28 research outputs found

    De lo real a lo imaginario. Aproximación a la flora ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro

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    “From the real to the imagery” is the translation of the project’s title we present in this paper. Our main goal is the study of the Iberian Iron Age flora from several points of view in order to come close to the use and the simbolism of plants among the ancient societies, specially the Iberian Culture. The method we use is a combination of a paleobotanical approach, based on palinology, anthracology and paleocarpology, together with an iconographic one. Then, we record all the representations of plants on pottery, stone sculpture, metallic objects and coins. All these data are catalogued taking in to account the context and chronology of the archaeological remains we are dealing with. The aim of this research project is to create a database of the used and known plants among the Iberians, to reconstruct the possible uses (“the real”) and the images of plants represented on the artefacts (“the imagery”). This paper offers preliminary results of our method by presenting an analytical example based on two species: the poppy (Papaver sp.) and the palm tree (Phoenix datylifera L.).“De lo real a lo imaginario” es el título de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es hacer un estudio de la flora de los iberos desde distintos puntos de vista con el fin de aproximarnos al uso y simbolismo de las plantas por parte de las sociedades antiguas. Para ello se va a combinar una visión estrictamente paleobotánica, basada en estudios palinológicos, antracológicos y paleocarpológicos, con la iconográfica, recogiendo todas las representaciones de plantas que aparecen en cerámica, escultura en piedra, objetos metálicos y monedas. Todos los datos se catalogan teniendo en cuenta su contexto y cronología. Con ello se pretende elaborar un catálogo de plantas conocidas y utilizadas, en diferentes contextos, con todos los usos posibles (lo real) y las imágenes de plantas recogidas en diversos soportes (lo imaginario). Como ejemplo, se presenta el estudio realizado sobre dos plantas: la adormidera (Papaver sp.) y la palmera (Phoenix datylifera L.)

    Post-2020 climate agreements in the major economies assessed in the light of global models

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    Integrated assessment models can help in quantifying the implications of international climate agreements and regional climate action. This paper reviews scenario results from model intercomparison projects to explore different possible outcomes of post-2020 climate negotiations, recently announced pledges and their relation to the 2 °C target. We provide key information for all the major economies, such as the year of emission peaking, regional carbon budgets and emissions allowances. We highlight the distributional consequences of climate policies, and discuss the role of carbon markets for financing clean energy investments, and achieving efficiency and equity