30 research outputs found

    Computerized Acceptance of Its Employees in Pt.marga Graha Using Database III

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    Usage of computers as aids in recruitment of employees in this new Penta GrahaPT.Marga at an early stage or a trial, for it still felt the need for improvements to theresults obtained more perfect, but at least this program can assist in collecting anddisplaying re- existing data and computer information, so that at a time of need can befound quickly.The use of computerized recruitment is very practical and easy to use because the liveview and choose menus that are already available on the program and the commandhas been using the Indonesian language that is understandable

    Design Interface Between Security System Sensor Infra Red Room with Pc-based

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    At this writing discusses the interface design of safety systems use a room with a PC- based infrared sensors. The design of this interface is made in order to read data from outside the computer and translates the data, so data were initially still shaped analog data with a logic high (1) and low (0). The sensors used to detect the state of the room, if there is an entrance to the room. Such circumstances it is done continuously with rocks control program that monitors and instantly displays the state of the motor drive if you get the data from the sensors. With this design, is expected to facilitate or as a means of support to enhance system security. Use of this design was made in order to detect the condition in some rooms as well as making it easier for the security unit to anticipate and take priority

    Research Article Biosorption of Heavy Metal Cu 2+ and Cr 2+ in Textile Wastewater by Using Immobilized Algae

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    Abstract: The objective of this research was to utilize microalgae Chlorella sp. and Spirulina sp., as biosorption agents for heavy metals removal available in textile waste water. The biosorption of Cu and Cr ions from textile waste water solutions by immobilized algae (Spirulina and Chlorella) were tested under laboratory conditions as a function of waste concentration (15-50% dilution) and ratio of bead and waste water (1:1-1:3). Experimental results showed that the Langmuir adsorption models were suitable for describing the short-term biosorption of by all algal species. The best ratio of bead: wastewater (v/v) for removal heavy metal in textile wastewater was 1:3. The maximum Cu removed from the waste was 89% while Cr was removed with 90% by using Chlorella sp. The algae Spirulina showed a higher removal capacity of 90%. The maximum absorption capacity of Cu was achieved at 16.2 and 13.6 mg/g by using Spirulina and Chlorella, respectively, while the maximum sorption capacity for Cr was achieved at 1.95 and 1.45 mg/g for algae Spirulina and Chlorella, respectively

    Parameter Kga- Enhancement Factor Dalam Sistem Absorbs CO2 Dengan Larutan NaOH

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    Absorbsi merupakan proses perpindahan massa untuk memisahkan suatu gas dari  campurannya dengan cairan penyerap NaOH, MEA atau K2CO3. Pada penelitian ini, campuran gas yang mengandung CO2 dikontakkan dengan larutan NaOH sebagai penyerap dalam suatu kolom unggun tetap. Penelitian ini juga mempelajari pengaruh laju alir larutan NaOH sebesar 0,026-0,042 liter /detik dan suhu operasi 30-70 0C. Sedangkan tekanan, laju alir gas udara, jenis dan ukuran packing serta komposisi awal CO2 (56,8%) dijaga tetap. Analisis secara fisis dan fisis-kimia dilakukan dengan suatu model mathematic untuk menentukan koefisien perpindahan massa gas-cair (kga), enhangement factor (E) dantetapan-tetapan perancangan yang lain. Koefisien –koefisien tersebut ditentukan untuk melengkapi data-data perancangan kolom absorbs CO2, yang lebih akurat dan sesuai untuk diterapkan dalam industri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa harga koefisien perpindahan massa (kga)untuk absorbs gas CO2 dengan NaOH dipengaruhi oleh laju alir cairan penyerap dan temperature. Semakin besar laju alir maka harga kga makin besar pula dan semakin tinggi temperatur makaharga kga juga semakin besar. Harga kga yang didapat berkisar antara 2,44x 10-2 sampai 5,77x 10-2 untuk variabel proses  T= 30-70 0C dan laju alir cairan 0,026 -0,042 l/detik. Sedangkan untuk Enhancement factor (E) berkisar antara 4,2156 sampai 7,1414. Kata kunci : Absorpsi, kga, Enhancement facto

    NIZO food research komt met optimalisatie

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    Droogprocessen opereren vaak suboptimaal. Dit heeft te maken met de complexe afweging van energiekosten, productkwaliteit, drogerontwerp en veiligheid. NIZO food research kan bij het vinden van oplossingen assisteren middels een stapsgewijze optimalisatieaanpak. Bij deze aanpak worden naast proces- en productscans ook simulatietechnieken gebruikt. Het blijkt dat al snel besparingen van 10-20% in de operationele kosten kunnen worden gerealiseerd. Naast sproeidrogen vinden ook droogtechnologieën zoals walsdrogen, zeolietdrogen en vriesdrogen een steeds breder toepassingsgebied

    Stagnancy in Indonesia's reformed state asset management policies and practices: a wicked problem?

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    The policies and regulations governing the practice of state asset management have emerged as an urgent question among many countries worldwide for there is heightened awareness of the complex and crucial role that state assets play in public service provision. Indonesia is an example of such country, introducing a ‘big-bang’ reform in state asset management laws, policies, regulations, and technical guidelines. Indonesia exemplified its enthusiasm in reforming state asset management policies and practices through the establishment of the Directorate General of State Assets in 2006. The Directorate General of State Assets have stressed the new direction that it is taking state asset management laws and policies through the introduction of Republic of Indonesia Law Number 38 Year 2008, which is an amended regulation overruling Republic of Indonesia Law Number 6 Year 2006 on Central/Regional Government State Asset Management. Law number 38/2008 aims to further exemplify good governance principles and puts forward a ‘the highest and best use of assets’ principle in state asset management. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze specific contributing influences to state asset management practices, answering the question why innovative state asset management policy implementation is stagnant. The methodology of this study is that of qualitative case study approach, utilizing empirical data sample of four Indonesian regional governments. Through a thematic analytical approach this study provides an in-depth analysis of each influencing factors to state asset management reform. Such analysis suggests the potential of an ‘excuse rhetoric’; whereby the influencing factors identified are a smoke-screen, or are myths that public policy makers and implementers believe in, as a means to ex-plain stagnant implementation of innovative state asset management practice. Thus this study offers deeper insights of the intricate web that influences state as-set management innovative policies to state asset management policy makers; to be taken into consideration in future policy writing