283 research outputs found

    Probing quantum nanostructures with near-field optical microscopy and (vice versa)

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    A theory is presented to show how near-field optical microscopy can be used to probe quantum nanostructures. Calculations are done for a quantum dot. Results for different tip/dot configurations and sizes show that near-field excitation can enhance light-hole transitions, excite selection-rule breaking transitions with rates comparable to allowed transitions, and map electron-hole pair wave functions. Conversely, dot response can be used to characterize tip near-fields.Comment: 8 pages of ReVTex, 5 ps figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Diacritical study of light, electrons, and sound scattering by particles and holes

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    We discuss the differences and similarities in the interaction of scalar and vector wave-fields with particles and holes. Analytical results are provided for the transmission of isolated and arrayed small holes as well as surface modes in hole arrays for light, electrons, and sound. In contrast to the optical case, small-hole arrays in perforated perfect screens cannot produce acoustic or electronic surface-bound states. However, unlike electrons and light, sound is transmitted through individual holes approximately in proportion to their area, regardless their size. We discuss these issues with a systematic analysis that allows exploring both common properties and unique behavior in wave phenomena for different material realizations.Comment: 3 figure

    Extension of Bethe's diffraction model to conical Geometry: application to near field optics

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    The generality of the Bethe's two dipole model for light diffraction through a subwavelength aperture in a conducting plane is studied in the radiation zone for coated conical fiber tips as those used in near field scanning optical microscopy. In order to describe the angular radiated power of the tip theoretically, we present a simple, analytical model for small apertures (radius < 40 nm) based on a multipole expansion. Our model is able to reproduce the available experimental results. It proves relatively insensitive to cone angle and aperture radius and contains, as a first approximation, the empirical two-dipole model proposed earlier

    Diffraction of light by a planar aperture in a metallic screen

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    We present a complete derivation of the formula of Smythe [Phys.Rev.72, 1066 (1947)] giving the electromagnetic field diffracted by an aperture created in a perfectly conducting plane surface. The reasoning, valid for any excitating field and any hole shape, makes use only of the free scalar Green function for the Helmoltz equation without any reference to a Green dyadic formalism. We compare our proof with the one previously given by Jackson and connect our reasoning to the general Huygens Fresnel theorem.Comment: J. Math. Phys. 47, 072901 (2006

    Evaluation of thermal evaporation conditions used in coating aluminum on near-field fiber-optic probes

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1148836.The effects that the thermal evaporation conditions have on the roughness of aluminum-coated near-field fiber-optic probes were investigated using the high-resolution capabilities of atomic force microscopy. The coating conditions studied include the effects of background gas composition, base vacuum pressure, and aluminum evaporation rate. The effects of aging on the aluminum-coated tips were also evaluated. The results from topography measurements of the resulting aluminumfilm indicated that the most dramatic improvements in the tip coatings can be achieved using high aluminum evaporation rates at base vacuum pressures below 10−5 Torr. These results agree with other studies on thin aluminumfilms and reflect a decrease in oxide formation. For demanding applications of near-field microscopy requiring maximal resolution, the results presented here indicate that it may also be necessary to reduce oxygen and/or water from the vacuum chamber prior to coating

    Multipole Expansion of Bremsstrahlung in Intermediate Energy Heavy Ion Collisions

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    Using a multipole expansion of the radiated field generated by a classical electric current, we present a way to interprete the bremsstrahlung spectra of low energy heavy ion collisions. We perform the calculation explicitely for the system ^{12}C+ ^{12}C at 84AMeV and compare the result with the experimental data of E. Grosse et al. Using simple model assumptions for the electromagnetic source current we are able to describe the measured data in terms of coherent photon emission. In this context, the information contained in the measured data is discussed.Comment: LaTex, 4 Figure

    Remote optical addressing of single nano-objects

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    We present a scheme for remotely addressing single nano-objects by means of near-field optical microscopy that makes only use of one of the most fundamental properties of electromagnetic radiation: its polarization. A medium containing optically active nano-objects is covered with a thin metallic film presenting sub-wavelength holes. When the optical tip is positioned some distance away from a hole, surface plasmons in the metal coating are generated which, by turning the polarization plane of the excitation light, transfer the excitation towards a chosen hole and induce emission from the underlying nano-objects. The method, easily applicable to other systems, is demonstrated for single quantum dots (QDs) at low temperature. It may become a valuable tool for future optical applications in the nanoworld

