875 research outputs found

    A Particle Image Velocimetry study of dual-rotor counter-rotating wind turbine near wake

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    This experimental work studied the flow characteristics in the near wake region behind dual-rotor wind turbines using two-dimensional particle image velocimetry. Two auxiliary rotors of 50% and 80% scale of the main rotor were installed upwind and operated in counter-rotating condition, which are compared to the conventional single rotor turbine. In all the three configurations, a constant Reynolds number 9.5×104 was applied and all the rotors operated at a fixed tip speed ratio of 3.46. The mean and phase averaged velocity fields were investigated together with the turbulence kinetic energy. It was found that the two auxiliary rotors do not result in a significantly different wake flow property. The configuration implementing the 50% auxiliary rotor sees a slightly better wake characteristics, in terms of weaker main rotor tip vortices and a counter-rotating swirling shear region at the mid-span behind the main rotor. The decay rates of the peak vorticity of the main rotor tip vortices and their circulation are found to follow an exponential manner

    Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory

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    On the basis of a thorough discussion of the Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism for classical field theory presented in our previous publication, we construct in this paper the Batalin-Vilkovisky complex in perturbatively renormalized quantum field theory. The crucial technical ingredient is a proof that the renormalized time-ordered product is equivalent to the pointwise product of classical field theory. The renormalized Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra is then the classical algebra but written in terms of the time-ordered product, together with an operator which replaces the ill defined graded Laplacian of the unrenormalized theory. We identify it with the anomaly term of the anomalous Master Ward Identity of Brennecke and D\"utsch. Contrary to other approaches we do not refer to the path integral formalism and do not need to use regularizations in intermediate steps.Comment: 34 page

    Topological features of massive bosons on two dimensional Einstein space-time

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    In this paper we tackle the problem of constructing explicit examples of topological cocycles of Roberts' net cohomology, as defined abstractly by Brunetti and Ruzzi. We consider the simple case of massive bosonic quantum field theory on the two dimensional Einstein cylinder. After deriving some crucial results of the algebraic framework of quantization, we address the problem of the construction of the topological cocycles. All constructed cocycles lead to unitarily equivalent representations of the fundamental group of the circle (seen as a diffeomorphic image of all possible Cauchy surfaces). The construction is carried out using only Cauchy data and related net of local algebras on the circle.Comment: 41 pages, title changed, minor changes, typos corrected, references added. Accepted for publication in Ann. Henri Poincare

    On the regularization ambiguities in loop quantum gravity

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    One of the main achievements of LQG is the consistent quantization of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation which is free of UV problems. However, ambiguities associated to the intermediate regularization procedure lead to an apparently infinite set of possible theories. The absence of an UV problem is intimately linked with the ambiguities arising in the quantum theory. Among these ambiguities there is the one associated to the SU(2) unitary rep. used in the diffeomorphism covariant pointsplitting regularization of nonlinear funct. of the connection. This ambiguity is labelled by a halfinteger m and, here, it is referred to as the m-ambiguity. The aim of this paper is to investigate the important implications of this ambiguity./ We first study 2+1 gravity quantized in canonical LQG. Only when the regularization of the quantum constraints is performed in terms of the fundamental rep. of the gauge group one obtains the usual TQFT. In all other cases unphysical local degrees of freedom arise at the level of the regulated theory that conspire against the existence of the continuum limit. This shows that there is a clear cut choice in the quantization of the constraints in 2+1 LQG./ We then analyze the effects of the ambiguity in 3+1 gravity exhibiting the existence of spurious solutions for higher unit. rep. quantizations of the Hamiltonian constraint. Although the analysis is not complete in D=3+1--due to the difficulties associated to the definition of the physical inner product--it provides evidence supporting the definitions quantum dynamics of loop quantum gravity in terms of the fundamental representation of the gauge group as the only consistent possibilities. If the gauge group is SO(3) we find physical solutions associated to spin-two local excitations.Comment: 21 page

    Effects of a physiotherapy and occupational therapy intervention on mobility and activity in care home residents: a cluster randomised controlled trial

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    Objective To compare the clinical effectiveness of a programme of physiotherapy and occupational therapy with standard care in care home residents who have mobility limitations and are dependent in performing activities of daily living

    Mass, Angular Momentum and Thermodynamics in Four-Dimensional Kerr-AdS Black Holes

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    In this paper, the connection between the Lorentz-covariant counterterms that regularize the four-dimensional AdS gravity action and topological invariants is explored. It is shown that demanding the spacetime to have a negative constant curvature in the asymptotic region permits the explicit construction of such series of boundary terms. The orthonormal frame is adapted to appropriately describe the boundary geometry and, as a result, the boundary term can be expressed as a functional of the boundary metric, extrinsic curvature and intrinsic curvature. This choice also allows to write down the background-independent Noether charges associated to asymptotic symmetries in standard tensorial formalism. The absence of the Gibbons-Hawking term is a consequence of an action principle based on a boundary condition different than Dirichlet on the metric. This argument makes plausible the idea of regarding this approach as an alternative regularization scheme for AdS gravity in all even dimensions, different than the standard counterterms prescription. As an illustration of the finiteness of the charges and the Euclidean action in this framework, the conserved quantities and black hole entropy for four-dimensional Kerr-AdS are computed.Comment: 15 pages,no figures,few references added,JHEP forma

    Local Thermal Equilibrium in Quantum Field Theory on Flat and Curved Spacetimes

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    The existence of local thermal equilibrium (LTE) states for quantum field theory in the sense of Buchholz, Ojima and Roos is discussed in a model-independent setting. It is shown that for spaces of finitely many independent thermal observables there always exist states which are in LTE in any compact region of Minkowski spacetime. Furthermore, LTE states in curved spacetime are discussed and it is observed that the original definition of LTE on curved backgrounds given by Buchholz and Schlemmer needs to be modified. Under an assumption related to certain unboundedness properties of the pointlike thermal observables, existence of states which are in LTE at a given point in curved spacetime is established. The assumption is discussed for the sets of thermal observables for the free scalar field considered by Schlemmer and Verch.Comment: 16 pages, some minor changes and clarifications; section 4 has been shortened as some unnecessary constructions have been remove

    Protecting the conformal symmetry via bulk renormalization on Anti deSitter space

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    The problem of perturbative breakdown of conformal symmetry can be avoided, if a conformally covariant quantum field phi on d-dimensional Minkowski spacetime is viewed as the boundary limit of a quantum field Phi on d+1-dimensional anti-deSitter spacetime (AdS). We study the boundary limit in renormalized perturbation theory with polynomial interactions in AdS, and point out the differences as compared to renormalization directly on the boundary. In particular, provided the limit exists, there is no conformal anomaly. We compute explicitly the "fish diagram" on AdS_4 by differential renormalization, and calculate the anomalous dimension of the composite boundary field phi^2 with bulk interaction Phi^4.Comment: 40 page

    Towards a 4d/2d correspondence for Sicilian quivers

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    We study the 4d/2d AGT correspondence between four-dimensional instanton counting and two-dimensional conformal blocks for generalized SU(2) quiver gauge theories coming from punctured Gaiotto curves of arbitrary genus. We propose a conformal block description that corresponds to the elementary SU(2) trifundamental half-hypermultiplet, and check it against Sp(1)-SO(4) instanton counting.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figure