374 research outputs found

    Statistical Mechanics of finite arrays of coupled bistable elements

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    We discuss the equilibrium of a single collective variable characterizing a finite set of coupled, noisy, bistable systems as the noise strength, the size and the coupling parameter are varied. We identify distinct regions in parameter space. The results obtained in prior works in the asymptotic infinite size limit are significantly different from the finite size results. A procedure to construct approximate 1-dimensional Langevin equation is adopted. This equation provides a useful tool to understand the collective behavior even in the presence of an external driving force

    Immune Polarization in Allergic Patients: Role of the Innate Immune System

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    Allergens come into contact with the immune system as components of a very diverse mixture. The most common sources are pollen grains, food, and waste. These sources contain a variety of immunomodulatory components that play a key role in the induction of allergic sensitization. The way allergen molecules bind to the cells of the immune system can determine the immune response. In order to better understand how allergic sensitization is triggered, we review the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of allergy and the role of immunomodulators in allergen recognition by innate cells

    Bronchial Challenge With Tri a 14 as an Alternative Diagnostic Test for Baker's Asthma

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    BACKGROUND: Baker's asthma (BA) is the most prevalent occupational respiratory disease in developed countries. It is caused by inhalation of wheat dust in the working environment and affects 1%-10% of workers in the baking industry. Diagnosis of BA is based on bronchial challenge with wheat, a technique that carries a high risk for patients. The wheat lipid transfer protein Tri a 14 is a major allergen in BA. OBJECTIVE: The aim of our study was to characterize Tri a 14 as a marker of BA in order to prevent patients from having to undergo bronchial challenge with wheat. METHODS: The study population comprised 55 patients selected at the Rio Hortega Hospital, Valladolid, Spain. Patients with BA were diagnosed using a skin prick test (SPT) with wheat and Tri a 14 and bronchial challenge test (BCT) with wheat. Patients with food allergy had a clear clinical history of allergy to peach confirmed by positive SPT to peach extract and Pru p 3. RESULTS: All patients in the BA group had a positive SPT result with wheat (100%), and most had positive results with Tri a 14 (95%). A positive BCT result with Tri a 14 was also observed in 22 of 27 of the patients with BA (82%). The response to Tri a 14 was specifically associated with BA. CONCLUSION: Tri a 14 is a good marker of BA and can be used in SPT and BCT as an alternative diagnostic method, thus avoiding bronchial challenge with wheat and reducing the risk associated with this technique

    Revisión del concepto de calidad de vida que se utiliza en contextos de salud y energéticos-ambientales argentinos

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    La Calidad de Vida (CV) es un concepto complejo que intenta mostrar la perspectiva de una persona respecto a su vida. Sus componentes difieren, aún entre disciplinas con contextos y escalas semejantes. Esta revisión tiene por objetivos describir las definiciones e instrumentos para medir la CV, y el nivel de aplicación en los contextos de Salud y Energético- Ambiental, identificando en ellos sus divergencias y similitudes. Se encontraron dos definiciones diferentes de CV, y una variedad de aplicaciones e instrumentos a escala individual, social, institucional y urbana (entre otras) que no muestran un acuerdo capaz de validar comparaciones entre investigaciones que incluyan la CV. En disciplinas ambientales y energéticas la CV presenta componentes socio-urbanos-políticos, objetivamente evaluados; mientras que en salud la evaluación es subjetiva. Aunque no se completó la observación de todos sus componentes, pudo confirmarse la complejidad y baja confiabilidad comparativa de los instrumentos usados para medirla.Quality of Life (QOL) is a complex concept that attempts to show the perspective of a person about his life. Its components differ, even among disciplines with similar contexts and scales. This revision is aimed at describing the definitions and instruments to measure the QOL, and the level of implementation in the context of health and energy-environment, identifying their differences and similarities them. two different definitions of QOL were found, and a variety of applications and tools to individual, social, institutional and urban scale (among others) that do not show an agreement capable of validating research involving comparisons between the QOL. Environmental and energy fields in the QOL presents sociourban- political components, objectively evaluated; while health evaluation is subjective. While observing all its components was not completed, it could be confirmed comparative complexity and low reliability of the instruments used to measure it.Tema 12: Aspectos socioculturales y socio-económicos de la transferencia de tecnología en energías renovables. Experiencias. Metodologías.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Revisión del concepto de calidad de vida que se utiliza en contextos de salud y energéticos-ambientales argentinos

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    La Calidad de Vida (CV) es un concepto complejo que intenta mostrar la perspectiva de una persona respecto a su vida. Sus componentes difieren, aún entre disciplinas con contextos y escalas semejantes. Esta revisión tiene por objetivos describir las definiciones e instrumentos para medir la CV, y el nivel de aplicación en los contextos de Salud y Energético- Ambiental, identificando en ellos sus divergencias y similitudes. Se encontraron dos definiciones diferentes de CV, y una variedad de aplicaciones e instrumentos a escala individual, social, institucional y urbana (entre otras) que no muestran un acuerdo capaz de validar comparaciones entre investigaciones que incluyan la CV. En disciplinas ambientales y energéticas la CV presenta componentes socio-urbanos-políticos, objetivamente evaluados; mientras que en salud la evaluación es subjetiva. Aunque no se completó la observación de todos sus componentes, pudo confirmarse la complejidad y baja confiabilidad comparativa de los instrumentos usados para medirla.Quality of Life (QOL) is a complex concept that attempts to show the perspective of a person about his life. Its components differ, even among disciplines with similar contexts and scales. This revision is aimed at describing the definitions and instruments to measure the QOL, and the level of implementation in the context of health and energy-environment, identifying their differences and similarities them. two different definitions of QOL were found, and a variety of applications and tools to individual, social, institutional and urban scale (among others) that do not show an agreement capable of validating research involving comparisons between the QOL. Environmental and energy fields in the QOL presents sociourban- political components, objectively evaluated; while health evaluation is subjective. While observing all its components was not completed, it could be confirmed comparative complexity and low reliability of the instruments used to measure it.Tema 12: Aspectos socioculturales y socio-económicos de la transferencia de tecnología en energías renovables. Experiencias. Metodologías.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    A fibrin coating method of polypropylene meshes enables the adhesion of menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells: a new delivery strategy for stem cell-based therapies

