116,334 research outputs found

    Ground-based 1- to 32-microns observations of ARP 220: Evidence for a dust-embedded AGN?

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    New observations of the 10 and 20 micron size of the emission region in Arp 220 are presented. Also given are ground based photometry from 1 to 32 micron including measurements of the strength of the silicate feature at 10 micron. The results show that the 20 micron size of Arp is smaller than 1.5 arcsec (500 pc); comparison of IRAS and ground based observations show that IRAS 12 micron flux measured with a large arcmin beam is the same as that seen from the ground with a 3 arcsec aperture. At 10 micron a deep silicate absorption feature is seen that corresponds to a visual extinction of about 50 mag. These results suggest that a very significant portion of the 10 to the 12th power L sub 0 infrared luminosity from Arp 220 comes from a region less than or of the order of 500 pc in diameter. When these results are combined with recent measurement of a broad Brackett alpha line by DePoy and an unresolved 2.2 micron source by Neugebauer, Matthews and Scoville, a very attractive possibility for the primary luminosity source Arp 220 is a dust embedded compact Seyfert type nucleus

    Addition of Sodium Bicarbonate to Irrigation Solution May Assist in Dissolution of Uric Acid Fragments During Ureteroscopy

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    Introduction: We hypothesized that adding sodium bicarbonate (bicarb) to normal saline (NS) irrigation during ureteroscopy in patients with uric acid (UA) nephrolithiasis may assist in dissolving small stone fragments produced during laser lithotripsy. In vitro testing was performed to determine whether dissolution of UA fragments could be accomplished within 1 hour. Materials and Methods: In total 100% UA renal calculi were fragmented, filtered, and separated by size. Fragment sizes were <0.5 mm and 0.5 to 1 mm. Similar amounts of stone material were agitated in solution at room temperature. Four solutions were tested (NS, NS +1 ampule bicarb/L, NS +2, NS +3). Both groups were filtered to remove solutions after fixed periods. Filtered specimens were dried and weighed. Fragment dissolution rates were calculated as percent removed per hour. Additional testing was performed to determine whether increasing the temperature of solution affected dissolution rates. Results: For fragments <0.5 mm, adding 2 or 3 bicarb ampules/L NS produced a dissolution rate averaging 91% ± 29% per hour. This rate averaged 226% faster than NS alone. With fragments 0.5 to 1 mm, addition of 2 or 3 bicarb ampules/L NS yielded a dissolution rate averaging 22% ± 7% per hour, which was nearly five times higher than NS alone. There was a trend for an increase in mean dissolution rate with higher temperature but this increase was not significant (p = 0.30). Conclusions: The addition of bicarbonate to NS more than doubles the dissolution rate of UA stone fragments and fragments less than 0.5 mm can be completely dissolved within 1 hour. Addition of bicarb to NS irrigation is a simple and inexpensive approach that may assist in the dissolution of UA fragments produced during ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy. Further studies are needed to determine whether a clinical benefit exists

    Theory of Feshbach molecule formation in a dilute gas during a magnetic field ramp

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    Starting with coupled atom-molecule Boltzmann equations, we develop a simplified model to understand molecule formation observed in recent experiments. Our theory predicts several key features: (1) the effective adiabatic rate constant is proportional to density; (2) in an adiabatic ramp, the dependence of molecular fraction on magnetic field resembles an error function whose width and centroid are related to the temperature; (3) the molecular production efficiency is a universal function of the initial phase space density, the specific form of which we derive for a classical gas. Our predictions show qualitative agreement with the data from [Hodby et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf{94}}, 120402 (2005)] without the use of adjustable parameters

    Two-micron spectrophotometry of the galaxy NGC 253

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    A very strong Brackett-gamma hydrogen emission line, and the 2.3 micron CO stellar absorption feature were measured in NGC 253. The presence and strength of the CO feature indicates that late type giant stars produce most of the 2.2 micron continuum emission, while the rate of ionization implied by strength of the Brackett-gamma line indicates that much, perhaps all, of the luminosity detected at far infrared wavelengths originates from a large number of OB stars. As compared to the corresponding region of the Galaxy, the number of massive young stars in the central 200 pc of NGC 253 is thirty times greater, but the total mass of stars is roughly the same

    Vortex Fluctuations in the Critical Casimir Effect of Superfluid and Superconducting Films

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    Vortex-loop renormalization techniques are used to calculate the magnitude of the critical Casimir forces in superfluid films. The force is found to become appreciable when size of the thermal vortex loops is comparable to the film thickness, and the results for T < Tc are found to match very well with perturbative renormalization theories that have only been carried out for T > Tc. When applied to a high-Tc superconducting film connected to a bulk sample, the Casimir force causes a voltage difference to appear between the film and bulk, and estimates show that this may be readily measurable.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, Revtex 4, typo correctio

    Viscometric and misting properties of polymer-modified fuel

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    Solutions of polyisobutylenes L160, L200, B200, and B230 in Jet-A were prepared at concentrations up to 3000 ppm. These polymers have molecular weights in the range 5 to 9 x 1,00,000 and have previously been shown to induce anti-misting properties in Jet-A. In connection with the pumpability of such solutions, especially at low temperatures, the shear viscosity, eta, of these solutions was measured at temperatures 25 C, 0 C, and -25 C. Concentration-dependence of eta was very similar for all four polymer solutes, the increase of eta(c) at 3000 ppm being roughly four-fold (relative to Jet-A) for the L-series and five-fold for the B-series. This behavior prevailed at all temperatures, and there was no evidence of phase separation or other chemical instability at -25 C at any concentration. In the more practical c-range for anti-misting applications, say within 1000 ppm, the increase of eta(c) was only twofold
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