9,819 research outputs found

    Chicanx histories of the present: a praxis against gang injunctions in Orange County, California, 2008–2016

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    Chicanxs Unidxs de Orange County (CU) is a community organisation in Southern California. Founded in 2006, CU is small, multigenerational and multi-ethnic. Its organising has focused predominantly on building community power by focusing on local politics, abusive policing and the gentrification of Chicanx neighbourhoods. This article presents an evidence-based narrative of several CU campaigns (primarily between 2008 and 2016). CU’s tactical aggressiveness and strategic pragmatism forced significant changes to ‘civil gang injunctions’ in California. For decades, California law enforcement has used such injunctions to suppress a generation of young people of colour as ‘gang members’. Minors and adults have been prohibited indefinitely from engaging in otherwise legal activities without due process. CU’s emphasis on the longevity of institutionalised and societal racism, rooted in the colonial conquest, resembles arguments associated with critical race theory (CRT) – though CU was not inspired by CRT. CU’s praxis resembles practices of critical pedagogy – though it was not directly modelled on it either. Rather, we argue that CU’s praxis is embedded in the members’ lived experience and study of the local history of racism, community and social movements. All five of this article’s authors were members of CU and were involved in the organising described in this article. The authors wrote this at the request of the CU membership, and it has been discussed and revised by the full membership

    The neglect of herself in the process of Infatuation–Love

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    La presente investigación, de corte cualitativo, tiene como objetivo describir la forma como se vive el proceso de Enamoramiento-Amor en una población de mujeres universitarias del Estado de México. Se desarrolló en dos momentos, primero mediante la técnica de Redes Semánticas se indagó sobre lo que conciben como amor, enamoramiento y manifestaciones de éstos. A partir de estos resultados, se eligió a las informantes clave; a quienes en un segundo momento se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada, que profundiza en los conocimientos, comportamiento y el tipo de emociones que se viven en el proceso de Enamoramiento-Amor. Los hallazgos muestran que las mujeres universitarias en el proceso de Enamoramiento parten de la idealización del otro, no perciben sus defectos o bien se toleran; el comportamiento que se asume se encuentra ligado al deber ser del amor, donde todo es justificado y perdonado en nombre de este sentimiento. En la etapa de amor, se presentan conductas de protección y cuidado hacia el otro, dejando en último las propias necesidades. Las informantes señalan que en el amor se generan sentimientos ambivalentes de extrema felicidad y sufrimiento al tener que tolerar violencia física y psicológica por parte de la pareja, esto coincide con la concepción de Fromm acerca del amor como fundamental en el ser humano, donde se debe aprender y ejercitar poniendo en juego toda la personalidad, implica asumir una actitud positiva, una orientación de carácter, un acto de voluntad y compromiso hacía el otro; aunque en este caso no sea recíproco

    Radiochemical Separation and Measurement by Mass Spectrometry with Magnetic Sector with Inductively Coupled Plasma source (ICP-SFMS) of Plutonium Isotopes in Soil Samples

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    The aim of this work is twofold: to optimize the radiochemical separation of Plutonium (Pu) from soil samples, and to measure the Pu concentration. Soil samples were prepared using acid digestion assisted by microwaves; then, Pu purification was carried out with Pu AG1X8 resin. Pu isotopes were measured using Mass Spectrometry with Magnetic Sector with Inductively Coupled Plasma source (ICP-SFMS). In order to reduce the interference due to the presence of 238UH+ in the samples a desolvation system (Apex) was used. The limit of detection (LOD) of Pu was determined. The efficiency of Pu recovery from soil samples varies from 70 to 93%

    Anomalous Hall conductivity control in Mn3_3NiN antiperovskite by epitaxial strain along the kagome plane

