43 research outputs found

    Identification of BC005512 as a DNA Damage Responsive Murine Endogenous Retrovirus of GLN Family Involved in Cell Growth Regulation

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    Genotoxicity assessment is of great significance in drug safety evaluation, and microarray is a useful tool widely used to identify genotoxic stress responsive genes. In the present work, by using oligonucleotide microarray in an in vivo model, we identified an unknown gene BC005512 (abbreviated as BC, official full name: cDNA sequence BC005512), whose expression in mouse liver was specifically induced by seven well-known genotoxins (GTXs), but not by non-genotoxins (NGTXs). Bioinformatics revealed that BC was a member of the GLN family of murine endogenous retrovirus (ERV). However, the relationship to genotoxicity and the cellular function of GLN are largely unknown. Using NIH/3T3 cells as an in vitro model system and quantitative real-time PCR, BC expression was specifically induced by another seven GTXs, covering diverse genotoxicity mechanisms. Additionally, dose-response and linear regression analysis showed that expression level of BC in NIH/3T3 cells strongly correlated with DNA damage, measured using the alkaline comet assay,. While in p53 deficient L5178Y cells, GTXs could not induce BC expression. Further functional studies using RNA interference revealed that down-regulation of BC expression induced G1/S phase arrest, inhibited cell proliferation and thus suppressed cell growth in NIH/3T3 cells. Together, our results provide the first evidence that BC005512, a member from GLN family of murine ERV, was responsive to DNA damage and involved in cell growth regulation. These findings could be of great value in genotoxicity predictions and contribute to a deeper understanding of GLN biological functions

    Transglutaminase 6: a protein associated with central nervous system development and motor function.

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    Transglutaminases (TG) form a family of enzymes that catalyse various post-translational modifications of glutamine residues in proteins and peptides including intra- and intermolecular isopeptide bond formation, esterification and deamidation. We have characterized a novel member of the mammalian TG family, TG6, which is expressed in a human carcinoma cell line with neuronal characteristics and in mouse brain. Besides full-length protein, alternative splicing results in a short variant lacking the second β-barrel domain in man and a variant with truncated β-sandwich domain in mouse. Biochemical data show that TG6 is allosterically regulated by Ca(2+) and guanine nucleotides. Molecular modelling indicates that TG6 could have Ca(2+) and GDP-binding sites related to those of TG3 and TG2, respectively. Localization of mRNA and protein in the mouse identified abundant expression of TG6 in the central nervous system. Analysis of its temporal and spatial pattern of induction in mouse development indicates an association with neurogenesis. Neuronal expression of TG6 was confirmed by double-labelling of mouse forebrain cells with cell type-specific markers. Induction of differentiation in mouse Neuro 2a cells with NGF or dibutyryl cAMP is associated with an upregulation of TG6 expression. Familial ataxia has recently been linked to mutations in the TGM6 gene. Autoantibodies to TG6 were identified in immune-mediated ataxia in patients with gluten sensitivity. These findings suggest a critical role for TG6 in cortical and cerebellar neurons

    Cell Type-Specific Expression and Promoter Activity of Human Endogenous Retroviral Long Terminal Repeats.

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    Evolution over millions of years has adapted several thousand copies of retrovirus-like elements and over 10 times as many solitary long terminal repeats (LTRs) to their present location in the human genome. Transcription of these human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) has been detected in various cells and tissues, and in some cases their transcriptional control elements have been recruited by cellular genes. We used a retroviral pol-specific expression array to obtain a HERV transcription profile in a variety of human cells such as epidermal keratinocytes, liver cells, kidney cells, pancreatic cells, lymphocytes, and lung fibroblasts. This rapid screening test revealed a distinct HERV pol-expression pattern in each cell type tested so far. About 40 different U3/R regulatory sequences from the HERV-H and HERV-W families were then amplified from actively transcribed 3'HERV LTRs of various cell lines and tissues. Their promoter activities were compared with LTR sequences of other known HERV families in 12 human cell lines using a transient luciferase reporter system. Expression of the isolated HERV LTRs varied significantly in these cell lines, in some cases showing strict cell type specificity. These results suggest that endogenous retroviral LTRs may be a valuable source of transcriptional regulatory elements for the construction of targeted retroviral expression vectors

    Expression of human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) encoded pathogenic genes in kaposi's sarcoma ( KS) primary lesions.

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    Transcription of six different HHV-8 specific mRNAs was examined in early- and late-stage KS primary lesions. Expression of the latency-associated T0.7 mRNA and of VP23 mRNA which is a specific marker of lytic/productive infection suggested that HHV-8 is secondarily recruited into the KS lesions by productively infected monocytes, macrophages. From these cells HHV-8 is transmitted to the KS spindle cells, which are latently infected. v-BCL-2, v-MCP-1 and v-IL-6 were not expressed in latently infected KS spindle cells, therefore the impact of these factors in KS pathogenesis appears to be low. By contrast, v-Cyclin D was highly expressed in almost all latently infected spindle cells and may therefore be an important factor triggering progression of late-stage KS lesions

    High-dose immunoglobulin pulse therapy and risk of Covid19 infection

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