522 research outputs found

    Neuroticism, Marital Violence, and the Moderating Role of Stress and Behavioral Skills

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    Do high levels of neuroticism predict intimate partner violence (IPV)? Although neuroticism may predispose partners to increased risks of IPV perpetration, the extent to which it predicts such perpetration is likely to depend on the broader context of the relationship. Consistent with this prediction, the current longitudinal study of 169 community couples revealed that the effects of neuroticism on IPV perpetration over the first four years of marriage were moderated by observations of problem-solving behavior and objective ratings of chronic stress. Specifically, although husbands and wives who scored higher on a measure of neuroticism at the outset of marriage engaged in more IPV throughout the marriage on average, those who possessed more effective problem-solving skills or experienced lower levels of stress were significantly less like to engage in IPV. Results highlight the importance of considering the broader relationship context when examining predictors of specific interpersonal processes

    Partial Homology Relations - Satisfiability in terms of Di-Cographs

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    Directed cographs (di-cographs) play a crucial role in the reconstruction of evolutionary histories of genes based on homology relations which are binary relations between genes. A variety of methods based on pairwise sequence comparisons can be used to infer such homology relations (e.g.\ orthology, paralogy, xenology). They are \emph{satisfiable} if the relations can be explained by an event-labeled gene tree, i.e., they can simultaneously co-exist in an evolutionary history of the underlying genes. Every gene tree is equivalently interpreted as a so-called cotree that entirely encodes the structure of a di-cograph. Thus, satisfiable homology relations must necessarily form a di-cograph. The inferred homology relations might not cover each pair of genes and thus, provide only partial knowledge on the full set of homology relations. Moreover, for particular pairs of genes, it might be known with a high degree of certainty that they are not orthologs (resp.\ paralogs, xenologs) which yields forbidden pairs of genes. Motivated by this observation, we characterize (partial) satisfiable homology relations with or without forbidden gene pairs, provide a quadratic-time algorithm for their recognition and for the computation of a cotree that explains the given relations

    Implicit Memory in Music and Language

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    Research on music and language in recent decades has focused on their overlapping neurophysiological, perceptual, and cognitive underpinnings, ranging from the mechanism for encoding basic auditory cues to the mechanism for detecting violations in phrase structure. These overlaps have most often been identified in musicians with musical knowledge that was acquired explicitly, through formal training. In this paper, we review independent bodies of work in music and language that suggest an important role for implicitly acquired knowledge, implicit memory, and their associated neural structures in the acquisition of linguistic or musical grammar. These findings motivate potential new work that examines music and language comparatively in the context of the implicit memory system

    Music synchronizes brainwaves across listeners with strong effects of repetition, familiarity and training

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    Music tends to be highly repetitive, both in terms of musical structure and in terms of listening behavior, yet little is known about how engagement changes with repeated exposure. Here we postulate that engagement with music affects the inter-subject correlation of brain responses during listening. We predict that repeated exposure to music will affect engagement and thus inter-subject correlation. Across repeated exposures to instrumental music, inter-subject correlation decreased for music written in a familiar style. Participants with formal musical training showed more inter-subject correlation, and sustained it across exposures to music in an unfamiliar style. this distinguishes music from other domains, where repetition has consistently been shown to decrease inter-subject correlation. Overall, the study suggests that listener engagement tends to decrease across repeated exposures of familiar music, but that unfamiliar musical styles can sustain an audience’s interest, in particular in individuals with some musical training. Future work needs to validate the link proposed here between music engagement and inter-subject correlation of brain responses during listening

    Elevated levels of IL-6 and CRP predict the need for mechanical ventilation in COVID-19

