg-1 protein (HI-CARB), or fasted (FAST). Participants later cycled at ∼60% V̇O2peak for 1 h (∼16:15) and post-exercise ad-libitum energy intake was measured (∼18:30). Substrate oxidation, subjective appetite, and plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), peptide YY (PYY), glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), and acylated ghrelin (AG) were measured for 5 h post-lunch. Results Fat oxidation was greater during FAST (+11.66 ± 6.63 g) and LO-CARB (+8.00 ± 3.83 g) than HI-CARB (p < 0.001), with FAST greater than LO-CARB (+3.67 ± 5.07 g; p < 0.05). NEFA were lowest in HI-CARB and highest in FAST, with insulin demonstrating the inverse response (all p < 0.01). PYY and GLP-1 demonstrated a stepwise pattern, with LO-CARB greatest and FAST lowest (all p < 0.01). AG was lower during HI-CARB and LO-CARB versus FAST (p < 0.01). Energy intake in LO-CARB was lower than FAST (-383 ± 233 kcal; p < 0.001) and HI-CARB (-313 ± 284 kcal; p < 0.001). Conclusion Substituting carbohydrate for protein in a pre-exercise lunch increased fat oxidation, suppressed subjective and hormonal appetite, and reduced post-exercise energy intake

    Red Queen Coevolution on Fitness Landscapes

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    Species do not merely evolve, they also coevolve with other organisms. Coevolution is a major force driving interacting species to continuously evolve ex- ploring their fitness landscapes. Coevolution involves the coupling of species fit- ness landscapes, linking species genetic changes with their inter-specific ecological interactions. Here we first introduce the Red Queen hypothesis of evolution com- menting on some theoretical aspects and empirical evidences. As an introduction to the fitness landscape concept, we review key issues on evolution on simple and rugged fitness landscapes. Then we present key modeling examples of coevolution on different fitness landscapes at different scales, from RNA viruses to complex ecosystems and macroevolution.Comment: 40 pages, 12 figures. To appear in "Recent Advances in the Theory and Application of Fitness Landscapes" (H. Richter and A. Engelbrecht, eds.). Springer Series in Emergence, Complexity, and Computation, 201

    Progress in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in Ukraine: results from a birth cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ukraine was the epicentre of the HIV epidemic in Eastern Europe, which has the most rapidly accelerating HIV epidemic world-wide today; national HIV prevalence is currently estimated at 1.6%. Our objective was to evaluate the uptake and effectiveness of interventions for prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) over an eight year period within operational settings in Ukraine, within the context of an ongoing birth cohort study.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The European Collaborative Study (ECS) is an ongoing birth cohort study in which HIV-infected pregnant women identified before or during pregnancy or at delivery were enrolled and their infants prospectively followed. Three centres in Ukraine started enrolling in 2000, with a further three joining in September 2006.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 3356 women enrolled, 21% (689) reported current or past injecting drug use (IDU). Most women were diagnosed antenatally and of those, the proportion diagnosed in the first/second trimester increased from 47% in 2000/01 (83/178) to 73% (776/1060) in 2006/07 (p < 0.001); intrapartum diagnosis was associated with IDU (Adjusted odds ratio 4.38; 95%CI 3.19–6.02). The percentage of women not receiving any antiretroviral prophylaxis declined from 18% (36/205) in 2001 to 7% in 2007 (61/843) (p < 0.001). Use of sdNVP alone substantially declined after 2003, with a concomitant increase in zidovudine prophylaxis. Median antenatal zidovudine prophylaxis duration increased from 24 to 72 days between 2000 and 2007. Elective caesarean section (CS) rates were relatively stable over time and 34% overall. Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rates decreased from 15.2% in 2001 (95%CI 10.2–21.4) to 7.0% in 2006 (95%CI 2.6–14.6). In adjusted analysis, MTCT risk was reduced by 43% with elective CS versus vaginal delivery and by 75% with zidovudine versus no prophylaxis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There have been substantial improvements in use of PMTCT interventions in Ukraine, including earlier diagnosis of HIV-infected pregnant women and increasing coverage with antiretroviral prophylaxis and the initial MTCT rate has more than halved. Future research should focus on hard-to-reach populations such as IDU and on missed opportunities for further reducing the MTCT rate.</p