22 research outputs found

    Probability distribution of Majorana end-state energies in disordered wires

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    One-dimensional topological superconductors harbor Majorana bound states at their ends. For superconducting wires of finite length L, these Majorana states combine into fermionic excitations with an energy ϵ0\epsilon_0 that is exponentially small in L. Weak disorder leaves the energy splitting exponentially small, but affects its typical value and causes large sample-to-sample fluctuations. We show that the probability distribution of ϵ0\epsilon_0 is log normal in the limit of large L, whereas the distribution of the lowest-lying bulk energy level ϵ1\epsilon_1 has an algebraic tail at small ϵ1\epsilon_1. Our findings have implications for the speed at which a topological quantum computer can be operated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Spin Accumulation in Diffusive Conductors with Rashba and Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Interaction

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    We calculate the electrically induced spin accumulation in diffusive systems due to both Rashba (with strength α)\alpha) and Dresselhaus (with strength β)\beta) spin-orbit interaction. Using a diffusion equation approach we find that magnetoelectric effects disappear and that there is thus no spin accumulation when both interactions have the same strength, α=±β\alpha=\pm \beta. In thermodynamically large systems, the finite spin accumulation predicted by Chaplik, Entin and Magarill, [Physica E {\bf 13}, 744 (2002)] and by Trushin and Schliemann [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 75}, 155323 (2007)] is recovered an infinitesimally small distance away from the singular point α=±β\alpha=\pm \beta. We show however that the singularity is broadened and that the suppression of spin accumulation becomes physically relevant (i) in finite-sized systems of size LL, (ii) in the presence of a cubic Dresselhaus interaction of strength γ\gamma, or (iii) for finite frequency measurements. We obtain the parametric range over which the magnetoelectric effect is suppressed in these three instances as (i) αβ1/mL|\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssim 1/mL, (ii)αβγpF2|\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssim \gamma p_{\rm F}^2, and (iii) |\alpha|-|\beta| \lesssiM \sqrt{\omega/m p_{\rm F}\ell} with \ell the elastic mean free path and pFp_{\rm F} the Fermi momentum. We attribute the absence of spin accumulation close to α=±β\alpha=\pm \beta to the underlying U (1) symmetry. We illustrate and confirm our predictions numerically

    Measurement of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit magnetic fields

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    Spin-orbit coupling is a manifestation of special relativity. In the reference frame of a moving electron, electric fields transform into magnetic fields, which interact with the electron spin and lift the degeneracy of spin-up and spin-down states. In solid-state systems, the resulting spin-orbit fields are referred to as Dresselhaus or Rashba fields, depending on whether the electric fields originate from bulk or structure inversion asymmetry, respectively. Yet, it remains a challenge to determine the absolute value of both contributions in a single sample. Here we show that both fields can be measured by optically monitoring the angular dependence of the electrons' spin precession on their direction of movement with respect to the crystal lattice. Furthermore, we demonstrate spin resonance induced by the spin-orbit fields. We apply our method to GaAs/InGaAs quantum-well electrons, but it can be used universally to characterise spin-orbit interactions in semiconductors, facilitating the design of spintronic devices

    Spin-dephasing anisotropy for electrons in a diffusive quasi-1D GaAs wire

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    We present a numerical study of dephasing of electron spin ensembles in a diffusive quasi-one-dimensional GaAs wire due to the D'yakonov-Perel' spin-dephasing mechanism. For widths of the wire below the spin precession length and for equal strength of Rashba and linear Dresselhaus spin-orbit fields a strong suppression of spin-dephasing is found. This suppression of spin-dephasing shows a strong dependence on the wire orientation with respect to the crystal lattice. The relevance for realistic cases is evaluated by studying how this effect degrades for deviating strength of Rashba and linear Dresselhaus fields, and with the inclusion of the cubic Dresselhaus term

    Side jump contribution to spin-orbit mediated Hall effects and Berry curvature

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    Anomalous Hall effect and spin Hall effect originate due to spin-orbit coupling that in the Kohn-Luttinger kp{\bf k}\cdot{\bf p} formalism is represented by anomalous terms in the coordinate and velocity operators. Relation of these operators to the Berry curvature in the momentum space is presented for electrons in GaAs type semiconductors. For centrosymmetric semiconductors, transformational properties of Berry curvature are discussed.Comment: 4 pages. Accepted for a special issue of Fiz. Tech. Semicond. (Semiconductors, StPetersburg) dedicated to Vladimir I. Pere

    Spin-spin coupling in electrostatically coupled quantum dots

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    We study the spin-spin coupling between two single-electron quantum dots due to the Coulomb and spin-orbit interactions, in the absence of tunneling between the dots. We find an anisotropic XY spin-spin interaction that is proportional to the Zeeman splitting produced by the external magnetic field. This interaction is studied both in the limit of weak and strong Coulomb repulsion with respect to the level spacing of the dot. The interaction is found to be a nonmonotonic function of interdot distance a(0) and external magnetic field and, moreover, vanishes for some special values of a(0) and/or magnetic field orientation. This mechanism thus provides a new way to generate and tune spin interaction between quantum dots. We propose a scheme to measure this spin-spin interaction based on the spin-relaxation-measurement technique