4,060 research outputs found

    The radial abundance gradient of oxygen towards the Galactic anticentre

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    We present deep optical spectroscopy of eight HII regions located in the anticentre of the Milky Way. The spectra were obtained at the 10.4m GTC and 8.2m VLT. We determined Te([NII]) for all objects and Te([OIII]) for six of them. We also included in our analysis an additional sample of 13 inner-disc Galactic Hii regions from the literature that have excellent T_e determinations. We adopted the same methodology and atomic dataset to determine the physical conditions and ionic abundances for both samples. We also detected the CII and OII optical recombination lines in Sh 2-100, which enables determination of the abundance discrepancy factor for this object. We found that the slopes of the radial oxygen gradients defined by the HII regions from R_25 (= 11.5 kpc) to 17 kpc and those within R_25 are similar within the uncertainties, indicating the absence of flattening in the radial oxygen gradient in the outer Milky Way. In general, we found that the scatter of the O/H ratios of Hii regions is not substantially larger than the observational uncertainties. The largest possible local inhomogeneities of the oxygen abundances are of the order of 0.1 dex. We also found positive radial gradients in Te([O III]) and Te([N II]) across the Galactic disc. The shapes of these temperature gradients are similar and also consistent with the absence of flattening of the metallicity distribution in the outer Galactic disc.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    On the abundance discrepancy problem in HII regions

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    The origin of the abundance discrepancy is one of the key problems in the physics of photoionized nebula. In this work, we analize and discuss data for a sample of Galactic and extragalactic HII regions where this abundance discrepancy has been determined. We find that the abundance discrepancy factor (ADF) is fairly constant and of the order of 2 in all the available sample of HII regions. This is a rather different behaviour than that observed in planetary nebulae, where the ADF shows a much wider range of values. We do not find correlations between the ADF and the O/H, O++/H+ ratios, the ionization degree, Te(High), Te(Low)/ Te(High), FWHM, and the effective temperature of the main ionizing stars within the observational uncertainties. These results indicate that whatever mechanism is producing the abundance discrepancy in HII regions it does not substantially depend on those nebular parameters. On the contrary, the ADF seems to be slightly dependent on the excitation energy, a fact that is consistent with the predictions of the classical temperature fluctuations paradigm. Finally, we obtain that Te values obtained from OII recombination lines in HII regions are in agreement with those obtained from collisionally excited line ratios, a behaviour that is again different from that observed in planetary nebulae. These similar temperature determinations are in contradiction with the predictions of the model based on the presence of chemically inhomogeneous clumps but are consistent with the temperature fluctuations paradigm. We conclude that all the indications suggest that the physical mechanism responsible of the abundance discrepancy in HII regions and planetary nebulae are different.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Recent activity of the Be/X-ray binary system SAX J2103.5+4545

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    Aims. We present a multiwavelength study of the Be/X-ray binary system SAX J2103.5+4545 with the goal of better characterizing the transient behaviour of this source. Methods. SAX J2103.5+4545 was observed by Swift-XRT four times in 2007 from April 25 to May 5, and during quiescence in 2012 August 31. In addition, this source has been monitored from the ground-based astronomical observatories of El Teide (Tenerife, Spain), Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Spain) and Sierra Nevada (Granada, Spain) since 2011 August, and from the TUBITAK National Observatory (Antalya, Turkey) since 2009 June. We have performed spectral and photometric temporal analyses in order to investigate the different states exhibited by SAX J2103.5+4545. Results. In X-rays, an absorbed power law model provided the best fit for all the XRT spectra. An iron-line feature at ~6.42 keV was present in all the observations except for that taken during quiescence in 2012. The photon indexes are consistent with previous studies of SAX J2103.5+4545 in high/low luminosity states. Pulsations were found in all the XRT data from 2007 (2.839(2) mHz; MJD 54222.02), but not during quiescence. Both optical outbursts in 2010 and 2012 lasted for about 8/9 months (as the one in 2007 probably did and the current one in 2014 might do) and were most probably caused by mass ejection events from the Be star that eventually fed the circumstellar disc. All of these outbursts started about 3 months before the triggering of the X-ray activity, and about the same period before the maximum of the H_alpha line equivalent width (in emission) was reached at only ~ -5 \AA. In this work we found that the global correlation between the BV variability and the X-ray intensity was also observed at longer wavelengths in the IR domain.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, and online material (2 tables). Submitted to A&A in 2014 Januar

    Genotipos clonales de Trypanosoma cruzi en recien nacidos con infeccion transplacentaria

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    47 p.La enfermedad de Chagas es considerada como un problema de salud pública en muchos países por la gran cantidad de personas afectadas y la variedad de manifestaciones clínicas con que se presenta. Es por eso que desde 1991, hay iniciativas sub-regionales (América) de control de la enfermedad de Chagas, y avances en materia de diagnóstico y manejo de la infecciónenfermedad, que llevan a tomar decisiones éticas y operativas, de estructurar intervenciones programáticas para el diagnóstico, atención y tratamiento de esta enfermedad. Dado su evolución esta enfermedad cursa hacia la cronicidad en personas inmunocompetentes pasando por tres etapas (aguda, latente y crónica), pudiendo causar la muerte en diferentes etapas de la infección. Un 10% - 15% de los enfermos presentan discapacidad como consecuencia de los daños cardiacos o digestivos. Actualmente ocupa el cuarto lugar de importancia como carga de enfermedad (AVAD) en las Américas, después de las enfermedades respiratorias, las diarreas y el SIDA. Dado que no existe una vacuna eficaz para prevenir la enfermedad, las estrategias de control están focalizadas a disminuir la transmisión, principalmente vectorial, por tratarse de la forma de transmisión más importante. En este estudio se pretende identificar los diferentes genotipos clonales de T. cruzi que se puede encontrar en muestras de recién nacidos. Muchos autores afirman que existe una estrecha relación entre el clon predominante en la enfermedad y la manifestación clínica que presentará el paciente. El cual puede tener un valor importante a futuro, ya que no sólo se pesquisará la presencia del parásito en la sangre, como se realiza en forma rutinaria, sino que también se podrá identificar el clon predominante. De esta manera se logrará prevenir el daño más probable (cardiacos, esófagicos, intestinales y/o SNC) y también será posible al determinar los genotipos encontrados, el grado de transmisión del parásito y la prevalencia de la enfermedad de Chagas en embarazadas

    Faint emission lines in the Galactic H II regions M16, M20 and NGC 3603

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    We present deep echelle spectrophotometry of the Galactic {\hii} regions M16, M20 and NGC 3603. The data have been taken with the Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet-Visual Echelle Spectrograph in the 3100 to 10400 \AA range. We have detected more than 200 emission lines in each region. Physical conditions have been derived using different continuum and line intensity ratios. We have derived He+^{+}, C++^{++} and O++^{++} abundances from pure recombination lines as well as abundances from collisionally excited lines for a large number of ions of different elements. We have obtained consistent estimations of the temperature fluctuation parameter, {\ts}, using different methods. We also report the detection of deuterium Balmer lines up to Dδ\delta (M16) and to Dγ\gamma (M20) in the blue wings of the hydrogen lines, which excitation mechanism seems to be continuum fluorescence. The temperature fluctuations paradigm agree with the results obtained from optical CELs and the more uncertain ones from far IR fine structure CELs in NGC 3603, although, more observations covering the same volume of the nebula are necessary to obtain solid conclusions.Comment: 22 pages, 13 Tables, 7 Figures. Accepted for publication by MNRA