2,080 research outputs found

    Trypanosomes are monophyletic: evidence from genes for glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase and small subunit ribosomal RNA.

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    The genomes of Trypanosoma brucei, Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania major have been sequenced, but the phylogenetic relationships of these three protozoa remain uncertain. We have constructed trypanosomatid phylogenies based on genes for glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) and small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA). Trees based on gGAPDH nucleotide and amino acid sequences (51 taxa) robustly support monophyly of genus Trypanosoma, which is revealed to be a relatively late-evolving lineage of the family Trypanosomatidae. Other trypanosomatids, including genus Leishmania, branch paraphyletically at the base of the trypanosome clade. On the other hand, analysis of the SSU rRNA gene data produced equivocal results, as trees either robustly support or reject monophyly depending on the range of taxa included in the alignment. We conclude that the SSU rRNA gene is not a reliable marker for inferring deep level trypanosome phylogeny. The gGAPDH results support the hypothesis that trypanosomes evolved from an ancestral insect parasite, which adapted to a vertebrate/insect transmission cycle. This implies that the switch from terrestrial insect to aquatic leech vectors for fish and some amphibian trypanosomes was secondary. We conclude that the three sequenced pathogens, T. brucei, T. cruzi and L. major, are only distantly related and have distinct evolutionary histories

    Local availability and long-range trade: the worked stone assemblage

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    Inter disciplinary study of major excavation assemblage from Norse settlement site in Orkney. Combines methodological and typological developments with scientific discussion

    Site percolation and random walks on d-dimensional Kagome lattices

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    The site percolation problem is studied on d-dimensional generalisations of the Kagome' lattice. These lattices are isotropic and have the same coordination number q as the hyper-cubic lattices in d dimensions, namely q=2d. The site percolation thresholds are calculated numerically for d= 3, 4, 5, and 6. The scaling of these thresholds as a function of dimension d, or alternatively q, is different than for hypercubic lattices: p_c ~ 2/q instead of p_c ~ 1/(q-1). The latter is the Bethe approximation, which is usually assumed to hold for all lattices in high dimensions. A series expansion is calculated, in order to understand the different behaviour of the Kagome' lattice. The return probability of a random walker on these lattices is also shown to scale as 2/q. For bond percolation on d-dimensional diamond lattices these results imply p_c ~ 1/(q-1).Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures (EPS format), submitted to J. Phys.

    Probabilistic Analysis of Power Network Susceptibility to GICs

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    As reliance on power networks has increased over the last century, the risk of damage from geomagnetically induced currents (GICs) has become a concern to utilities. The current state of the art in GIC modelling requires significant geophysical modelling and a theoretically derived network response, but has limited empirical validation. In this work, we introduce a probabilistic engineering step between the measured geomagnetic field and GICs, without needing data about the power system topology or the ground conductivity profiles. The resulting empirical ensembles are used to analyse the TVA network (south-eastern USA) in terms of peak and cumulative exposure to 5 moderate to intense geomagnetic storms. Multiple nodes are ranked according to susceptibility and the measured response of the total TVA network is further calibrated to existing extreme value models. The probabilistic engineering step presented can complement present approaches, being particularly useful for risk assessment of existing transformers and power systems.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted for PMAPS 202

    Universal Formulae for Percolation Thresholds

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    A power law is postulated for both site and bond percolation thresholds. The formula writes pc=p0[(d1)(q1)]ad bp_c=p_0[(d-1)(q-1)]^{-a}d^{\ b}, where dd is the space dimension and qq the coordination number. All thresholds up to dd\rightarrow \infty are found to belong to only three universality classes. For first two classes b=0b=0 for site dilution while b=ab=a for bond dilution. The last one associated to high dimensions is characterized by b=2a1b=2a-1 for both sites and bonds. Classes are defined by a set of value for {p0; a}\{p_0; \ a\}. Deviations from available numerical estimates at d7d \leq 7 are within ±0.008\pm 0.008 and ±0.0004\pm 0.0004 for high dimensional hypercubic expansions at d8d \geq 8. The formula is found to be also valid for Ising critical temperatures.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 3 figures not include

    Improved Bounds on the Phase Transition for the Hard-Core Model in 2-Dimensions

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    For the hard-core lattice gas model defined on independent sets weighted by an activity λ\lambda, we study the critical activity λc(Z2)\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2) for the uniqueness/non-uniqueness threshold on the 2-dimensional integer lattice Z2\mathbb{Z}^2. The conjectured value of the critical activity is approximately 3.7963.796. Until recently, the best lower bound followed from algorithmic results of Weitz (2006). Weitz presented an FPTAS for approximating the partition function for graphs of constant maximum degree Δ\Delta when λ<λc(TΔ)\lambda<\lambda_c(\mathbb{T}_\Delta) where TΔ\mathbb{T}_\Delta is the infinite, regular tree of degree Δ\Delta. His result established a certain decay of correlations property called strong spatial mixing (SSM) on Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 by proving that SSM holds on its self-avoiding walk tree Tsawσ(Z2)T_{\mathrm{saw}}^\sigma(\mathbb{Z}^2) where σ=(σv)vZ2\sigma=(\sigma_v)_{v\in \mathbb{Z}^2} and σv\sigma_v is an ordering on the neighbors of vertex vv. As a consequence he obtained that λc(Z2)λc(T4)=1.675\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)\geq\lambda_c( \mathbb{T}_4) = 1.675. Restrepo et al. (2011) improved Weitz's approach for the particular case of Z2\mathbb{Z}^2 and obtained that λc(Z2)>2.388\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)>2.388. In this paper, we establish an upper bound for this approach, by showing that, for all σ\sigma, SSM does not hold on Tsawσ(Z2)T_{\mathrm{saw}}^\sigma(\mathbb{Z}^2) when λ>3.4\lambda>3.4. We also present a refinement of the approach of Restrepo et al. which improves the lower bound to λc(Z2)>2.48\lambda_c(\mathbb{Z}^2)>2.48.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure. Polished proofs and examples compared to earlier versio