214 research outputs found

    Electron-phonon interaction in quantum-dot/quantum-well semiconductor heterostructures

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    Polar optical phonons are studied in the framework of the dielectric continuum approach for a prototypical quantum-dot/quantum-well (QD/QW) heterostructure, including the derivation of the electron-phonon interaction Hamiltonian and a discussion of the effects of this interaction on the electronic energy levels. The particular example of the CdS/HgS QD/QW is addressed and the system is modelled according to the spherical geometry, considering a core sphere of material "1" surrounded by a spherically concentric layer of material "2", while the whole structure is embedded in a host matrix assumed as an infinite dielectric medium. The strength of the electron-LO phonon coupling is discussed in details and the polaronic corrections to both ground state and excited state electron energy levels are calculated. Interesting results concerning the dependence of polaronic corrections with the QD/QW structure size are analyzed.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Aluminium metallisation for interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells

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    Back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells with an efficiency of 22 were manufactured, featuring a simple aluminium metallisation directly on the doped amorphous silicon films. Both the open circuit voltage and the fill factor heavily depend on the parameters of the annealing step after aluminium layer deposition. Using numerical device simulations and in accordance with the literature, we demonstrate that the changes in solar cell parameters with annealing can be explained by the formation of an aluminium silicide layer at temperatures as low as 150 C, improving the contact resistance and thus enhancing the fill factor. Further annealing at higher temperatures initialises the crystallisation of the amorphous silicon layers, yielding even lower contact resistances, but also introduces more defects, diminishing the open circuit voltag

    Multiband theory of quantum-dot quantum wells: Dark excitons, bright excitons, and charge separation in heteronanostructures

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    Electron, hole, and exciton states of multishell CdS/HgS/CdS quantum-dot quantum well nanocrystals are determined by use of a multiband theory that includes valence-band mixing, modeled with a 6-band Luttinger-Kohn Hamiltonian, and nonparabolicity of the conduction band. The multiband theory correctly describes the recently observed dark-exciton ground state and the lowest, optically active, bright-exciton states. Charge separation in pair states is identified. Previous single-band theories could not describe these states or account for charge separation.Comment: 10 pages of ReVTex, 6 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction solar cells Towards an industrially applicable structuring method

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    We report on the investigation and comparison of two different processing approaches for interdigitated back contacted silicon heterojunction solar cells our photolithography based reference procedure and our newly developed shadow mask process. To this end, we analyse fill factor losses in different stages of the fabrication process. We find that although comparably high minority carrier lifetimes of about 4 ms can be observed for both concepts, the shadow masked solar cells suffer yet from poorly passivated emitter regions and significantly higher series resistance. Approaches for addressing the observed issues are outlined and first solar cell results with efficiencies of about 17 and 23 for shadow masked and photolithographically structured solar cells, respectively, are presente

    A nonextensive approach to Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped interacting boson gas

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    In the Bose-Einstein condensation of interacting atoms or molecules such as 87Rb, 23Na and 7Li, the theoretical understanding of the transition temperature is not always obvious due to the interactions or zero point energy which cannot be exactly taken into account. The S-wave collision model fails sometimes to account for the condensation temperatures. In this work, we look at the problem within the nonextensive statistics which is considered as a possible theory describing interacting systems. The generalized energy Uq and the particle number Nq of boson gas are given in terms of the nonextensive parameter q. q>1 (q<1) implies repulsive (attractive) interaction with respect to the perfect gas. The generalized condensation temperature Tcq is derived versus Tc given by the perfect gas theory. Thanks to the observed condensation temperatures, we find q ~ 0.1 for 87Rb atomic gas, q ~ 0.95 for 7Li and q ~ 0.62 for 23Na. It is concluded that the effective interactions are essentially attractive for the three considered atoms, which is consistent with the observed temperatures higher than those predicted by the conventional theory

    Toward Annealing Stable Molybdenum Oxide Based Hole Selective Contacts For Silicon Photovoltaics

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    Molybdenum oxide MoOX combines a high work function with broadband optical transparency. Sandwiched between a hydrogenated intrinsic amorphous silicon passivation layer and a transparent conductive oxide, this material allows a highly efficient hole selective front contact stack for crystalline silicon solar cells. However, hole extraction from the Si wafer and transport through this stack degrades upon annealing at 190 C, which is needed to cure the screen printed Ag metallization applied to typical Si solar cells. Here, we show that effusion of hydrogen from the adjacent layers is a likely cause for this degradation, highlighting the need for hydrogen lean passivation layers when using such metal oxide based carrier selective contacts. Pre MoOX deposition annealing of the passivating a Si H layer is shown to be a straightforward approach to manufacturing MoOX based devices with high fill factors using screen printed metallization cured at 190

    Three Terminal Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Top and Interdigitated Rear Contacts

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    We present a three terminal 3T tandem approachfor the interconnection of a perovskite top cell with aninterdigitated back contact IBC silicon heterojunction SHJ bottom cell. The general viability of our cell design is verified withdrift diffusion simulations indicating efficient charge carriertransport throughout the whole device and an efficiency potentialof amp; 8776;27 by using readily available absorber and contact materials.Our experimental proof of concept device reaches a combinedPCE of 17.1 when both subcells are operating at their individualmaximum power point. To emulate different operation conditions,the current amp; 8722;voltage characteristics of both cells were obtained bymeasuring one subcell while the other cell was set to afixed biasvoltage. Only a slight mutual dependence of both subcells wasfound. As determined by electrical simulations, this dependence likely stems from the resistance of the electron contact on the cell srear side, which is shared by both subcells. The optimization of this contact turns out to be a major design criterion for IBC 3Ttandems. We demonstrate that our current proof of concept cells are limited by this series resistance as well as by optical losses, andwe discuss pathways to approach the simulated efficiency potential by an optimized device desig

    Synthesis of CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites using a novel single-molecule precursors approach

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    The synthesis of CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites using the thermolysis of several dithioor diselenocarbamato complexes of cadmium in trioctylphosphine oxide (TOPO) is reported. The nanodispersed materials obtained show quantum size effects in their optical spectra and exhibit near band-edge luminescence. The influence of experimental parameters on the properties of the nanocrystallites is discussed. HRTEM images of these materials show well-defined, crystalline nanosized particles. Standard size fractionation procedures can be performed in order to narrow the size dispersion of the samples. The TOPO-capped CdS and CdSe nanocrystallites and simple organic bridging ligands, such as 2,2¢-bipyrimidine, are used as the starting materials for the preparation of novel nanocomposites. The optical properties shown by these new nanocomposites are compared with those of the starting nanodispersed materials

    Electronic structure and optical properties of ZnS/CdS nanoheterostructures

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    The electronic and optical properties of spherical nanoheterostructures are studied within the semi-empirical sp3ssp^{3}s^{*} tight-binding model including the spin-orbit interaction. We use a symmetry-based approach previously applied to CdSe and CdTe quantum dots. The complete one-particle spectrum is obtained by using group-theoretical methods. The excitonic eigenstates are then deduced in the configuration-interaction approach by fully taking into account the Coulomb direct and exchange interactions. Here we focus on ZnS/CdS, ZnS/CdS/ZnS and CdS/ZnS nanocrystals with particular emphasis on recently reported experimental data. The degree of carrier localization in the CdS well layer is analyzed as a function of its thickness. We compute the excitonic fine structure, i.e., the relative intensities of low-energy optical transitions. The calculated values of the absorption gap show a good agreement with the experimental ones. Enhanced resonant photoluminescence Stokes shifts are predicted.Comment: 6 pages, 4 Figures, revtex