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    Antiferromagnetic manganese-based nitride antiperovskites, such as Mn3_3NiN, hold a triangular frustrated magnetic ordering over their kagome lattice formed by the Mn atoms along the (111)-plane. As such, frustration imposes a non-trivial interplay between the symmetric and asymmetric magnetic interactions, which can only reach equilibrium in a noncollinear magnetic configuration. Consequently, the associated electronic interactions and their possible tuning by external constraints, such as applied epitaxial strain, play a crucial role in defining the microscopic and macroscopic properties of such topological condensed matter systems. Thus, in the present work, we explored and explained the effect of the epitaxial strain imposed within the (111)-plane, in which the magnetic and crystallographic symmetry operations are kept fixed, and only the magnitude of the ionic and electronic interactions are tuned. We found a linear shifting in the energy of the band structure and a linear increase/decrease of the available states near the Fermi level with the applied strain. Concretely, the compression strain reduces the Mn-Mn distances in the (111) kagome plane but linearly increases the separation between the stacked kagome lattices and the available states near the Fermi level. Despite the linear controlling of the available states across the Fermi energy, the anomalous Hall conductivity shows a non-linear behavior where the σ111\sigma_{111} conductivity nearly vanishes for tensile strain. On the other hand, σ111\sigma_{111} fetches a maximum increase of 26\% about the unstrained structure for a compression value close to −-1.5\%.This behavior found an explanation in the non-divergent Berry curvature within the kagome plane, which is increased for constraining but significantly reduced for expansion strain values..

    Usability and Psychosocial Impact of Decision Support to Increase Sexual Health Education in American Indian and Alaska Native Communities

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    Despite sexual and reproductive health disparities, few evidence-based sexual health education programs exist for American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) youth, with even fewer tools available to assist AI/AN communities in adopting, implementing, and maintaining such programs. iCHAMPSS (Choosing And Maintaining effective Programs for Sex education in Schools) is a theory- and web-based decision-support-system designed to address dissemination barriers and increase the reach and fidelity of evidence-based programs (EBPs), specifically sexual health education programs. To investigate the potential of iCHAMPSS in AI/AN communities, we pilot-tested iCHAMPSS with adult stakeholders (N = 36) from agencies across the country that serve AI/AN communities. Stakeholders were recruited to review selected iCHAMPSS tools over two weeks in spring 2016. Pre- and post-surveys were administered to assess usability constructs, short-term psychosocial outcomes, and perceived feasibility. Data were analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics. iCHAMPSS was perceived as acceptable, easy to use, credible, appealing, more helpful than current resources, and impactful of EBP adoption, implementation, and maintenance. Conversely, using iCHAMPSS significantly increased participants’ perceived barriers to adopting an EBP (p = 0.01). Overall, AI/AN stakeholders responded positively to iCHAMPSS, indicating the potential for adaptation to support the dissemination and implementation of evidence-based sexual health education in AI/AN communities

    Phytotoxic and dissuasive activity of Chihuahua desert plants

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    With the purpose of finding plant compounds with the potential use as herbicides and insecticides, a research was realized with the objective of evaluate the phytotoxic and dissuasive activity of four Chihuahua desert plants. The phytotoxic activity evaluation was tested on Lactuca sativa and Lolium perenne, while the dissuasive activity was realized on three species of phytophagous insects: Myzus persicae, Rhopalosiphum padi and Spodoptera littoralis. Raw extracts were used, the solvents hexane, methanol and ethanol of different plants’ organs (root, steam, leaf and flower) of four species: Fouquieria splendens (ocotillo), Larrea tridentate (governor), Astragalus mollissimus (wild grass) and Pachycereus pecten-aboriginum (echo), by the establishment of in vitro bioassays at a concentration of 10 mg/ml extract/solvent. In the toxicity bioassay, the percentage of germination, root and leaf length were measured. The results showed that the leaf extract of L. tridentata had phytotoxic activity for L. sativa, while for L. perenne the phytotoxicity was observed within the ocotillo, governor and echo extracts. In the dissuasive bioassay, each treatment had 20 repetitions with 10 adult insects per repetition. The methanolic extracts of F. splendens leaf and root, ethanolic extract of A. mollisimus sheet and the ethanolic extract of P. pecten-aboriginum stems showed moderate dissuasive response of feeding against M. persicae, presenting a settlement inhibition index of 53.53, 54.35, 60.00 and 48.84% respectively. Nevertheless, the results indicated that none of the 10 extracts tested on S. littoralis showed significant dissuasive properties for this Lepidoptera, while for R. padi all the tested extracts presented dissuasive properties. The treatments of the four vegetable species evaluated showed defensive or dissuasive properties of moderate to strong feeding against the insects M. persicae and R. padi, presenting interesting potential for being used as insecticides, while the tested extracts that presented phytotoxicity for both lettuce and ryegrass present possibilities for the realization of herbicides
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