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    Polypropylene (PP) mesh is well-known as a gold standard of all prosthetic materials of choice for the reinforcement of soft tissues in case of hernia, organ prolapse, and urinary incontinence. The adverse effects that follow surgical mesh implantation remain an unmet medical challenge. Herein, it is outlined a new approach to allow viability and adhesion of human menstrual blood-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MenSCs) on PP surgical meshes. A multilayered fibrin coating, based on fibrinogen and thrombin from a commercial fibrin sealant, was optimized to guarantee a homogeneous and stratified film on PP mesh. MenSCs were seeded on the optimized fibrin-coated meshes and their adhesion, viability, phenotype, gene expression, and immunomodulatory capacity were fully evaluated. This coating guaranteed MenSC viability, adhesion and did not trigger any change in their stemness and inflammatory profile. Additionally, MenSCs seeded on fibrin-coated meshes significantly decreased CD4+ and CD8+ T cell proliferation, compared to in vitro stimulated lymphocytes (p < 0.0001). Hence, the proposed fibrin coating for PP surgical meshes may allow the local administration of stromal cells and the reduction of the exacerbated inflammatory response following mesh implantation surgery. Reproducible and easy to adapt to other cell types, this method undoubtedly requires a multidisciplinary and translational approach to be improved for future clinical uses.This work was supported by: SANTANDER BANK: “Convenio de colaboración empresarial en actividades de interés general” to F.M.; FUNDAÇÃO PARA A CIÊNCIA E A TECNOLOGIA (FCT): post-doctoral contract CEECIND/01026/2018 to J.M.S.; INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCIII): a “PFIS” contract (FI19/00041) to M.Á.P., a “Sara Borrell” grant (CD19/00048) to E.L.; a “Miguel Servet I” grant (MS17/00021), co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) “Investing in your future”, and projects CP17/00021 and PI18/0911, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “A way to make Europe” to J.G.C.; a “CIBERCV” grant (CB16/11/00494), co-funded by the ERDF to F.M.S.-M; JUNTA DE EXTREMADURA, CONSEJERÍA DE ECONOMÍA, CIENCIA Y AGENDA DIGITAL: project IB20184 (co-funded by ERDF) to E.L. and M.P.; grant GR18199, co-funded by the ERDF, to F.M.S.-M.; contracts TA18054 to I.J. and TA18011 to J.J.L. (cofinanced by FEDER)

    Análisis de la intimidación y acoso experimentado por estudiantes de Enfermería de cuarto curso durante sus prácticas clínicas

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    [ES]FUNDAMENTOS // Los estudiantes de Enfermería, con su inexperiencia y el desafío frecuente de encontrarse con nuevos entornos, son un grupo potencialmente vulnerable para sufrir intimidación y acoso en el ámbito del trabajo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la intimidación y/o acoso padecidos por los estudiantes de Enfermería durante sus prácticas clínicas. MÉTODOS // Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en la Universidad de León. La población a estudio fueron los estudiantes del Grado en Enfermería de cuarto curso. El instrumento de medida fue un cuestionario que constó de 24 items y que se aprobó por el Comité de Ética de la Universidad. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba de chi-cuadrado, t de Student y la U de Mann Whitney. RESULTADOS // Se observó una prevalencia del 26,5% (n=83) de estudiantes que sufrieron episodios de intimidación y/o acoso; los estudiantes de menor edad padecieron estos hechos por parte de los médicos, pacientes y familiares y/o acompañantes en mayor medida. Esto produjo un impacto en su bienestar psicológico e hizo que se sintieran deprimidos, humillados e incapaces, lo que afectó negativamente al nivel de atención prestado a los pacientes. CONCLUSIONES // El problema global estudiado presenta una prevalencia inferior a la obtenida en otros trabajos llevados a cabo en el resto del mundo. Como consecuencia, existe un impacto en el bienestar psicológico de los estudiantes que afecta a su nivel de atención en las tareas que están llevando a cabo y a su forma de trabajar con los demás. PALABRAS CLAVE // Acoso escolar; Salud mental; Enseñanza de Enfermería; Estudiantes de Enfermería; Practicas clínicas; Violencia laboral.S

    2D-Tasks for Cognitive Rehabilitation

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    Neuropsychological Rehabilitation is a complex clinic process which tries to restore or compensate cognitive and behavioral disorders in people suffering from a central nervous system injury. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Biomedical Engineering play an essential role in this field, allowing improvement and expansion of present rehabilitation programs. This paper presents a set of cognitive rehabilitation 2D-Tasks for patients with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI). These tasks allow a high degree of personalization and individualization in therapies, based on the opportunities offered by new technologies