    Theory of imaging a photonic crystal with transmission near-field optical microscopy

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    While near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) can provide optical images with resolution much better than the diffraction limit, analysis and interpretation of these images is often difficult. We present a theory of imaging with transmission NSOM that includes the effects of tip field, tip/sample coupling, light propagation through the sample and light collection. We apply this theory to analyze experimental NSOM images of a nanochannel glass (NCG) array obtained in transmission mode. The NCG is a triangular array of dielectric rods in a dielectric glass matrix with a two-dimensional photonic band structure. We determine the modes for the NCG photonic crystal and simulate the observed data. The calculations show large contrast at low numerical aperture (NA) of the collection optics and detailed structure at high NA consistent with the observed images. We present calculations as a function of NA to identify how the NCG photonic modes contribute to and determine the spatial structure in these images. Calculations are presented as a function of tip/sample position, sample index contrast and geometry, and aperture size to identify the factors that determine image formation with transmission NSOM in this experiment.Comment: 28 pages of ReVTex, 14 ps figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Diffraction by a small aperture in conical geometry: Application to metal coated tips used in near-field scanning optical microscopy

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    Light diffraction through a subwavelength aperture located at the apex of a metallic screen with conical geometry is investigated theoretically. A method based on a multipole field expansion is developed to solve Maxwell's equations analytically using boundary conditions adapted both for the conical geometry and for the finite conductivity of a real metal. The topological properties of the diffracted field are discussed in detail and compared to those of the field diffracted through a small aperture in a flat screen, i. e. the Bethe problem. The model is applied to coated, conically tapered optical fiber tips that are used in Near-Field Scanning Optical Microscopy. It is demonstrated that such tips behave over a large portion of space like a simple combination of two effective dipoles located in the apex plane (an electric dipole and a magnetic dipole parallel to the incident fields at the apex) whose exact expressions are determined. However, the large "backward" emission in the P plane - a salient experimental fact that remained unexplained so far - is recovered in our analysis which goes beyond the two-dipole approximation.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, published in PRE in 200

    Probing single molecule orientations in model lipid membranes with near-field scanning optical microscopy

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.481367.Single molecule near-field fluorescence measurements are utilized to characterize the molecular level structure in Langmuir–Blodgett monolayers of L-α-dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC).Monolayers incorporating 3×10−4 mol % of the fluorescent lipid analog N-(6-tetramethylrhodaminethiocarbamoyl)-1,2-dihexadecanoyl-sn- glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, triethylammonium salt (TRITC–DHPE) are transferred onto a freshly cleaved mica surface at low (π=8 mN/m) and high (π=30 mN/m)surfacepressures. The near-field fluorescence images exhibit shapes in the single molecule images that are indicative of the lipid analog probe orientation within the films. Modeling the fluorescence patterns yields the single molecule tilt angle distribution in the monolayers which indicates that the majority of the molecules are aligned with their absorption dipole moment pointed approximately normal to the membrane plane. Histograms of the data indicate that the average orientation of the absorption dipole moment is 2.2° (σ=4.8°) in monolayers transferred at π=8 mN/m and 2.4° (σ=5.0°) for monolayers transferred at π=30 mN/m. There is no statistical difference in the mean tilt angle or distribution for the two monolayer conditions studied. The insensitivity of tilt angle to filmsurfacepressure may arise from small chromophore doped domains of trapped liquid-expanded lipid phase remaining at high surfacepressure. There is no evidence in the near-field fluorescence images for probe molecules oriented with their dipole moment aligned parallel with the membrane plane. We do, however, find a small but significant population of probe molecules (∼13%) with tilt angles greater than 16°. Comparison of the simultaneously collected near-field fluorescence and force images suggests that these large angle orientations are not the result of significant defects in the films. Instead, this small population may represent a secondary insertion geometry for the probe molecule into the lipidmonolayer
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