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    Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can manifest as a viral-induced hyperinflammation with multiorgan involvement. Such patients often experience rapid deterioration and need for mechanical ventilation. Currently, no prospectively validated biomarker of impending respiratory failure is available.Objective: We aimed to identify and prospectively validate biomarkers that allow the identification of patients in need of impending mechanical ventilation.Methods: Patients with COVID-19 who were hospitalized from February 29 to April 9, 2020, were analyzed for baseline clinical and laboratory findings at admission and during the disease. Data from 89 evaluable patients were available for the purpose of analysis comprising an initial evaluation cohort (n = 40) followed by a temporally separated validation cohort (n = 49).Results: We identified markers of inflammation, lactate dehydrogenase, and creatinine as the variables most predictive of respiratory failure in the evaluation cohort. Maximal IL-6 level before intubation showed the strongest association with the need for mechanical ventilation, followed by maximal CRP level. The respective AUC values for IL-6 and CRP levels in the evaluation cohort were 0.97 and 0.86, and they were similar in the validation cohort (0.90 and 0.83, respectively). The calculated optimal cutoff values during the course of disease from the evaluation cohort (IL-6 level > 80 pg/mL and CRP level > 97 mg/L) both correctly classified 80% of patients in the validation cohort regarding their risk of respiratory failure.Conclusion: The maximal level of IL-6, followed by CRP level, was highly predictive of the need for mechanical ventilation. This suggests the possibility of using IL-6 or CRP level to guide escalation of treatment in patients with COVID-19-related hyperinflammatory syndrome

    Three-way symbolic tree-maps and ultrametrics

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    Three-way dissimilarities are a generalization of (two-way) dissimilarities which can be used to indicate the lack of homogeneity or resemblance between any three objects. Such maps have applications in cluster analysis and have been used in areas such as psychology and phylogenetics, where three-way data tables can arise. Special examples of such dissimilarities are three-way tree-metrics and ultrametrics, which arise from leaf-labelled trees with edges labelled by positive real numbers. Here we consider three-way maps which arise from leaf-labelled trees where instead the interior vertices are labelled by an arbitrary set of values. For unrooted trees, we call such maps three-way symbolic tree-maps; for rooted trees, we call them three-way symbolic ultrametrics since they can be considered as a generalization of the (two-way) symbolic ultrametrics of Bocker and Dress. We show that, as with two- and three-way tree-metrics and ultrametrics, three-way symbolic tree-maps and ultrametrics can be characterized via certain k-point conditions. In the unrooted case, our characterization is mathematically equivalent to one presented by Gurvich for a certain class of edge-labelled hypergraphs. We also show that it can be decided whether or not an arbitrary three-way symbolic map is a tree-map or a symbolic ultrametric using a triplet-based approach that relies on the so-called BUILD algorithm for deciding when a set of 3-leaved trees or triplets can be displayed by a single tree. We envisage that our results will be useful in developing new approaches and algorithms for understanding 3-way data, especially within the area of phylogenetics

    Quantum Interference: From Kaons to Neutrinos (with Quantum Beats in between)

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    Using the vehicle of resolving an apparent paradox, a discussion of quantum interference is presented. The understanding of a number of different physical phenomena can be unified, in this context. These range from the neutral kaon system to massive neutrinos, not to mention quantum beats, Rydberg wave packets, and neutron gravity.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure

    A Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser

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    This paper reports a "delayed choice quantum eraser" experiment proposed by Scully and Dr\"{u}hl in 1982. The experimental results demonstrated the possibility of simultaneously observing both particle-like and wave-like behavior of a quantum via quantum entanglement. The which-path or both-path information of a quantum can be erased or marked by its entangled twin even after the registration of the quantum.Comment: twocolumn, 4pages, submitted to PR

    Beyond representing orthology relations by trees

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    Reconstructing the evolutionary past of a family of genes is an important aspect of many genomic studies. To help with this, simple relations on a set of sequences called orthology relations may be employed. In addition to being interesting from a practical point of view they are also attractive from a theoretical perspective in that e.\,g.\,a characterization is known for when such a relation is representable by a certain type of phylogenetic tree. For an orthology relation inferred from real biological data it is however generally too much to hope for that it satisfies that characterization. Rather than trying to correct the data in some way or another which has its own drawbacks, as an alternative, we propose to represent an orthology relation δ\delta in terms of a structure more general than a phylogenetic tree called a phylogenetic network. To compute such a network in the form of a level-1 representation for δ\delta, we formalize an orthology relation in terms of the novel concept of a symbolic 3- dissimilarity which is motivated by the biological concept of a ``cluster of orthologous groups'', or COG for short. For such maps which assign symbols rather that real values to elements, we introduce the novel {\sc Network-Popping} algorithm which has several attractive properties. In addition, we characterize an orthology relation δ\delta on some set XX that has a level-1 representation in terms of eight natural properties for δ\delta as well as in terms of level-1 representations of orthology relations on certain subsets of XX